Tag Archives: the parenting adventures tips and tricks

What I have learned since becoming a parent

Becoming a parent is a culture shock but a miracle at the same time and I have learned the power of the body and what it can do, which is producing another human being. We as women and men should celebrate that.

I think we don’t give ourselves enough credit as parents and still think “Am I doing the right thing?” and my son is breathing and loves playing different sports and is full of beans, so we, Henry’s dad, my mum and step dad, along with other friends and family who have helped, haven’t done a bad job.

It is good to have others, like other parents support hence why I started this blog.

Sometimes you have to improvise, like Henry wanted to have a score board for when he plays football, and watches a lot of sky sports at the moment and used word to create one, but in doing that I learned to let him find things on his own, within reason, because he found a live scoreboard, and have no idea of how he found one, but kids, and this another thing I have learned, will use their initiative and build their knowledge and understanding. I do monitor on what he watches on his table, as there are videos that attract kids but aren’t child friendly, like eating challenges and sports.

They will copy so you do have to be vigilant, and letting go, as when they get older they will start to move away which is hard to think about, but for them to be independent you do have to allow more freedom and unwrap the cotton wool, that we often can put around them.

My son is now ten years old and thinking about his development, being that he has development delay and ADHD, it is challenging, but working with him instead of for him and on his own, depending on what it is, is a better strategy because it helps him to work with others, and when it is right for him to do things for himself.

It can take time in knowing about how to communicate to your child as it is unique to each child, because some children can have fear in talking, and not share what they understand.

You can’t see into their minds only what you observe and what they tell you at times. With my son he still won’t tell me what he did at school, and has to be prompted. I was the same, I just wanted to forget school because I struggled with it and I am not a qualified teacher, so have had to learn on my own what works and doesn’t.

I have learned that when it comes to shopping to have him push the trolley with me, otherwise he will put up a fuss in the middle of the supermarket and I am glad that he wants to be responsible, and stop him picking up bits we don’t need, as it could be very expensive shop, and doesn’t like it when I check out the clothes. Is he being a typical boy?

He is in bed being the morning and his sleeping habits have changed, he will sleep in more now and kids change a lot, as they grow and is hard to keep up.

So, I hope you like this blog and thank you to those who have subscribed to this blog site and please check out my Pinterest where you can follow me too, and have lots of my content and I do post on Instagram, Facebook and twitter too:

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Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

When children get sick

Today my son if off from school due to having a tummy bug and had to collect him from school yesterday, normally he gets the taxi due to distance, and you never know sometimes of what to expect. Today he does seem to be a lot better and kids will get sick.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

I am going to start having my son take a multi vitamin which we did before but it was medicine type bottle and didn’t like it, so going to try a different type, as an adult I take supplements and they really do help, and took one as a kid.

Check of course with the pharmacist or doctor, and to know what is okay for your child to take, as some children may have allergies and there is so many on the market so can be hard to know what to buy.

My son can be reluctant to wash his hands so making it a must so he does it without a fuss as it is important and working in nursery I never known a child not have a runny nose and so have tissue to hand and make sure your hands are washed too. I remember when working in a call center and one of other agents after going to the toilet never washed her hands. If we want to have children follow good hygiene practices, then we as adults if you have kids or not, should set an example so it becomes a natural positive habit as germs can be spread easily if we don’t keep ourselves clean.

When going out for the day or going on holiday have a pack like a first aid kit in your hand luggage in case you child has travel sickness, and prescribed medication is packed in their too with the prescription and check with the Airline before you travel, if you are going abroad.

It is often a dilemma when our children get sick because kids do, but knowing how serious it is. Check their temperature, what their pooh looks like and if they have gone to the toilet, have a lack of energy, the colouring of the skin and if you see a rash then test it with a glass and if it doesn’t disappear contact your doctor straight away, or call 111 or go to A&E, which I hate saying because they do get overloaded with many people and children, and was told that by the receptionist of my sons doctors surgery and had to push for an appointment and managed to get one late in the evening. He had tonsilitis, so make that call or visit and tell the A&E staff that you were referred by your GP.

Be careful with food and check with the restaurant if they have food that can cause an allergy, and when I was a young child I became very ill, when I travelled abroad for the first time and missed a lot of days and there are some days of that holiday I can’t remember after being so unwell.

