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Teaching Kids Life Skills that they will value when they are older! #homelearning

Hello and welcome! In this Parenting blog I am going to share Teaching kids life skills and I mean, washing up, how to do their laundry, Cooking, Cleaning a car and general maintenance with your supervision of course.

I have created two new printables, 1. I created via the inspiration of my last blog post on this site, and 2. For the inspiration to write this post and is like a checklist of things to teach the kids different Life Skills that they will value when they are older. You can download and use right away free of charge:

I remember as a kid, as soon as I could see above the kitchen surfaces I was taught how to make a cup of tea, and would help out when it came to ironing as at one time my mum would do this every Sunday and have a pile together for ironing.

Let me tell you the honest truth, I NEVER IRON.

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Yes it is the bottom of my list and yeah, and the iron I have, I won, yet it never gets used, but if you are someone who does and wish to delegate and teach your kids of how to iron, then yeah teach them.

The other thing is teaching your kids, what different cleaning products are for. So teach them about cleaning windows, mirrors and work tops. Make sure you show them how to safely administor the cleaning products and to wash their hands after use, but yes, show them the different products they need and have them cleaning the windowsills, floors and bathrooms.

How to safely meal prep and plan the meals for the week. Have them comply a shopping list and do an inventory list.

Image result for free clipart image of kids doing chores

I would when I had a many video tapes, records and CD’s do an inventory a list of all the ones I had and would often sort these out in a alphabetical order.

Now you have a computer you can type up inventory lists of music, films and TV programmes you have stored in your planner and have children’s TV shows set in your planner too, so there is always something there for them to watch once they have helped you around the home.

Or have it on at the background whilst they help with daily life skills that will benefit them in the future.

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My mum would often have a sponge for us to use to clean the bath once we had finished with it, and my nan would let us help out when she cooked like cakes and other puddings.

Normal everyday household tasks were subconciously there driven in me and so I never had to workout what the best way to clean kitchen was, I just did it without acknowledgement, it was just a natural thing to do. I am not a fan of cleaning at all but I know it does have to be done so I will but, not everyday. THAT JUST DRIVES ME MAD but when I am ready to. AND THAT IS A MOTO I like to stick to.

Don’t give kids too much to do at once as this can easily backfire and they get fed up and then you get frustrated because they can kick off and then, you end up doing it yourself anyway.

Check out my Scribd account for more printables available:

Image result for free clipart images of kids doing chores

Reward them for their efforts. So this can be a list of items like watch a movie, a bit of TV, a favourite meal or a new toy. You can do like a reward chart, like if they do two items per week on the LIfe skills check list they can tick off the items on their rewards list that they would like to do.

Have set cleaning days for your kids to follow. Many kids like routine and if there is a particular day you want them to do some cleaning then set it and have a calendar just for your kids with a kids homeschooling and chores. So Sunday for example and breaks up homeschooling and then reward them with a roast dinner and a movie or a game they want to play of their choice.

It is all about making them independent and not rely on you as the parent so much but be there for support and if they need help with anything.

Kids want nuture, reassurance and be free to be kids, as after all we were all kids once upon a time and so we all deserve a childhood filled with love, happiness and fun.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie L.M X

P.S: Please see all of my other blog posts and Youtube video content, via my network:

The Ten Things to Stay Clear of when you just had a baby

Being a mum of a now 7 year old there many things I look back on that I wish I had stayed clear of, because when you have just had a baby you are very hormonal and what life to be stress free as possible, as some things can add to our hormonal states.

