Monthly Archives: February 2019

Mother & Baby chat video

Please see my new Mother and Baby chat video where I share details of how my son is getting on at school and what to do if you have concerns about their development.

If you have any topics you wish for me to cover in my next Mother and Baby Chat video coming soon, then please get in contact my commenting below or filling my feedback form, you can find this on my feedback form see link below

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Many thanks for watching and reading my blog.

Carrie X

10 Hacks For sick kids

Check out this video by Emily Norris who shares 10 Hacks For Sick Kids / how to support their immune systems.

If you have any great Hacks for us mums then please get in contact by filling in the comment section below or by filling in my feedback form on my feedback page, see link below:


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Carrie X

Learning through play

Learning through play is so important, because that’s how they build up their listening, observation skills, memory and motor skills.

Henry learns through play at school and it has benefited him so much he is speaking a lot more, picking up new words and skills such as he couldn’t open any packaging now he can and its through play he has done that.

Here is a video which talks more about learning through play.

There are so many skills you can teach a child through play, such as cleaning, dancing and walking.

At Henry’s school they use visual cards to let Henry know what other items he can play with next, or what the next activity is going to be.

During half term you can still learn through play by taking them to softplay, bowling, to zoo where there is also a playground, to some gardens like Kew Gardens for example and have a great day out.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Teaching children about love

As it is valentines day tomorrow I wanted to write about teaching children about Love.

I think you can do it by the simple things like giving your child a cuddle and a kiss, letting them have the things they love but in moderation of course.

I want my son to be respectful to others and be kind, and he is already started to do that. Apparently there is a little who he goes to school with, who cries all the time when she has to go to school, and our son gives her a hug all the time.

The one thing my son is, is very affectionate which I think it is a lovely trait to have.

I don’t think showing you love someone should happen just on valentines day, but through out your life with that person, even if it is giving them a hung, cooking them dinner, buying a gift, just showing that you care is a good way to teach love to our children, and it should be embraced.

I know there are people who don’t agree with kissing your children, and that is up to them, but I don’t see what is wrong with it, as long you don’t have a cold sore or are sick, then giving a kis is a nice to way to show love.

Same with a hug. I love having cuddles with my son, whilst watching TV or a film, it’s what helps us to bond as mother and son, and that to me is important.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Building children’s confidence with water

Image result for child in a bath cartoon image
Image from:

Bath times in our house are tricky, because our son doesn’t like it, I don’t know why he doesn’t I make it as relaxing as possible and he goes in okay, but soon as he goes in he wants to come out.

He doesn’t like getting his hair wet and really puts up a fight to get out of the bath when it comes to washing his hair.

Building a child’s confidence with water is an essential part of their growing and I am going to in the summer take him swimming again, as last time we did it really helped build his confidence.

One tip I would give is to get into the bath aswell. If you can get into the bath with them so they can see that you are seating down and it is okay, and usually children will follow by example, once they know it is okay.

Once I have finished washing my sons hair I say “All over” and then he is fine and I take him out of the bath.

Sometimes I will encourage him as much as possible to play in the bath with his boat and there was a point he would, but he has become weary of sitting in the bath again.

He will stand in the bath, so we have put in a bath mat to stop him from slipping, which isn’t a problem I just wish he would be a lot more confident.

It is always me he trusts to give him a bath, he doesn’t like it when my husband gives him a bath, which I again not sure why, as at one point they were really bonding through bath time. It was kind of their time together.

So it a working progress, but like everything else, doing it gradual and being persistent is the key to helping them to build their confidence. Not allowing them near water at all won’t help, as they need to see there is nothing to be scared about.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X