Monthly Archives: December 2023

Creating Memories with your kids

The Christmas rush is here, and we can all feel that we haven’t got anything ready, and worry that the gifts we bought our kids may not be well received, and panicking a little.

Remember to take the price tag off and remember they won’t see the price, and even an empty box can still be fun and paint it to make it into a hide out, or into a Fort, and so, kids want fun and love anything that makes them laugh, sings a song or play imaginary play.

Party games always do well, including the old fashioned ones, like Pass the Parcel, musical Statues or musical chairs. Have your kids make presents. I love handmade gifts. I am going to get back into making handmade Christmas tags, greeting cards and food too.

I love Christmases as a kid, and yes there will be children that may not receive a gift so its not about how many presents you buy for your kids, and why not print off photos and have them make a scrap book, of the Christmas cards they received and something they can look back on, and if you have a foodbank donate a gift, and have your children do the same of their old toys they no longer use.

You can create photobooks on google with your google images, and these can make some gifts, and something they can look and keep forever.

If you have just lost someone, and you may feel sad about them, and your children feel sad too and not going to be there for Christmas. Have your children light a candle and do a display in their memory and have a toast to them. The first Christmas without my nan, who lived until she was 80, or around that age, was hard and then my parents got divorced, was tough and change can be hard. So the greatest gift is a hug, kiss and reassureance that things will be okay, and important to mend feuds so your kids have see all the people they love at Christmas, and don’t keep them in the dark, and be honest to them.

Yet I am installed with lots of good memories and that is what counts. I was lucky and it was good to see my cousins and aunty and uncles, and seeing friends. Coming together for our kids is whats important, and the greatest gifft to them, is you.

So I wish you a wonderful Christmas. I may blog over Christmas, and will be uploading on my Youtube channels and social media sites, see links below:

Link for my Pinterest:

Social media:

You will alerted if you follow me on this site, and not miss a blog, so remember to subscribe and then you won’t miss a blog. Many thanks to those who subscribe to me now, it really means the world, so lets celebrate and work together to share the love in the parent community.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

5 gifts to buy for Kids for Christmas

Yes it is now December and I have bought 4 gifts, and still got to get my son a few more. I don’t go over the top, and budget but still want to let Santa know of what my son wants and make note of what he will be getting, and as Henry has grown it has been many different things.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

Musical instruments and musical audio equipment: My son has a CD that he has been wanting to play and he loves dancing to musical, like Blippi and Justin’s House, and so got him a portable CD player and also my brother some years back got me a record player and so given this to my son so going to buy a record to see if it will play and in my opinion always a winner, and great to pass down to other kids.

Bikes, cars and scooters: Great to help kids with their motor skills, and helps with mobility and having fun outdoors, and great for playdates in the park and if in good condition can be passed down, and great way to get exercise.

Experiences: I did a video about this, on my youtube channel my way of living.–zbKpxuos I bought a couple of Christmases ago a London Bus tour to see the lights of Christmas via Groupon, and my niece was bought by her nan, Horrible Histories tours, and was unwell to do it, so I was given the tickets from my sister in law, and it was really good, and my niece still went to next day, which I was glad about, as it was worth it and so if your kids like boat tours, then I recommment them, and there are many you can do.

Join your kids to a club. As a kid I always had a hobby, and for me that was dancing and great way to help your kids form good skills and interact with other children, and a great gift. Henry goes swimming and goes to a holiday club, and following on, on Experiences, why not invest them into a kids, club. Many offer a trial and have a whole year of fun. and making more friends. So good to have a hobby, and I enjoyed it. My niece goes to drama classes, and my nieces have done hobbies, and one of my nieces works at a local stable, and horse riding is a really good to do. My son was having horse riding at school, and really helps build their skills, rather indoors looking at a tablet all day.

Games. These never run out of fashion and loved playing games during the Christmas period. We would play many card games, board games and last year we played Pictionary and always a winner. It reallly helps to wind down after having dinner and having good family fun.

So I hope this helps give you gift ideas, and will be blogging more and then will a break over Christmas but will be posting on my Instagram: my Vlog channel:

If you like a good book to read, then check out my book Mum&Me and will really make you laugh:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie Challoner