Monthly Archives: April 2022

Teaching Kids About Easter and why we celebrate

I am not super religious but I do like to celebrate Easter and as a kid would watch the story behind this yearly holiday every year on the TV and have read the bible too.

Easter is about Jesus who was crucified on a cross because of people not believing in him, because of the miracles he had done and was the son of God, and was able to see things before they happened, and so predicted that he’d be betrayed by one of his disciples and that it was his last days of his life, he speaks about this on his last supper with his disciples and died on the cross for us all.

Whether you believe in the story I will tell my son, Henry about it, and will let him decide if he believes it or not but want to tell him for his own knowledge. His grandad did give him a bible one that was handed to him as a kid and would like for him to read it. You don’t have to go on and on about it but just to acknowledge the history of Easter and not just about receiving a chocolate egg.

Take them to a church service to celebrate it and have them know the story, of course if you aren’t religious and not keen then don’t, celebrating the holiday is up to each parent and of course if you are of a different religion then of course you tell them that story about being a Muslim or if you are Jewish, whatever beliefs you have, tell them and again let them decide if they believe it or not.

When it comes to religion I don’t go to church but did as a kid and went to two Church Of England Schools, and we would be taught and have an Easter church service and would participate and one year I did play Jesus in an accessibly and was about the last supper.

I know a lot of people would have thought this was wrong being a girl but it was because noone else wanted to do it and so they looked upon me. Of course everybody believes in the Easter Rabbit, but sharing what it is truly about will help them get more out of the yearly holiday and still have fun.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

When kids don’t get along/Stop Arguments

Me and my brother were as kids fighting and squabbling all of the time, and so whenver we’d played a game, like football and or a board game lead an argument. Some kids feel that it is okay to shout, and my eyes have been opened this week as I witnessed kids, whilst helping out at a kids club, ended up with some of them shouting. This opened my eyes, because we ourselves as adults do this too, and so is this effective?

The behaviour of a child comes from us their guardian and I would stop Henry my son from watching the Jeremy Kyle Show because of the shouting. This is not the way to communicate, yet it something we find ourselves naturally doing.

When it comes to children they will copy you, so you have to be aware of your own actions. Avoid swearing, and if a child moans about a child is doing that make them aware that if they continue then they will be consequences, like making them sit out until they learn that bad language is not welcomed.

Hitting is another issue, and you find that kids will lash out. It is a tough one because one child say they didn’t and that is was an accident, whilst the other child says no they did it on purpose. I found this difficult and I struggled with this. What I did was tell them both off together and made them apologise. However this wasn’t totally effective because one child refuse to. If it is someone elses child then tell their parent of but if it is your own child, then move them away and speak to them quietly as much as you can away fromk the other child. You will find that other children will try and stop it too.

My aim since doing the Playworker work is to help support parents with their lives with kids that have Learning difficulties and help children one to one with their parents as I have felt from this week, is that there still isn’t enough support for parents and their children. My Anxiety rose a lot and did effect me, and so really want to reach out and say “It is okay and you will be helped”, and I need to learn too.

I found it very hard to look after a group of children together when some have learning difficulties and the one area that showed when helping out a Holiday club that one area was, building friendships with other children, super shy and wanted to play on their own. Their was one child for example that was playing football, got angry over another set of kids because they weren’t following the rules and some racial names were being said.

This is another area, teaching kids how to communicate to each other better. I felt very overwhelmed by this and so could only image what that felt like to hear these bad words. I felt that some kids did suit the environment, and needed to be in a smaller group as it was a lot of kids and were different ages.

My son, loves other kids and likes to make friends, but when he doesn’t win at certain games, can begin to play up and be disruptive, or they are bored and needs to then do something else. With Henry it is two things, and must tidy up. Again he may not always want to, but with Henry he will often do it without prompting and so make it into a habit, by showing them what to do. Have everyone, including you tidy up, and make sure that they all are helping.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X