ᐈ New born baby stock pics, Royalty Free newborn baby pictures | download  on Depositphotos®
Image from:

Here are Ten Things to Stay Clear of when you just had a baby:

  1. Don’t bother with a manual breastpump, as you will be there all day and can make you feel defeated and so it is electrical all the way. Of course if you can feed your baby directly from the breat than that can be a lot more convient, but if your baby has trouble latching on keep trying, but express can still help give your baby your milk, if you want to.
  2. Moses baskets. It was great for a couple of nights but I was so paranoid about it tipping over and so if you are bringing home a new born baby, by a crib or smaller cot, as they are a lot more stable and there are ones you can buy that has wheels.
  3. Programmes like 16 and pregnant as it will be a tearjurker and cause unneccessary anxiety. Instead watch items that shows you the progress of each stage of your pregnancy of birth, as I found this kind of TV or video to be more appealing as it makes it into a wonderful journey.
  4. Too many Trebor mints. As I was having a lot of indigestion when pregnant was trying to eat and drink anything hat put it at ease, and having a trebor mint did help but then I ended up having too many, meaning I eventually felt sick having anymore. You can have the hot water and honey and works wonders if you have indigestion whilst pregnant, but don’t drink this once baby is born and you are breastfeeding.
  5. Free nappies. We were given a load of free packets of nappies at a baby show in the Oympia Exhibition centre and did hold very well in that Henry had a massive pooh explosion when he was first bought home, and threw those free nappies away. Either use Pampers (Not the two in one), but for each age or Chicco ones.
  6. Bumpers for cots. I read a really terrible story about a baby who got caught up in a bumper in his cot and so don’t by these as they are very dangerous and a few times I found Henry underneath it. Honestly you do not need them.
  7. lightweight pushchairs. I have changed my mind on this, because I did find some pushchairs quite heavy but there is a reason for that, and that is because when you attach bags to them they won’t easily tip up, or easily brake, and I will when I have another baby, have them in baby carrier close to my chest most of the time.
  8. Certain baby bottles. As talked about before we when I was due with Henry bought a load of bottles and only used one, but was told to change it as they hospital where Henry stayed for month before we could take him home recommended Avent bottles.
  9. Tight leggins or jeans. When you have just had your baby, even if it is C-Section avoid anything too tight around your waist or abdominium and have light, very stretchy clothing as you will bleed a lot and want to be comfortable.
  10. Going bra less. Whilst breastfeeding and when you first nurse your baby as they will leak and so wear good nursing bras and purchase some breast pads.

This is my last post on this site before Christmas and so will blog more Post Christmas. I really hope you have a bloody good one, and if someone asks to hold your baby and have washed their hands, then let them whilst you have some free time.

When it comes to bringing home a new baby all want to do is hold them close but you do need to rest too, and so if someone offers to hold them and look after them for a bit, then take them up on it.

Please remember if you would like to be kept up to date with my blogs on this site, then you can click below to follow me.

All my posts will be found on my Squarespace site:

many thanks for reading,

Carrie (L.M) Xh


Bed-wetting is very common in young children, and I am not afraid to admit I used to wet the bed too as a young child, as I would be often be too scared to go to the toilet on my own.

Now my son in experiencing the same, so I will go with him to help avoid the bed from getting wet.

Be patient with your child and remember it is just a phase that they will grow out of. If you feel there may be more of a problem to their bed-wetting then do seek medical support, as going from wearing nappies to not, can be a massive transition for your child especially at night time.

It has started to become less and less. There are bed mats you can buy to put on their bed, underneath their sheet to protect their mattress from getting wet. For us they have worked massively.

The ones we buy are from ASDA Little Angels, and are really good value for money.

Make sure you have spare bedding so you can easily change this over if wet. It may mean do a lot more washing of your bedding and bed clothes, but stick with it as now a few nights Henry, our son, hasn’t wet the bed at all, so do be persistent, and try the dream wee, so getting them up whilst a sleep and sitting them on a potty or toilet if not too far, and take them straight back to bed once they are done.

This has worked a treat, and try avoiding drinks an hour before bed time, but make sure they stay hydrated through out the daytime instead.

I hope you found this useful and if you have any questions then feel free to ask. You can comment below or fill out the form below, and remember to follow me on if you would like to read more of my blogs to come.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Teaching our kids everyday tasks

Teaching Children about everyday tasks like putting their shoes away once they have taken them off, really has helped with my sons development and so it important you try and get them to do everyday things each day.

