Monthly Archives: April 2015

What to pack in your baby bag plus, see my new blog on wordpress page The Birth of My baby Son

HI All,

Please see link below of my new blog on my other wordpress page The Birth Of My Baby Son.

If you are a new mum or a mum-to-be then heres help on what to pack in your baby bag.

  • 4 vests
  • 2 spare baby grows or tops and bottoms
  • 5 nappies
  • Pack of baby wipes and a spare if your current opened pack is low.
  • Nappy cream
  • A couple of toys
  • 4 snacks if they are weaning.
  • A food pouch for lunch, already made finger food (pieces of cucumber, a fruit such as banana or melon, cheese, ham with little pieces of bread or crackers) or a sandwich.
  • A bottle of water or milk, depending on age of baby. 0-1 water or milk (if still having milk during the day and not being breastfed) 12 months+ bottle of water if no milk now during the day.

This is a guide on what I have packed for my son, as they grow you will find you may need less, example vests I now take 2 and 1 spare top and a pair of bottoms if really mucky or any nappy accidents occur.

I thought I would share this to help as when your baby first arrives you can end up taking everything accept the kitchen sink so gives you an idea of what to pack. Please, please, one lesson I learned is not to spend a lot of money on a baby changing bag. I did and only used twice and now given this away. I bought a cheaper one from Avon, which I now use all the time and I will most a picture of this along with my vlog created to show you what I currently pack for my son when going out. Now sometimes I don’t use a changing bag on some occasions, and use my see-through toiletry bagĀ as it fits perfectly in the basket underneath the pushchair and a separate handbag for his bottle, sun cream and my belongings.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X