Monthly Archives: February 2022

Travelling With Your Kids

First of all thank you to my new followers of my blog site, it really means a lot to me, and helps me to deliver more posts to help you and myself being a mum of an 8 year old who luckily likes to travel.

He gets upset with the train as he likes the train to go slower and not fast, but I know that is impossible to control because you don’t always see the driver, and others on the train with their kids need to get to their destination to go home or go out, and so I will take his mind of it to see what he can see out of the window and he doesn’t like going backwards so we always have to go facing forward, and so its getting a sit. Not always possible, but he really makes it clear here wants to sit forward and will find a sit to do that. even if it means sitting apart.

So what I do is tell that when we are going to travel by train to spend the weekend with him and get to the station in good time and get on part of the train that is easier to get on and off at. I get freaked out by the gaps between the train and the platform. I witnessed a child once when travelling back from Lincoln, falling down the gap of the train and this memory stayed with me so I get off where the gap is small and stop my anxiety and anxiousness I can feel when travelling with my son.

If it is a long journey put some calming music on and keep chatting to them through the journey and always make sure that each child has gone to the toilet before hand and have bags packed the night before and check what is available where ever you go in case you forget anything that you can buy once you have reached your destination.

As a kid I suffered with Travel Sickness and so would need plenty of air and would take tablets for it. The issue with those some can make you drowsy, but did help. If your child has travel sickness speak to your GP to find out what is safe to give to your child if you want to go via the medicine route, that they can take for it, and make sure to pack drinks for you and your kids.

Make sure when it is boiling hot outside that you have windows open if not any air conditioning and never leave kids or pets stuck in a boiling hot car. This is so dangerous. If you and your children cycle then make sure that your children understand road safety and they learn what signals to give to help them to cycle safely.

Going on the age of your kids, make sure the car seats are suitable for their age or use a booster seat if they no longer need a car seat but propped up to sit safely to travel.

When it by bus it can be difficult because only certain amount of buggies can get on a bus, so I would travel when the I knew the bus wasn’t going to be packed and would miss the rush hour by travelling in certain times of the day. So after 10am. I know if you travelling to a nursery or school not always possible, so I would next time have baby carrier so then you don’t need to worry about getting on the train or bus. If your child is walking and have them going on how old they are.

I used to get so anxious about travelling with Henry because of the gaps and travelling too far, in case he needs a toilet and there isn’t any, but following the above has been how I managed this.

I have a new Newsletter of what is coming up in my content so check this out below:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Getting Through Half Term/Celebrating Valentines Day with your kids

Hello and welcome! Thank you all for following me on this blog it really means the world to me, and really helps me to deliver more content you may like.

Group of Happy Kids Laughing. A Group of Happy Kids Laughing Isolated on White Background royalty free stock photo

So Friday is the last day of term and half term again, and that means going out a lot and it lands on Valentines Day. Yes it is here again, I would like the time to go a bit slower, but out of my control like everyone who feels the same.

I am going to set out a plan for next week and see what I can book that is budget friendly and creates a good time during my sons holiday. These are the times you can really get a lot out of. I still not sure if I will be working next week, so if not want to get outdoors and explore.

Of course it depends on the weather, and going to check this out and planning on taking Henry to the Cinema as was nervous in doing so as he has ADHD, so going to see what’s on and see which Cinemas are open.

When it comes to affording the cinema, as it can be expensive is to bring your own snacks and often you can save money if tickets are pre-booked, or save for it beforehand. I will also be looking at local football team fixtures, but you do have to pre-book once the tickets become available.

My son has started Swimming lessons now and want to heIp, his learning and checked local swimming pools, and they do sessions for all and so going to check to see if I can take him this week, of course it may be busy but great way to bond with your kids and miss swimming myself and going to take this up again, as I like to keep fit however possible.

Check out “Better Gyms” as they do swimming classes too and do parent and baby swimming classes, and some of them have soft play for kids too.

For Valentines why not go for a family meal and give your kids a card. I am going to do this for Henry, and going to get him a kinder egg as a gift and some chocolate coins.

So I hope this helps you to plan your half term and remember if you need a coffee have one as it can be a long week ahead.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X