Tag Archives: Parenting Dilemmas

What I have learned since becoming a parent

Becoming a parent is a culture shock but a miracle at the same time and I have learned the power of the body and what it can do, which is producing another human being. We as women and men should celebrate that.

I think we don’t give ourselves enough credit as parents and still think “Am I doing the right thing?” and my son is breathing and loves playing different sports and is full of beans, so we, Henry’s dad, my mum and step dad, along with other friends and family who have helped, haven’t done a bad job.

It is good to have others, like other parents support hence why I started this blog.

Sometimes you have to improvise, like Henry wanted to have a score board for when he plays football, and watches a lot of sky sports at the moment and used word to create one, but in doing that I learned to let him find things on his own, within reason, because he found a live scoreboard, and have no idea of how he found one, but kids, and this another thing I have learned, will use their initiative and build their knowledge and understanding. I do monitor on what he watches on his table, as there are videos that attract kids but aren’t child friendly, like eating challenges and sports.

They will copy so you do have to be vigilant, and letting go, as when they get older they will start to move away which is hard to think about, but for them to be independent you do have to allow more freedom and unwrap the cotton wool, that we often can put around them.

My son is now ten years old and thinking about his development, being that he has development delay and ADHD, it is challenging, but working with him instead of for him and on his own, depending on what it is, is a better strategy because it helps him to work with others, and when it is right for him to do things for himself.

It can take time in knowing about how to communicate to your child as it is unique to each child, because some children can have fear in talking, and not share what they understand.

You can’t see into their minds only what you observe and what they tell you at times. With my son he still won’t tell me what he did at school, and has to be prompted. I was the same, I just wanted to forget school because I struggled with it and I am not a qualified teacher, so have had to learn on my own what works and doesn’t.

I have learned that when it comes to shopping to have him push the trolley with me, otherwise he will put up a fuss in the middle of the supermarket and I am glad that he wants to be responsible, and stop him picking up bits we don’t need, as it could be very expensive shop, and doesn’t like it when I check out the clothes. Is he being a typical boy?

He is in bed being the morning and his sleeping habits have changed, he will sleep in more now and kids change a lot, as they grow and is hard to keep up.

So, I hope you like this blog and thank you to those who have subscribed to this blog site and please check out my Pinterest where you can follow me too, and have lots of my content and I do post on Instagram, Facebook and twitter too:

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Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

When kids get fussy over what they want to wear

The idea of this blog came about when watching this video by Emily Norris, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xf1b3mWP6o

My son is very fussy when it comes to clothes. He won’t wear anything that has a hood. So because of that it can be hard to find a coat or a jacket, and bought a water proof jacket because we lost his coat on the train and was one that had a removable hood, and will not wear the one I bought, and didn’t think about when buying it. The nearest item to a jacket with no hood he will wear, is a body warmer which was from Trespass, via Amazon.

So when buying a coat, if they don’t like hoods then look for one with a removable hood or a bodywarmer making sure they have insulated tops, like a jumper and long sleeved tops, as he will often no matter what, even if it doesn’t have a hood, wear a coat or jacket.

He doesn’t like Polo shirts, and so will only wear his ones for school but non other, and we really have to convince him to wear them, and he looks so smart in them, and great for all year round, but he is not a fan.

I now let him choose what he wants to wear, and have his clothes laid out so he can grab them and put them on. The same with socks and pants.

Have some fun with clothes, as my youngest niece liked to wear pretend princess dresses and there was a little girl at a Swimming class my son goes too, was wearing a princess dress after swimming. I like to dress me and my son in the same thing. It really helps him get dressed and ready for the day. My son never really liked fancy dress, but not so bad now, as he loves dressing up for Halloween and World Book day, which is today as I write this blog, but his school he is at now, the children didn’t dress up, and if they don’t want to be in it all day, then put on underneath, other clothes or pack some spare clothes from them to change into.

