Monthly Archives: March 2019

Preventing Tantrums and meltdowns

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Every now and again our little ones can turn into little monsters. When Henry has a tantrum it usually because he wants something but gets frustrated when he can’t get what he wants or because I am guilty of looking at my phone a lot when he is trying to grab my attention.

This brings me to tip 1

Put devices away and give them the attention they are after, I am forever guilty of paying attention to Youtube than to Henry so I give him the attention he needs .

Try and see things from their point of view as a lot of the time it is because we aren’t looking it at from their perspective and they are just being annoying, there is nothing worse when trying to talk to someone and they are typing on their phone or tablet.

Preventing a tantrum can be tricky but once you can notice the triggers then you can help put them at bay.

Tip 2 Create a space where they can calm down, or time to chill out and do their own thing.

Example if it is sunny outside and light outside now we are coming into spring we will let Henry, our son play and let of some steam in the garden.

Tip 3 Let treats be treats and not something they get just for the sake of it. For example if Henry has behaved at school and does his homework he can have a Kinder egg.

Tip 4 If it is frustration then get down to their level and try to go through what it is by communicating effectively by asking and pointing to things what it might be that is upsetting them. Henry for example doesn’t like it when we open packets for him, he wants to do it himself so we let him, but stand by to offer assistance should he need it. Show them what they need to do rather than tell.

See blogpost I have written in the link below:

Tip 5 If you see they are about to explode into to range or the begin to stamp their feet in anger, reinforce good behaviour and try to keep calm yourself, the last thing you need is you both having a tantrum, and if you need a bit of time out, or they do allow them that time.

Lastly remember tantrums don’t last forever and at some point in our lives we all want to have a good old explosion so allow them to express themselves, ignoring doesn’t always work neither does shouting, or smacking so try and avoid these actions the best you can.

I hope you found this helpful, and if want to keep up to date with my blog then you can do so by subscribing and following me on, plus you can contact me should you have any questions by commenting below or filling in my feedback form, see link below:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Being Organised

I would not say I am the most organised person in the world, in fact yesterday Henry was supposed to have Mufti day (own clothes day) at school, as it was Science day yesterday, and I totally forgot and put Henry in his school uniform and it was only when I left the house I remembered.

However if I had prepared the night before and checked my emails I wouldn’t have forgotten and would have had him ready, but never mind one slip up isn’t going to hurt and Henry wasn’t bothered so I didn’t let myself worry about it either.

Being a mum it does help to be organised, and the one thing I always make sure I put out ready the night before is his uniform, which is all hung up in the living room ready, for me to put together, along with underpants, his book bag, his socks and shoes and his backpack.

Check out this picture below I found on Pinterest which gives some more tips on how to be organised as a mum.

lazy mum organisation hacks, ways to be organised, organisation, organisation tips, infographic, super organised
Image from

The other ways to being organised, is to have a routine and to get ready gradually as you get nearer to the time to getting them to school. Check out my blog in the link below which talks more about Getting ready for school.

Leave with plenty of time and try to leave at the same time. Get bags packed the night before, and put any last minute bits together as soon as you get up in the morning.

Have a notebook to hand to create a brain dump to keep tabs on what you need to get done on the day.

Set days as side to catch up on laundry and cleaning, and if you need time out from the normal daily chores then do so, you deserve the break.

Check out this video below by Emily Norris who shares her top ten tips that helps her to stay organised.

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Remember bribery is not a bad thing when it comes to children, it is good to have snacks to hand just in case your child needs to distracted or gets hungry and will tide them over until meal time.

Please remember to subscribe and follow me should you want to read more of my blogs coming up soon.

If you have any questions or need support when it comes to parenting then why not get in contact with me via my form on my feedback page and I will provide some information and give as much support as I can.


Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Handling Bad Behaviour

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So yesterday we (my husband and I) were spoken to by one of the teachers at my sons school, because our son has been pinching other children.

The one thing they are trying to install which we are starting to do at home is say to our son Kind hands and Kind feet. We don’t pinch other children because it hurts and not nice for his friends when he pinches them.

We do use time out, I will give Henry a warning and then if he continues to misbehave I will put him in his bedroom for time out, and explain to him that this is not good, and his behaviour is making me sad, not happy.

This does tend to work, and today he would’t put on his shoes. I did tell him off, because he just was for no reason was refusing to put them on. So I explained to him firmly that this is not good and his behaviour is not acceptable and that he needs to put on his shoes otherwise we can’t go to school. I did let him know he was making me sad, and he reacted to this by wanting to give me a hug and then he let me put his shoes and socks.

Shouting and ranting doesn’t in my book work, and makes you look like you are having a tantrum which can cause their (the child’s) behaviour to get worse. So staying calm but being firm is the key to handling bad behaviour. Usually with the same with biting it can be a sign the are trying to communicate, our son does get frustrated when he feels he can’t put his point across, however he still needs to understand that pinching is not the way to go about it, and it has to stop.

Children will misbehave, and it is how you react and respond that can make all the difference.

If you need to leave the room to count to ten do so, as sometimes it can get too much. It can feel like there is no resolution, but remember it won’t last forever and that it is just a fly in the moment thing and it will pass.

