Monthly Archives: June 2023

Kids and the heat

I am not going to moan about the weather as I was getting fed up of the cold and so can’t have it both ways and so it all about being sensible, and making sure your kids don’t get too hot, and protected from the heat.

Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on

I use factor 50 for kids and should be 35+ and I put it on Henry, my son, before and during the day and that he is not outdoors for too long, but he actually wanted to go indoors by he own accord, when we had the paddling pool out in the garden this weekend, and get into the shade for a bit.

Kids will let you know if they are too hot and so find shade the best you can and that they are hydrated and not left in cars on their own and that you are with them, have the windows open all the time as they can overheat quite quickly or have your air con on, also have them wear light coloured clothing and have a set of sun glasses and hat.

The one thing I like to have is after bite, especially if you are near lakes and woodland areas and if you are going abroad, along with after sun and if they suffer from Hayfever, make sure you have anti-histamine that is safe for kids to take, and that they have a bath and shower to get rid of any pollen and of the sunscreen, and wash their clothes too.

Be aware of ticks, if you see this on your child’s body get medical help straight away and have someone who knows what they are doing to remove it, and if bites start to swell, get medical help right away, and try an avoid your children from scratching or picking at it as because they can become infected, and cause blood poisoning and become infectious quite quickly.

If they have a verruca make sure these are treated as these can spread along with cold sore,s and avoid kissing, and with Nora Virus, which can develop through heat. If they do develop symptoms then keep them away for 48 hours and indoors making sure you sanitize your home and they wash their hands to avoid any of these too be passed on.

This is not to cause anxiety but just tips so you are stress free and have fun, and for it not to be spoiled due to sickness.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Organising a kids birthday party

It feels me with terrible fear, especially when ti comes to pleasing kids, and so if I can have help, it is always welcome.

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on

First of all,

Where to host it:

Who has a mansion? Not me, but do you need one? No. Just a space where they can play and a place they can eat.

Giving kids bubbles can be a very welcomed item and who does not like bubbles?

So check where you want to host it, to see if a bubble machine can be used or manual ones, that kids can blow to create bubbles of joy.

Check to see what decorations you can use and will they supply tables and chairs and food for the party. My niece had her party at one of the Ninja Warrior Adventure Parks in and the kids loved it. All had a good time.

My son’s last birthday party was a local gym where they can jump and climb, and one of my other nieces, who is now a teenager now, had a BBQ at home with friends and family.

Do they supply a cake or can you bring your own? Is there parking? and where are toilets and just case, fire exits.

Get your kids involved:

Ask what each child would like and plan ahead, as many places get booked up, and plan at the beginning of each year, to save money towards it.

Make sure they don’t go empty handed. If the child has siblings or friends even, to help out. If other parents offer, take them up on it too.

Have the kids make decorations for it, with drawings and setting the tables and the child who birthday is, decide who they want to invite.

Check the weather forecast:

The birthday child, have them write the invitations, and make sure you have suncream on hand and put it on all on before they get dressed and have fans too, and put out some suncream for other parents to use on their kids.

Supply water and ice. If it is an autumn or winter party then have blankets out and have the kids wrapped up, and make hot chocolates, or inside and have a movie night, or sleep over, if it is super cold outside.

Have the paddling pool out if it is good weather and put it in the invites that this will be out, so parents know to bring towels and swim wear.

Be aware of bouncy castles especially if it is super windy and have someone who knows how to put it up safely and it is secured to the ground, and you supervise your kids on them. Make sure kids don’t have sharp objects, their pockets are empty and they take their shoes off, and is enclosed because of the heat, and not too many children ln at once.

Have items out for parents

Like alcohol, teas and coffees, with soft drinks.

Games that the parents can get involved, like tug of war, a dancing contest, fancy dress and gifts for parents and family who have helped organize the party and helped out on the day.

I did a series last year on birthday parties and so check these out: Great experiences for kids/Gift and birthday idea series, Birthday and Christmas Series, Birthday Ideas for kids, What can you buy for kids at Christmas or even birthdays

If they have tea or coffee machine in the venue that can be used for parties. Leave out some change for your guests and a open bar where they can help themselves to drinks so you can spend time supervising and chatting with them and their parents.

Expect last minute guests and changes

Have extra items, as there are always those who reply last minute or are
late, and so if you are doing party bag, cake and food, have a bit extra for
those who turn up or turn up with no reply and feel bad because a child has
missed out.

Expect cancellations, and tell the child who birthday it is that they can’t come but, make separate arrangement with them, like doing a playdate later on in the year, and still have a party bag for them so they are still acknowledged and your child gets to spend time with them, for your child’s birthday.

Have a set date of when replies are got to be in and rather than using paper
RSVPs, set up a WhatsApp Group, event on Facebook, email or telephone number.

Do a maybe list of guests, to do extra gift bags, or food, but also if they have siblings coming or they ask if they can come, doing extra means you can cater to them too and be excluded.

Then at the end of the day if you get offered from parents and children to help clean up then accept, or you get offered to go to move on to somewhere else, then why not accept this invitation too.

If you have kids who birthday’s coming up then happy birthday, and have a lot of fun.