I also like to go through his clothes so anything that he will like wearing, but not worn for while get them out of his wardrobe to wear, and won’t wear slippers, and he will tell us now if he wants to keep his socks on, and won’t wear sandals, so will make sure that he has pair of trainers and is wearing ankle socks so in the summer he feet doesn’t get too hot and be in barefoot if it is okay for him to do so and get his feet measured, and he likes to wear his school shoes daily if his trainers need cleaning or changing.

Kids choices will change as they grow, and so will buy clothes for the next age that I know he will wear and keep some polo shirts he has to see if he will change his mind and shop with them and let them choose clothes to buy, when you go shopping and give them a budget of how much they can spend, and will help with waste and get use out of their clothes, and going to keep his fleeces to see if another child they may fit will wear them, or sell or donate.

Thank you for those who follow this blog, it really means the world to me and welcome to those who are new, and I hope your kids are having fun with World Book day and there are more blogs to come.

I also have Youtube channels now so if you’d like to check them out then please click on these links:




Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Getting kids to eat their food and enjoy it

As a kid myself I was super fussy and couldn’t have food touching each other on a plate and there were lots I didn’t eat. This changed as I got older but could be hard work as I liked plain food and wouldn’t eat a lot of chocolate which is good but would eat crisps.

Photo by August de Richelieu on Pexels.com

When I would go round to a friends houses I would feel anxious about having a meal and felt this inner dread in case it was something I didn’t like, but didn’t want to appear ungrateful. Thankfully my son likes many foods. He did go off vegetables and when it came to a sandwich like, Ham he would take it out and just eat the bread. Yet he has tasted curries, not the shop but the food, and Chinese, and wasn’t overly keen but gave it a try.

Cooking a meal together can help, and I showed a cookery book on Youtube and got a lot of views and so check it out: https://youtu.be/zMu_MGX5uBc

Now he will eat vegetables, but he is obsessed with chocolate and so had to limit his in take and really trying to not allow too much snacking, but still make nice meals and a variety.

Teaching kids to cook can be so beneficial and he likes to get involved and we do have weekly favourites, but no longer restricted and just put it on their plate even if they don’t touch it, as their taste buds can change, and along as they are drinking and eating something is important. I think it can stress us up when they are fussy and you feel mean when to persuade its good and they point blank push it away.

I had times I’d have to take 5 minutes to leave the room, when my son would cry and refuse. So would use meals like sausage and mash and blend it down and same with roast dinners and then he was fine, and making your own food can save you a lot of money.

Porridge with banana or Weetabix, or baby yogurts can be great for breakfasts and keep it simple as they begin to wean.

Take note of the meals they like and didn’t, along with allergies and if out and you are worried about then bring some food with you and if eating out check prior to going of the food they serve and if they do a kids menu.

Thank you for reading,

Carrie X

Taking a break

Check out my blog: https://everyonecanbuildacastle.com, and I am taking a break from my blogs to build other areas to build my content, like continuing to vlog for my main Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@typicallondongal, and other channels:



I am working a few new books, and have books on amazon that I have written,

And so written fiction books too, Mum&Me, The Lonely walk to happiness.

I will be back and checkout all my blog sites and Social Media:














Link for my Pinterest:

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I will be back in March 2024, and will still be posting my cheat sheets: My First Cheat Sheet to help plan your week and get the kids ready to go back to school and Second Cheat sheet

Many thanks,

Carrie X

Another Child kicking off and Another Mum telling him off

So just been for a walk with my son, as he was getting restless and it had stopped raining, and walking back he wanted to go back the way we came, but to have a good walk, I wanted to walk around the park and go the back way home.

Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels.com

As he is kicking off, I notice a man watching giving me looks, as he is walking ahead and I am like in my head as I see him whilst I trying to control my son, like “Yes another child kicking off and another mum telling him off, trying to calm him down, so I don’t need you giving me the evils”.

In the end he was fine, and all was okay, but what is it with people like him. He was a kid once, and I get it, some people don’t like kids, or judging because I am yes “I am a mum, with a child who doesn’t want to do as he is told”.