Here are some quick tips to help difficult behaviour:

  1. Do what feels right. What you do has to be right for your child, yourself and the family. …
  2. Don’t give up. Once you’ve decided to do something, continue to do it. …
  3. Be consistent. …
  4. Try not to overreact. …
  5. Talk to your child. …
  6. Be positive about the good things. …
  7. Offer rewards. …
  8. Avoid smacking.

If you have any questions or need support when it comes to parenting then why not get in contact with me via my form on my feedback page and I will provide some information and give as much support as I can.

I hope you find this useful, and many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Teaching our kids everyday tasks

Teaching Children about everyday tasks like putting their shoes away once they have taken them off, really has helped with my sons development and so it important you try and get them to do everyday things each day.

Henry knows that when he leaves a room of example to close the door, and to take his school uniform off and get changed once he is home from school, and does his homework.

I came across these video about how to get your child to do activities that include everyday tasks, and how you can make there items they need more accessible.

Cleaning up after themselves once they have eaten, gone to the toilet and after they have played with toys, to encourage them to tidy them away before using another item to play with.

When they have eaten put their plates in the sink, and yes I will once my son it tall enough, will have him learn to wash up after himself too.

I think it is so important for their independence to establish everyday skills. So if they aren’t able to open a draw or cupboard, show them but don’t tell them, and they will then establish how to do it themselves.

If you have any feedback regarding this post, and would like be to kept up to date with my website then you can do so my subscribing, and follow me on, plus I have a feedback form if you have any topics you would like me to write about or you need some tips and advice regarding parenting then please contact me via my feedback form, see link below:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Having Post Natal Depression

I wasn’t sure how to begin this blog as it is a very controversal subject as a lot of women suffer with Post Natal Depression and are frightened of saying anything like I did, because I thought people could see that I couldn’t cope.

I still have days where I struggle as a parent and wish I had a magic wand to fix it.

I wish I had Mary Poppins powers and could click my fingers and my son would be fed and ready for school, instead of having to fight nail and teeth to get him to get dressed.

I did cry a lot when my son was first born and this really went on for a long time and I felt like I was getting it all wrong. I found it hard when Henry started biting, hitting and pinching because he found it hard to communicate properly. At the time I didn’t realize that, that was a sign he was trying to communicate.

My Post Natal Depression went undiagnosed, and it was only later on that my world turned upside down and now I am on medication.

I hope this helps whom may going through the same emotions, and to let you know you aren’t on your own in any way, and there is help out there.

If you feel isolated and alone, then do talk to someone, but the worst thing is to stay silent and not say anything at all. I did feel suicidal on some days and that wasn’t to be selfish but because I felt I couldn’t do this, and felt like a failure.

I felt like I had no control over certain situations at times, and felt totally out of my depth, but I got through it and so can you. I still plan my days but I am lot more laid back than before, but still there are times where I feel I just can’t cope, so I take a step back and breath.

I have found meditation to really help. There is an APP called Headspace and it teaches you about meditation and I have been doing this everyday, and it has really helped control the mind and be at peace with myself.

Don’t get me wrong it isn’t about a quick fix but taking time to be mindful and give yourself some self care time, to stop the struggle that parenthood can bring, even if it is taking a nice hot bubble bath, washing your hair or getting your hair done at a salon, it can really make a huge difference to your well-being, and make you feel better about yourself.  

Check out this link below which is another blog by a mum who also suffered with Postnatal Depression:

If you would like to kept up to date with my blogposts on this site, then please subscribe and follow me on

Should you need support from me should you be suffering from post natal depression, then please contact me, i’ll b happy to help all you need to do is feel in my feedback form and I will keep information confidential and will help as much as I can.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Kids Hacks

Check out this video below by Kate Murnane, of some great kids hacks to keep them happy.

If you too have any hacks you would like to share then why not get in contact with me and I will be happy to read them and if you wish for me to share on my website then I will do.

You can keep up to date with my blogposts by subscribing and following me on, plus I have feedback page where you can share any feedback you may have regarding my posts and if you have any suggestions of any topics regarding parenting you would like to cover then please get in contact. I will provide as much support and information I can.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Bedtime tantrums

If you child refuses to go to bed then there are many things you can do to help stop the tantrums by following some key steps.

First one: Always give them small hints that bedtime is on its way, and this can be as simple as drawing the curtains, or dimming the lights, playing soft music or have them listen to a story.

Second tip: Change their clothes to bedtime clothes and sing a song about bedtime to get them to look forward to it, rather than dread it.

Third tip: If they still having naps during the day then make sure it is no longer than 3pm, as this can cause disruption when it comes to sleep time, depending on how many naps they have, but use 3pm as the cut off time, so if they are napping they need to wake up by this time.

fourth time: Have bath time. This will help wind down their body and get them sleepy.

Check out this article on the Babycenter website, which gives further details:

Bedtimes are usually easy in our house, as Henry will usually get tired around 6pm to 7pm so around 5pm after dinner time, we will have quiet time, so no ball or football, and so it is either he can watch his tablet for half hour or listen to a story.

This tends to work. When he was a lot smaller we would give him some warm milk and play some soft lullaby music to indicate bedtime was on its way. You can buy blackout curtains, but our son liked sleeping with the light slightly on.

Here is another article I found on Very Well family:

If you have any questions regarding this post then please leave a comment below, or you can use the form on my feedback page, regarding any topics you wish for me to cover in terms of parenting.

To keep up to date with my blogposts then please subscribe to my site and remember to follow me on

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X