I wasn’t sure if this was heat stroke or something I consumed in terms of water or food, and when I went camping I was sick, so have a travel bag with medicines that can help and use bottle water if you are unsure if it is safe or not to use in a different place or country.

When at home have a cupboard or a box kept away from kids, with medicines your children are okay with and going through the food they’ve eaten. The doctor will ask what they last ate, if they have had diarrhea or vomited. Keep a record or mental note and what you have tried to use to help. Make sure they are away from others for 48 hours.

I found also keeping away from dairy and drink plenty of safe water to help with recovery from sickness if it is a tummy bug and with chicken pox when they start to scab and taken medication it is usually okay to have social interaction, so back to school for example but check with your child’s childcare setting.

Things with measles it is 5 days but check, and if it the flu that they are getting treatment like antibiotics and let the childcare setting of the medication and when it has to be administrated to your child.

So I hope this helps you and please if you have tips then please share.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Planning your evening

Hello and welcome! If you didn’t know I now do weekly cheat sheets, which is a free printable, to help your days and get the most out of your life.

This weeks one is ideas on Planning your evenings as we head towards spring.

I have also shared this sheet on my other site, https://everyonecanbuildacastle.com

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

My weekly Cheat Sheet: Ten Minute Habits

Welcome to my blog where I share tips as a parent to help you too. Each week I am posting Cheat Sheets to help you get ready for each day and week, and this one is ten minute habits:

Many thanks for reading, and do pass these on if you wish and to keep up to date with my blogs subscribe.

Carrie X

Cheat Sheet: take time out for yourself

Please check out this weeks cheat sheet, to help you Take time out for yourself. It is so important to have me time, especially as parents, because sometimes we forget to, so make it a must that you schedule this time.

Many thanks for reading

Carrie X

Taking a break

Check out my blog: https://everyonecanbuildacastle.com, and I am taking a break from my blogs to build other areas to build my content, like continuing to vlog for my main Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@typicallondongal, and other channels:



I am working a few new books, and have books on amazon that I have written,

And so written fiction books too, Mum&Me, The Lonely walk to happiness.

I will be back and checkout all my blog sites and Social Media:














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I will be back in March 2024, and will still be posting my cheat sheets: My First Cheat Sheet to help plan your week and get the kids ready to go back to school and Second Cheat sheet

Many thanks,

Carrie X

Keeping kids safe in the winter

Hello and happy new year! So it is really cold now, and my son hates wearing a jacket or coat. He detests anything that has a hood, so a bit tricky when going out, and never feels the cold.

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on Pexels.com

My son, since he was a baby has always had a good body temperature, but I know when it is super cold because he will, like last weekend, we went to play some football, wanted his jacket done up, and kids will let you know how they are feeling. He naturally been wearing a hat, usually mine, but has decided on his own to wear a hat, and you can’t force kids, So never fear, your child will see it for themselves of if they should wear their coat and jacket on. Not saying you shouldn’t care but stop feeling like a bad parent when they won’t put on a jacket when it is cold, and allow them to realise why they need to layer up, rather than nagging as from experience this will makes then resist even more.

The other thing is not to put the heating on too high, because they can overheat, and to help that is to invest in a room thermometer, which tell you what temperature of the room, and not near any radiators, or windows if possible because of the draft, and not to cover them too much when going to bed, or they take naps still, and when in their push chair.

Kids can get clammy, and sweat so if they are getting too hot then take a layer off, but if they are running around and not cold, once they stop play their body heat will drop, so then have them covered up and that they are non slip shoes on, when walking on icy pavements and paths.

Thank you for subscribing, and if you new that welcome. I hope my blogs help you and please give me feedback, as this helps my blog grow, and check out my Youtube channels and I share a lot on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Please see links below:




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Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

When kids just want to have fun

Lastnight, Sunday evening as I start this blog and winding down time, my son poured a bag of toys, because he wants to play with dinosaurs, all on the floor. He asks me about them and being honest, not my specialist subject. He knows them better than I do and I want my son to have fun, because it is good for him to play with his toys, and different ones, and this morning he had done the same.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

He was a bit reluctant in tidy up as he went to play with something else after pouring his dinosaurs all over the floor and made sure he tidied up, and before he went to play with something else and in learning as a parent, it is good practice because they are more prone to look after their toys when it comes to tidying up.

