Monthly Archives: April 2020

What to do with your kids during lockdown

children playing

Hi everyone back with another blog, sharing some tips on What to do with your kids during lockdown:

  1. Try and stick to a routine as much as possible so it isn’t so much of  a shock to them for when they finally return to school
  2. Create them a learning or play corner of a room so they can do some homework, play games, draw pictures or create cards for family members and family friends that they aren’t able to see at the moment
  3. Have your kids help you with extra chores such as sweeping and cleaning the floors in the house etc
  4. Have a movie day or evening so they can watch their favourite films, with some popcorn, different healthy snacks and a drink of their choice
  5. Create them an email address for them so they can email friends and family to send a nice message to
  6. Have your children use this time to tidy their rooms and go through any clothes they have grown out of that can be passed down or given away or sort through along with any toys they no longer need
  7. Create some wall art by doing hand or foot prints to display using different coloured paints
  8. Have some reading time. I mention this a lot in my blogs, because I do think it is so important for a child’s learning and improve their writing and verbal skills
  9. If you have a garden why not have your children find different coloured leaves and flowers to wash and use for creating art and room decor
  10. Give your kids a cookery class, as during school days this isn’t always possible due to time, so using this time to do other bits and bobs is great for them to for example enhance their cooking skills

If you can think of anymore great ideas of what you can do during this Lockdown because of the COVID 19 Pandemic then please comment below.

You can keep up to date with all my blogposts by following me on and I also post all my blogs at

Many thanks for reading,


Carrie X










  1. Be creative and create poster for people to stay safe

Working from home as a parent

mum working from home with child

As a working mum it can be tricky to juggle everything at once but we still try to do it as much as possible.

At the moment we have no choice appart from those who work at Supermarkets, certain TV programmes and those who work for the NHS.

So how do you work from home as a parent,

  1. Create a new schedule for yourself and for your children. This will include breakfast, work time, playtime, housework, lunch, dinner and quiet time, which I would always recommend
  2. Listen to an audio book together and include story time into your schedule, and would recommend you do one for the day, week and the month
  3. Be creative. So get all your craft tools and paints and create hand prints, do face painting, footprints and make some cards to send to love ones and friends who you are unable to see at the moment, due to the Lockdown
  4. Break your work up into chunks of time, so for example I set 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening
  5. Remember to take breaks if you work all through out the day, as you can burn yourself out if you don’t
  6. Delegate your work load and if it is posting out documents why not get your kids involved. I helped my mum recently as she is working from home with sending out some gift cards to parents to pay for free meals
  7. If something isn’t urgent then set it aside for another day, but still schedule in with a deadline date
  8. Prioritize your workload, so put in what is more urgent or circle each item on the list that must be completed first, and get your kids involved.
  9. Set up a corner or table so you have your work together and all the activities like drawing, painting or reading out ready so they can sit with you whilst you work
  10. Brain dump the day before of everything you need to do and schedule it in

So lets all pray that this Pandemic goes so we can get back to normal, but I hope you find these tips helpful. Remember to follow me on this site if you would like to see more of my blogs I post on a weekly basis, and comment below of what tips you have of working at home.

Many thanks for reading,


Carrie X

Handling a breakup

Parents Fighting Clipart

Since becoming a mum back in 2013 my marriage has had its ups and downs and friction was caused between us especially when I had postnatal depression. My son was having difficulty on some days in not keeping his milk down, and it would be like an explosion of milk.

I have since met somebody new, not going to say who it is but I am very much in love.

We (the father of my son and I) back then were often at leggier heads and for the most important thing is to try and keep the piece as much as possible. I do have anger about why and how it has ended, but it has and I feel that for me personally I have to try and bite my lip and move on.

To me it is so important to try and be civil with each other and not use children as a weapon and a way of scoring points against on another.

Try to explain to them not just by the off chance it gets mentioned, but sit down with them and explain, that mum and dad are no longer husband and wife but we love you still so much and we’ll both be here for you should you need it.

A marriage that breaks up is hard especially for children and they may start to be a little clingy than normal, so suffering with separation anxiety, they can start to feel that they are to blame, which of course they are not.

They can start to play up a lot more, so wanting more attention.  They can become super hyperactive so have a lot more tantrums. They are scared even frightened because their world has fallen apart and they can feel they have no control.

If there are disputes then the best thing is to do it outside the home away from the kids because they will pick up on tension and that it is unhappy place and can feel very vulnerable.

No marriage ending can be easy but you can pull through and still end things amicably.

So if you to have had such experience aswell please share I would like to know.

Many thanks for reading,


Carrie X