Thank you to those who have followed me, it really means a lot, honestly it means the world.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Questioning our parenting

I do this a lot and not sure what is right and what is wrong a lot of the time. My son loves the trains and whenever he can’t go on a train he finds it hard to understand why at the weekend, and will keep on saying that he wants to go on a train, but last weekend being so hot and worried that they would be busy put me off, and have limited service on Sunday, in the end we were driven back, and didn’t go on a train.

Photo by Anna Shvets on

However yesterday after school we popped out and watched the trains and it rained but being so hot it was a relief and actually was a success and last weekend before when we went to my nieces birthday he was fine, and there was a part where he wanted to find my brother’s and Sister in law’s family cat, but mainly played outdoors and it is when those moment happen you feel like “Oh I got something right”, and my doubts that I had go away.

You can only do your best

And that is true and stand by that. Having a child is a wonderful thing, and I love my son to bits but find hard to figure it out, and I hate letting him down. The one thing I need to work on is not saying for certain of what we will do and have a plan B. Something that was taught to me when doing my football coaching qualification,

always have a back up plan

because of unplanned events like travel disruption, someone becoming unwell or the weather. Today Henry wanted to wait for the fast train that goes by and got upset as it was coming to the time when my husband would be waiting for us and didn’t want to be late because of him finishing work and doing Henry’s dinner.

In the end though as we were leaving the view we had to watch the trains, to meet his dad the fast train went by and so got to see it, and made my son happy and it is good to have that time together, but was getting upset that he may miss it.

We are teaching him that we, his parents and other peoples turn to choose sometimes of what we will do on some days, but still involve him. This still something that he finds hard, but with more interaction with other children and putting things in place to help him with that hopefully he will understand why we all should get to choose and not be what he wants to do all of the time.

So lets work together in building up our kids and if you have any tips then please share them. You can leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Building our kids happiness and Wellbeing

Not normally a place I’d be, sitting at my desk on a Saturday starting a new blog. usually I am spending time with my son, because he wants my attention a lot so it can be impossible, but I like to have that time too. Saturday’s is usually day off, but had to write this blog because spending time with my son inspires me to write these blogs. Being a mum it is important that he is happy and has a good wellbeing.

Photo by Yan Krukau on

First tips# Look after your own happiness and wellbeing.

You need to spend time working on your own happiness and wellbeing as things in life can get us down, and so spend time going through as a parent of what is getting you down.

I am not saying you have to hide your emotions but use those hard times to push you forward. Believe in yourself and tell yourself “I am worth being happy” and this will help you to help your kids and talk. This is so important because bottling up your emotions can lead you into a downward spiral.

Second tip# Teach your kids about boundaries for themselves and other children

The area that we have been installing in our son is to respect personal space, and about boundaries to help him build good relationships and how to communicate, but he is loving and rarely lashes out, but some kids like adults like to be hugged or kissed. He did as a toddler would pinch and bite as he began nursery and school, but has stopped that. He can get stroppy if is playing a game and loses, but has learned and he just out of the blue that “It isn’t about winning but having fun”. This is still a working process and he does have his own boundaries. Example: When he is eating he likes his own space and for example: When he is eating his dinner likes to get on with it, and be left alone. Most of the time though is very friendly, but if another child doesn’t want a hug then we are teaching him to respect that child but still be friendly but keeping some distance apart.

This means allowing him to interact. Today it was my nieces birthday and he has been fine, the only thing was he kept wanting to see my brothers, sister in-law and nieces cat who is very timid and can scratch.

Yet he did obey and played nicely with the other children and before I would be hanging around him, but got into just allowing him to play and there were other families there and so this helped, but he wasn’t defiant and had a really good day.

Third tip# Involve them in decisions for example what we are going to do each day.

When we plan to go out I will make sure he is involved and have him tell me what he’d like to do and if it is possible we will do it, within reason,. and I say that because when we have gotten the train from London Waterloo he will see a train going to Winchester, and yes we can go there but is a distance and normally later in the day for us to visit. However I have written this place down and to see if we can go there by train in the summer holidays.

Fourth tip# Create some quiet time

Henry when he wakes up is full of energy and he pulls me out of bed to get up. He is an early bird and wants to play with his balloon, watch his tablet and will want breakfast. I however I like a bit of peace so I like to have a peaceful morning whilst he is having his breakfast have my morning cup of tea, and I often think I will watch a bit of youtube but this just makes me sleepy so I will watch a bit of quiet TV and do this as Henry will sit down quietly and eat his breakfast.

Set the tone, as often kids when they see you chilling will do the same. Now this is not all the time, but will take it in when we do as it is great way of building our relationship and I like to take my time and this helps us both in getting ready for the day.

When travelling we will be nice and peaceful, and avoid rushing, but taking it all in.

Then get ready at the same time for bed in the evening.

It is getting enough rest to help kick start our days we spend together. I want my son to be happy and excited about each day and will listen to him when he is unhappy and why. At the moment he will say things if he doesn’t want to do something and then start to play up0 and so having quiet time allows him to calm down and when he has had his bath I have sat with him on the toilet with seat down of course but just chilling and a bath or showers for kids, works wonders.

So I hope this blog helps you and thanks to those whose are following me it means a lot.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X