Monthly Archives: April 2016

An Update on Parenting

So since the last time I posted a blog on this page my son has grown and developed so much, he is now saying many words and trying to mimic sounds, and wants to explore wherever we go.

At 2 years old their routine does change slightly and between 10 months to 2 years their transition from a baby to a toddler as they start to lose their baby features into a little child, quadruples as they start to do more new things each day.

They say “Health professionals” that a child who was born premature have caught up by the time they are 2 years old, but in watching and observing my son, I do not believe this to be true, as it depends on each child. Every child is different, and no matter what it may say on a chart doesn’t mean that this is the case. Their numbers and charts are based on statistics a lot of the time, but not on fact. I can see for myself where Henry is advanced in his age and development and where he still got some catching up to do.

He is very social and interactive. His observation is second to none, but he is still got some catching up to do in terms of speaking and feeding himself. We are getting there but just needs a bit more persistence from us and practice.

We are now looking into nurseries for Henry, which he is ready to go, and this will really help a lot. You will find that between 10 months to 2 years their nap times will change as they continue to grow, having more growth spurts, meaning that their appetite may increase.

When Henry has a tantrum it usually is because he is trying to tell us something but he gets frustrated because he can’t properly communicate yet, and so we do try to step back and observe him to find out what it is. It is usually is because, he is thirsty, needs his blanket over him as he will fuss if we put it over him straight away, we will usually do this when he is a sleep as he has always been a very warm little boy, he needs another nappy change and wants to sleep but can’t, nose needs clearing or he just wants to know that someone is there. We will have the light deemed slightly before he goes off. We also do a bedtime ritual that includes calm peaceful music, deemed light, all toys away, dinner, brush of teeth, last nappy change and then story time.

It can be mind boggling sometimes to workout what to do, when they won’t settle or they have melt down, or how to get them from fussing when out and you’reToddler melt down image trying to have some time out and have a coffee, but you just have to do your best, forget about those onlookers and those that give that look as if to say “Can’t you quiet him down I’m trying to have a coffee too” but then remember you will never be the first one, that is what children do, as soon as they find they feet they want to be off. A great place to go is the Soft Play Cafe’s as you are with other parents, children can play and you can still have a coffee and chat.

I did see if I could provide a link to a list of Soft Play Cafes but there doesn’t appear to be one. I found out about these by accident when I was looking for the Gymboree class I was going to take Henry to and then heard about the ones close by where I live.

The Soft Play Cafes are brilliant as an alternative to the park, because lets face it living in the UK you never know what the weather will be like and if it is running cats and dogs outside then these Play Cafes are the place to go.

There are also many classes like Monkey Music which I take Henry to once a week for half and hour, and they have different classes from 3-6 months, 7-12 months, 1-2 years, 2-3 years and 3-4 years.

It is teaching children different skills through music. I have seen how much this has helped Henry as he is learning when to sit still, when his name is called to walk over he will and high-five, tap on the box and will now walk around the room with me, instead of fighting against me which he used to do.

So I will report back soon. I now have YouTube Channel Carries Realworld where I film Days in My Life, about Parenting, Hauls, My home organisation, cooking and baking, and sharing the favourite parts of my life.

I also have a new website called

So many thanks for reading, and see you again soon.


Carrie X