Henry knows that when he leaves a room of example to close the door, and to take his school uniform off and get changed once he is home from school, and does his homework.

I came across these video about how to get your child to do activities that include everyday tasks, and how you can make there items they need more accessible.

Cleaning up after themselves once they have eaten, gone to the toilet and after they have played with toys, to encourage them to tidy them away before using another item to play with.

When they have eaten put their plates in the sink, and yes I will once my son it tall enough, will have him learn to wash up after himself too.

I think it is so important for their independence to establish everyday skills. So if they aren’t able to open a draw or cupboard, show them but don’t tell them, and they will then establish how to do it themselves.

If you have any feedback regarding this post, and would like be to kept up to date with my website then you can do so my subscribing, and follow me on, plus I have a feedback form if you have any topics you would like me to write about or you need some tips and advice regarding parenting then please contact me via my feedback form, see link below:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Potty training

Yes we are potty training at the moment, and yesterday Henry used his potty for the first time and actually had a pea.

Why am I sharing this?

Well because I know how tricky of a transition it is. One minute they are in nappies next they are having to use this plastic thing and it is a different ball game altogether.

We did have a little accident the day before, I won’t say anymore, but I had to stick Henry straight in the bath, but least it happened in the right place, the bathroom, just not in the potty itself, well some of it was but I hadn’t realised until I trod straight into it.

My fault!

As said before you can prepare yourself but you can never really plan, when it comes to children.

Sorry for the TMI. Henry will probably be totally embarrased if he reads this when he is 18 years old. However it is out of good reason to help and give support to other mums, who may also be potty training now too.

If your child is potty training at the moment too, then my advice is to persist and be patient. If they aren’t ready then do not fear, you will soon know when they are. Henry was even asking for the potty and tells us when he needs his nappy changed. So children do pick up new skills quicker than what we think they do.

So true when it comes to children, every day is different, and you don’t know what to expect, so you just have to continue on, the best you can.

Anyway I will keep you updated on more news and what I am learning as a parent.

Thanks for reading,


Carrie X


An Update on Parenting

So since the last time I posted a blog on this page my son has grown and developed so much, he is now saying many words and trying to mimic sounds, and wants to explore wherever we go.

At 2 years old their routine does change slightly and between 10 months to 2 years their transition from a baby to a toddler as they start to lose their baby features into a little child, quadruples as they start to do more new things each day.

They say “Health professionals” that a child who was born premature have caught up by the time they are 2 years old, but in watching and observing my son, I do not believe this to be true, as it depends on each child. Every child is different, and no matter what it may say on a chart doesn’t mean that this is the case. Their numbers and charts are based on statistics a lot of the time, but not on fact. I can see for myself where Henry is advanced in his age and development and where he still got some catching up to do.

He is very social and interactive. His observation is second to none, but he is still got some catching up to do in terms of speaking and feeding himself. We are getting there but just needs a bit more persistence from us and practice.

We are now looking into nurseries for Henry, which he is ready to go, and this will really help a lot. You will find that between 10 months to 2 years their nap times will change as they continue to grow, having more growth spurts, meaning that their appetite may increase.

When Henry has a tantrum it usually is because he is trying to tell us something but he gets frustrated because he can’t properly communicate yet, and so we do try to step back and observe him to find out what it is. It is usually is because, he is thirsty, needs his blanket over him as he will fuss if we put it over him straight away, we will usually do this when he is a sleep as he has always been a very warm little boy, he needs another nappy change and wants to sleep but can’t, nose needs clearing or he just wants to know that someone is there. We will have the light deemed slightly before he goes off. We also do a bedtime ritual that includes calm peaceful music, deemed light, all toys away, dinner, brush of teeth, last nappy change and then story time.