I know I should ignore but I can’t help but say something. I feel that I am speaking for majority of parents here, and that is, “Kids will kick off”.

We can only do our best, but again people forget, kids will express themselves and it wasn’t a really long walk, just enough so my son and I could get some exercise. However In then end it was fine and very quiet, but like that guy, stop judging and giving parents the evils, and never forget you were a kid, and that will be an issue as a parent.

You can’t always please our kids, but parent them so they know that you are only trying to look out for them and not by any means trying to upset them.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

When Kids get tired but don’t want to go to bed

Oh yes it is a tricky business. Now this is not to gloat as why would I do that? Henry when he was a baby would sleep well and we never had that many issues, and would sleep through the night, but he began to wake up super early, and I hoped this would change, but no.

When he would get sick he would often just want to sleep, and so he is pretty good but would need more comforting as when he would nap in the afternoon would wake up super grumpy and so would read to him which he found soothing or a song he liked at the time, Only You by The Flying Picketts and he would then be okay.

He would get overtired and so would begin to start fussing and chucking things, and when he was a lot younger would around 6pm be unsettled and want to be held, and so we created a ritual, so dimmed the lights, put the heating on, bath him and play lullaby music and blow bubbles but made it nice and peaceful, making sure he was well fed and was recommended this book, talking to a mum on the bus and worked like a treat.

We didn’t put him too early or too late, and weaning helped also, because we were able to cut down on milk and was a relief not doing a late feed, because he would be wide a week, so was good to just let him sleep.

Now he is 9 he will stay up a bit later, he goes to bed between 8:30 to 9:30, and so often I have to scrape him off from the sofa as he likes cuddles with me before bedtime , and he will go to the toilet, brush his teeth and then I will read a book and goes out like a light.

When they have so much energy kids they, which I didn’t know can have a energy spurt before bedtime and when you think they are tired they jump up and want to play with their balloon, play tennis or cricket, and I am like “No not now” so what I do to prevent this is make sure he has uses up all his energy by being super active and productive during the day and it is simply having a kick about as this helps me too to stay active or rugby, go for walks in the morning, do a bit of learning and do some activities in the day, like painting, gardening with my mum, last weekend we took him to the Ninja Warrior Adventure park in Guildford as it was my nieces birthday and Sunday we went to a local festive called Pub in the Park and so good, and I have filmed it so a weekend in a life coming soon on my Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@typicallondongal

We have cut down on Screen time as this can have an affect and today I listened to a good podcast, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVGlEU_ueAw she talks about cutting down on screen time and it has made a difference because he would rely on it and he can sleep for a good 6 to 9 hours all through the night now so yes worth trying.

Blackout curtains can help along with double glazing windows, and a bright light if they can’t sleep in darkness, a cuddly toy to give comfort and fresh bedding.

Then there is bed wetting. This has been a challenge and we have had some recent bedwetting issues, and as they grow it can continue to be a hurdle when it comes to bedtime. I do limit how much my son drinks in the evenings as he still has the odd accident, but is getting better.

I never knew that toilet training could take so long and he went on his first residential trip last month, but couldn’t stay over because of using toilet and because of him finding his way back to the pods they were staying in. He is soon to be going to his third school because his first one couldn’t meet with his learning difficulties and so was given a place at the school he is now, but they think that he needs to be in an even more of a specialised school and I am nervous about it. With toilet issue it is important that he has easy access to these facilities and can easily go without fuss. We do pack spare pants just in case but like I say things have begun to improve and he will not wait until the last minute which is what he was initially doing.

I do hope it doesn’t affect his development, and he does dream, and this has been a challenging in terms of bedtime as he will wake up startled some nights, and he talks in his sleep and make sure that he has enough air and is properly tucked in. I avoid snacks in the evening and make sure he has a good fulfilling dinner and he will have a bath or shower, with the occasional wash and this does help him settle and he will in part of the evening sit with us and have quiet time.