Having a child with ADHD and on the Autism Spectrum, it can be challenging for them to concentrate and so in between playing at home, I take him out to burn off some energy and we go on regular walks and playing sports and it helps me help him. For the first in ages my son yesterday after walking he played in a the park on the swings and and then he wanted to go back home and then part of the day had him do some reading, which he can be again reluctant to do, and then had some screen time. This I eliminate as being on his tablet all day is not good and want him to do different things and so in the morning we played some darts, which is fun but won’t put it away when finished, so an area we need to work on and do some more learning, but not easy, as he will pretend he doesn’t know when we know he does and recently when he does his swimming class he will hold himself back, and not show his full potential, and this, as a parent can be frustrating.

We don’t have a strict regime, and seems to be doing a lot more better learning at his new school, which is a Land school for children who have learning difficulties and I feel I could do more in terms of help with his learning too, because I and thinking of ideas that will gain his focus and to want to do more learning that is fun. I think when it comes to learning, and I can be the same, it can feel like a chore, and so need to break that up, but do learning games and do different activities as he said on Sunday that he’d like to paint things.

When Henry was a baby he had real sensory issues with paints and sand, and wouldn’t play with using these, to create things and to help with that he had Occupation Therapy which I highly recommend, and wish it lasted a lot longer before he went to school, as it taught me to understand about how to help him concentrate and not run around all of the time.

He when he first began walking would want to walk in the opposite direction and whenever we’d go shopping would want to run around and couldn’t browse and it would be tough putting him back into the pushchair. I know I will get nods whoever reads this bit, as I know it wasn’t just my child and their a parents having that issue now. Let me tell you, it does pass, even though it can feel it won’t.

Giving a time limit helps and stick by it as I wouldn’t and think “He won’t know what is ten minutes is” and let them know ahead of time what time playtime in the park will end and can play in the park for how long, as long as they don’t run around or scream blue murder, when shopping or my son would sit down and go all limp when trying to pick him up.

So I hope these blogs help and thank you for following this blog site and if you’d like a good read, I have written a book called Mum&Me on amazon and hope it makes you laugh out loud.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Monitoring what our kids consume and ourselves

It is another end of a week and now I am back with my son and came up with this idea when I uploaded a new video series of Deals I have found this week, this is on my main Youtube channel that I have linked below. on the items I needed and it has made me see what I am consuming and do need to be healthier.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com

This made me monitor what I consume that an affect my son. I am addicted to sugar and it is beginning to bother me, and not sure where to start to change this habit. This is the same for our kids, we should be monitoring on what I kids consume on a daily basis. I don’t want my son being on his tablet all day. Instead we go on walks and play football and rugby. This evening we did some homework without any fuss and felt that was result as normally he would protest, and I felt good in myself in doing this too, as I want my son learning and can play and go to trains that he loves as long as he does some learning that is going to help him in the long run. Our days out I use to educate Henry but encourage him to tell his dad or his grandparents on what he did at the weekend in the week to help with his communication which he struggles with.

This also means TV. I don’t watch much no, but on a Friday I do like it when son cuddles up with me to watch a bit of TV and allow myself to watch some in the evening and at the weekends in the morning. It helps me to switch off from being on my laptop.

I make sure that what we watch is appropriate for his age to watch and that means on this tablet too and we don’t when together my son and I watch TV whilst we eat. we will eat in the kitchen on the Kitchen table, and then after we have eaten then we can watch some a bit of TV.

On a Saturday he goes to swimming class and then we will have lunch and visit a local park and feed the ducks and just spending quality together in places where we enjoy going and places we like to visit, helps to build our relationship and getting a good amount of exercise as we will often play rugby or football.

I monitor what we eat together as I don’t always like to eat fast food but as a treat and have good home cooked meals. It is important to me and my son to have a good diet but still allowing treats but in moderation. However I enjoy taking him out for lunch and so I subsidise for that, but not do this all of the time.

The other area is sleep, I like to make sure my son has a good amount of sleep and me too. I say this as I am up on a Friday writing this blog, but I will be in bed soon and Saturday is my night off and so spend time off my laptop, and go back to it on Sunday, once my son is back with his dad.

So, lets work together and if you have tips on Monitoring what you and your kids consume then please do. Please leave below in the comments. If you’d like to be alerted of blogs I post on this site, then remember to follow me and if you have found this blog helpful to like this post.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X