It can be mind boggling sometimes to workout what to do, when they won’t settle or they have melt down, or how to get them from fussing when out and you’reToddler melt down image trying to have some time out and have a coffee, but you just have to do your best, forget about those onlookers and those that give that look as if to say “Can’t you quiet him down I’m trying to have a coffee too” but then remember you will never be the first one, that is what children do, as soon as they find they feet they want to be off. A great place to go is the Soft Play Cafe’s as you are with other parents, children can play and you can still have a coffee and chat.

I did see if I could provide a link to a list of Soft Play Cafes but there doesn’t appear to be one. I found out about these by accident when I was looking for the Gymboree class I was going to take Henry to and then heard about the ones close by where I live.

The Soft Play Cafes are brilliant as an alternative to the park, because lets face it living in the UK you never know what the weather will be like and if it is running cats and dogs outside then these Play Cafes are the place to go.

There are also many classes like Monkey Music which I take Henry to once a week for half and hour, and they have different classes from 3-6 months, 7-12 months, 1-2 years, 2-3 years and 3-4 years.

It is teaching children different skills through music. I have seen how much this has helped Henry as he is learning when to sit still, when his name is called to walk over he will and high-five, tap on the box and will now walk around the room with me, instead of fighting against me which he used to do.

So I will report back soon. I now have YouTube Channel Carries Realworld where I film Days in My Life, about Parenting, Hauls, My home organisation, cooking and baking, and sharing the favourite parts of my life.

I also have a new website called

So many thanks for reading, and see you again soon.


Carrie X



What to pack in your baby bag plus, see my new blog on wordpress page The Birth of My baby Son

HI All,

Please see link below of my new blog on my other wordpress page The Birth Of My Baby Son.

If you are a new mum or a mum-to-be then heres help on what to pack in your baby bag.

  • 4 vests
  • 2 spare baby grows or tops and bottoms
  • 5 nappies
  • Pack of baby wipes and a spare if your current opened pack is low.
  • Nappy cream
  • A couple of toys
  • 4 snacks if they are weaning.
  • A food pouch for lunch, already made finger food (pieces of cucumber, a fruit such as banana or melon, cheese, ham with little pieces of bread or crackers) or a sandwich.
  • A bottle of water or milk, depending on age of baby. 0-1 water or milk (if still having milk during the day and not being breastfed) 12 months+ bottle of water if no milk now during the day.

This is a guide on what I have packed for my son, as they grow you will find you may need less, example vests I now take 2 and 1 spare top and a pair of bottoms if really mucky or any nappy accidents occur.

I thought I would share this to help as when your baby first arrives you can end up taking everything accept the kitchen sink so gives you an idea of what to pack. Please, please, one lesson I learned is not to spend a lot of money on a baby changing bag. I did and only used twice and now given this away. I bought a cheaper one from Avon, which I now use all the time and I will most a picture of this along with my vlog created to show you what I currently pack for my son when going out. Now sometimes I don’t use a changing bag on some occasions, and use my see-through toiletry bag as it fits perfectly in the basket underneath the pushchair and a separate handbag for his bottle, sun cream and my belongings.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

The Style of Weaning

My new blog on The Parenting Adventures, which has also being published on my blog website:


You have all the food prepared, which has been blitzed, your son like mine may freak out a bit because of the noise of the blender which you say to him “Don’t worry just getting your dinner ready” him looking at you trying to suss out what it is you are actually saying.

It is pureed or to the point where some bits are chunky as now you want to encourage him to start chewing, using his new set of teeth that have come through; you have him sitting in his high chair or baby chair that can be moved up so you baby can sit up right, you put his bib on and you get the muslin and kitchen towel ready, for any spillages and dribbles.

Your son knows now that when he see this colourful little bowl that it is meal time, you spoon the food to feed him and takes a taste and screws his face as if to say “What on earth is this?”.

You think oh no “Is it good or bad?” and you serve him another bit of the food and he turns his head away, swishing his hand to push the spoon away which now it is all over your son and yourself, and you think “lets add more milk or warm water and still he turns away, screams as if to say “No this is disgusting stop serving this muck”, and you feel that all your efforts to preparing this lovely dish for your child was a complete waste of time.