So I hope this helps you, thank you for liking my blogs on this site and for subscribing, it really means a lot and if you have topics regarding parenting that you’d like me to talk about then please leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Bath time tantrums

My son’s mixed emotions about baths has changed a lot and there was a time where he wouldn’t sit in the bath and didn’t like his dad giving him a bath only me. I remember when he kept having bad diarrhoea that I would have to hose him down and it was very traumatic and felt so guilty but at the time it was the only option and toilet roll and wipes wouldn’t cut it.

This wasn’t when he was a baby, but around about 3 to 4 years old when he could stand in the bath, but making them fun he loved them again and would ask if he could have one and he would not want to get out.

Now he is older its not about him not wanting a bath or shower, its because he wants to continue to play and do his own thing, and he loves showers and being hosed down by the shower head and yesterday he had a bath as a change, because he is having swimming lessons on Saturday’s and one of the mums, who first taught Henry to swim gave me a tip on giving him a bath to help him practicing kicking his feet. The is the thing he loves swimming because he likes to go under water and float and then do some jumps., but when it comes to bath or shower he will lay on the floor and say he hates baths and having a shower.

He prefers a wash, with a flannel and water from the sink, which I do on some occasions but I want him to be properly clean. He did in the end enjoy the bath and he practiced and kicking his feet. I know it is him standing his ground so I try not to get cross, but it can be a challenge.

The first bath he ever had when he first came home was a challenge, we did practice when he was in the hospital before then, but it is very different from being in the hospital to having a bath at home and it was a nightmare and wrote about it in my first ever blog on this site: https://theparentingadventurestipsandtricks.wordpress.com/2013/12/19/the-parenting-adventures-begin/

Then after that we did get used to it, and did get the water right and would bath in a little bath in the living room where it was the warmest and he began to love them, and doing baby massage I would recommend a doing a class, because it helped us, he loved being bathed and being changed.

I don’t make a deep bath, but I will sit on the toilet with the toilet seat down and allow him to soak and I find it relaxing just allowing me time to just sit and be with my thoughts until he is ready to come out,and good to talk about what he did for the day. He does have a bath with his dads and protests but I know this is a phase and not going to be long term.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X


Going back to school

This week it has been half term, if you did’t know , its a yearly holiday that is a week in February. Check out latest day in a life video: https://youtu.be/Kx5LEyZCLqs

Photo by Yan Krukau on Pexels.com

We visited a few of our favourite places and yesterday spent time with my brothers family and my son when to a holiday club called Youngstars, so he could be with other children still and because he likes interacting with other children.

I have a week to myself this first week back to school, but usually I would be planning my days to be at my son’s home where he lives with his dad to wait for him to return from school and fit in some homework, play and make his dinner.

Check out these tips to help make life easier as our kids return to school:

Tip#1: if you are two parent family then see if you can swap or have a routine like me and my son’s dad has, so he waits with my son to be picked up to go to school and I wait at his house where his dad lives, to return from school, because of the distance. We make sure hand over when my son’s dad returns home from work, before I set off to go back to where I live in Wimbledon and plan weekends for my son to stay with me and spend time together then too.

Tip#2: If you have a bath and have one or more kids still in infant school, bath them together depending on age, of course if you have teenagers probably not, but if they are infants then this saves on water costs and time.

Tip#3: Have bags labelled with their names and do a list for each child and have a changing station,and have them help each other to get dressed and to wake them up why not do some dancing. My son loved it when we would do this, and really helps their mind and ready for the day. So this not really just after half term but this can help with the half term blues.

Tip#4: Anything you can get done the night before take advantage of this and have their lunches, if they have packed lunch, ready, along with spare clothing as some children can still have accidents along with their shoes and coats.

Tip#4: Have different bag, one for half term like a beach bag and one for the return of school as like me I carry less when my son returns to school, compared to when he is on holiday and I often do this at the weekends, and have a separate list of your own for when your kids return to school.