Your child has no idea how long it has taken to prepare this food, the courage it took especially if not cooked or made a fresh meal before but you wanted to for your little one. It can be so frustrating and you can feel like it is a personal attack on you.

At the moment you may not believe me when I say “It isn’t anything personal” you see what I think is misunderstood and I have realised this watching my little bubs develop from when I first saw him in his incubator was that they make decisions from the moment they are born. E.g. when our son was tiny and a day old, he didn’t like being stroked he would wriggle and make a little wincing sound as if to say “whoever that is get off I am trying to sleep”.

When they don’t like certain foods it is their way of learning what they like and don’t like by tasting different foods and flavours. It can be off putting when they refuse to eat some food you have prepared, but it is part of their development. When they do like a meal you have made, then it will 1. Be a relief 2. See if they have sweet tooth or like sour foods, or both 3. If they have any foods that disagrees with them (allergy, gives them a bade tummy or makes them sick).

It can be hard work but it can also be a great time and fun. I would say try sweet potatoes, white potatoes, carrots, bananas, sweetcorn, peas, and added to baby rice for example, mixed in with their milk can really help just blitz down at first so there are no bits, as at first they need to get used to the tastes and the foods, and then when they get to 9 months or so you can make it a little chunkier to encourage them to chew.

At the moment our son is not really getting finger foods, as he will put in his mouth, bang it on his walk or high chair then throw it on the floor. If you have not got used to mess, then you will do by the time your son has gotten used to normal foods. I say make sure you have your Dettol wipes and baby wipes at hand for any mess made, you just have to accept that babies are mucky, they see it as something they can eat, throw and spread all over any surface they come into contact with.

For good ideas on help with baby food their are some great tips on The Baby Centre and Net Mums.

I found the HiPP, Heinz, Elle’s Kitchen and Boots Organic food pouches were brilliant and still using them up to 10 months plus, to the food pots for 1-3 years. However it whatever works for your baby, some may take to the jars better or from home fresh foods. I do a mixture of using the pouches and making some meals for our son with our own food, to get him used to eating what we eat.

For the record Boots, Wilkinsons, Morrisons, Sainsburies and Asda, all do some great deals on baby food from all the stages of weaning.

I hope this useful to all those mums out there, and lets get our babies fed.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

One year on

My son is now 14 months and I think to myself where has the time gone.

I still get amazed with how much he had grown, to those who have subscribed on my wordpress site, many thanks.

I will be using this form of blogging again, but I do have a blog website too where I also post blogs about my parenthood adventures on

It has been an amazing experience, challenging but I would not change it for the world.

We have had tears and tantrums when trying to wean him onto our food aswell as baby food. Thank the lord for Elle’s Kitchen, Aptamil, Heinz and Boots do a good range of their own baby food too, and do a great price on nappies.

However seeing him eat a Petit Filous yogurt, a bit of chocolate (I know not the best thing to give please don’t judge me just wanted to see if he liked it or not) and little pieces of bread, which he has liked has been indescribable same with seeing him smile, talk, hold his head up, crawl, sit up and now standing for the first time.

Being a mum has changed my life and also my views on things. I think as you get older your look on things changes and opinions as you do see things differently when you reach certain stages of your life. Example how I saw things when I was 20 is now different to how I see things now as I am now in my 30’s. Being a mum changes the way you see things too, like working and on things such as bullying how I see myself, because I know that if I am not careful my son will pick up on my insecurities.

Also I have to watch what I say, trying not to swear is hard. I know I need to do it we tried the swearing box but didn’t last as I would have had no money at all. However with practice and persistence my cursing has got a lot better.

I do have to do things out of my comfort zone, like at the moment I am looking for a Childminder and it is hard trying to find a good total stranger to look after my child. Obviously I will meet them first but as a mum I can’t help but worry and the prospect of having to call around and meet up with the person I do get very apprehensive as I find certain social situations difficult.

However I know it will get sorted and I am enjoying present at the moment with my son but also looking forward to the future too.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X