I really hope these tips help you and remember if you want to be kept up to date with my blogs then press follow and if you like this blog, click like, so I know that these blogs have helped you and made your life easier. That is what you need as a parent.

I also share content on my Pinterest check it out:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X


Feeling Anxious When you children starts school

So it is coming up to Christmas, but it also coming up to check schools out to choose where you want your children to go if they are due to start school he following September and first school year. I felt anxious because Henry had a time where if he saw a gate open or a door, he would go through it and run off and it really caused me to have anxiety over it and so the security of a school was very important and so go through any queries you have before you visit so you know what to ask, if this is a worry for you too.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

The other thing is the school values and if they do what they say. Henry has development delay and so needs 1 to 1 support, but because he was behind due to this they in the end couldn’t cater for him when initially said because of their values they would but didn’t and Henry had to go to a different school to continue to get extra learning support and so, if your child has development problems and need 1 to 1 support, find out how they will support your child, and how they will cater to their needs.

When it comes choosing schools do look at the Ofsted report, and if you live far from the school find out by your local authority if they can provide transport. My son gets a free taxi to and from school because of the distance and because his previous school working with the local authority could provide this to us.

The other thing that you may have anxious feelings about, is if your child transitions to school routine, and so ask about what your child will be learning when they start and what is the learning method and if it will suit your child and if they do a moving up day, it is worth going. Henry at first was super anxious and that made me feel it too, and so in the holidays before he started helped him to get excited about it and go through all the good things they will be doing and keep talking about it and how they will make a lot more friends and learn new things.

Then there is food. When in the first two years in the UK children can get free meals up until year 2 and have to start paying from year 3. This however may change but worth asking and what food they serve. Henry at his school he going to now, told me that Henry wasn’t eating his lunch, and so would be super hungry when he came home, and so check if the food that child will eat, if not ask if they are able to bring in their own, and have a packed lunch.

Will they cater to your child’s diet if your child has any allergies to food and ask will the food meet your child’s dietary requirements, as they should cater for all, because of discrimination and if the child eats food for religious purposes.

So I hope these tips help you and chat with other parents you know that can give you support and advice, and raise your concerns, as it is about your child having a good education and that your child gets so much out of it.

Please remember that I also do parenting videos on my Youtube channel and so check them out via this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUDFIqjVKLy7NhtcR6Hy0Tg

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Typical London Gal

Getting ready for the Summer Holidays

So once again it is near to the UK Summer Holidays and so my son last week of school and so it is planning on what to do.

I have booked for my son to do some swimming and then softplay, then it is trips to London and going to the park and see if I can get him a lunch box and make him a proper packed lunch ready for the holidays. We are getting a lot of hot weather and piping hot, and so don’t want to be outdoors all of the time, but going out in the coolest part of the day.

I bought a suncream from Wilkos, a child’s one and is Skin Therapy factor 50 and so far impressed as he had not got burned and so I am going to buy a few more and means getting presents for my son’s teachers too, as one of my son’s teachers are leaving the school and so will be looking for some nice presents.

I know there has been debates on should you do a gift for the teachers? I think it is a must because they looking after your child and so it just is a nice gesture and is giving back.

I am not sure of what to buy, but I think some flowers and a card. It is tricky knowing what they’d appreciate but something simple like flowers is a nice thing. I could buy chocolates but with the heat probably not a good idea but will use my head to give something. Henry has his mainstream teacher and his one to one, because he has learning difficulties and so he gets one to one support, and he has done some many good things, like horse riding, taking part in sports day and creating a lot of art.

Above is an example, and this was when his school were doing dinosaur week and he loves dinosaurs and we had to do this for his homework and with the help from Nanny we created this picture and his development has really progressed and so feel pleased with how he has responded to his school work and so hoping that next year it will be the same.

I do write parenting books on parenting on Amazon under my names, Carrie Challoner, Carrie Lee Holmes and Carrie Challoner.

Please check my social media where I share my content too:



Many thanks for reading,

Carrie Challoner