Monthly Archives: April 2021

Parenting Schedule/Life can be such a mess

Hello!Yes time for another parenting blog, and today as i write this post I put together a new Parenting video about the mistakes I have made as a parent, as being a first time mum, this can often be the case so please checkout my Youtube channel to watch this new video:

16,105 Stressed Mom Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

This blog post is about Parenting Schedule when it often ends up being changed, ignored or in the bin, so your day ends up being a mess and then you just wished you stayed in bed for the day. Yet with kids screaming it can feel like a duration from when you got up to when you finally go to bed.

I thought when Henry was the age to go to school, I would have loads of freetimes, but how wrong was I, as that time from dropping him off at school to picking him up would fly by. I often would feel I accomplished nothing and by the time I got free time in the evening it was already 9 O’clock.

At the moment I do have more free time as I don’t see my son at the moment as often, and I have started to feel the anxiety of our separation, and really looking forward to being in his life more and I love the hugs I get, but I miss watching TV in bed after a long day and taking him to a coffee shop so he can enjoy his chocolate muffin and taking him to many parks in London.

When do see him I now no longer worry about mess as I know it won’t be like that forever but will be done, and hugs and laughter playing magnetic darts for example is much more important than mess, so yes living in chaos can cause cleaning and home anxiety, but I would never choose tidying up over a big hug with my little dude.

Have a wonderful week and Stay safe, Stay Strong and #behappy I am all about the Easy Flexible parenting now and that is how I roll.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Teaching kids about good causes

As a kid I had a penfriend who I contacted when I was in Primary school, and I loved it. This was before the internet was introduced and would be personal letters, telling them who I was and about myself, and I am so sad that we in the end lost touch.

Photo by Lagos Food Bank Initiative on

I remember when they showed kids starving in Africa and it did break hearts seeing it, and I always donate whenever I can. We can all struggle when it comes to living, and so I do believe in #workingtogether and supporting families all over the world.

I hope the penfriend I had from Gambia, I think it was. is still with us and doing well. Now we have the internet it is so easy to get into contact with other people from all over the world. Of course there are people who use it for the wrong reasons, but like me I use it to share a song that I liked and a youtube video that may help others.

It is amazing to see children making a difference for other children, as we are one world, and should be supporting others, and getting rid of those who use the internet to hurt others. I like the fact that schools do a lot to help the community. At my son’s first school he attended, they would do a lot for good causes, like #mentalhealth week and #childreninneed and would encourage parents to teach kids about good causes and getting involved to support families all over the world.

It doesn’t have to be anything huge and just watching The One Show, they are do a lot to thank those who have made a difference for charities, raising money. I loved it when we would have fetes at a school on on the housing estate, where I used to live. It had so many good benefits. Like meeting other children that lived on other Peabody Estates. and being responsible and I like making a difference. I am in no way looking for a halo, I do it because I feel it is rewarding.

I never thought I’d ever run the Great North Run, which I did for the National Autistic Society and do the London 10K for Help the Heroes. If someone had told me I would have thought they were mad. So if you can help a good cause then get the kids involved and this will stay with them for the rest of their life and we want to do good all us, don’t we? I love taking part in charity events. You meet such fantastic people, example when I was working in a contact centre, others who I worked with wanted to do walking events for Charity. It was such good fun.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Gaining a Kids Trust/How kids change their mindset with feeling safe to unsafe

In today’s society it can be a tricky world, and it can take its toll on us and our kids. For no fault of their own they may be unsure of you, even if you are their parent. Trusting is a key word for me, when thinking about the relationship I have with my son, and want him to feel that he can come to me in full confidence and will support him whatever he decides to do.

Gaining a kids #trust is something that is very important that we all do, so they know that we, the child’s parents and we will never allow anyone to hurt them, but they will get hurt. I hate to face that fact, but it is true. They will fall when they begin to walk, they will catch a cold, they may squabble with another child. This is how they learn to walk and get up when they fall. If kids can use a room as a playground they will. To avoid this have toys out that they can play with and set boundaries.

Never limit kids but have rules that if they want to play and jump on the cushions to tidy them up and teach them not to put cushion over their face, especially if they are really young. control on what they watch on their devices, because they will copy.

If they find that a video scares them, never avoid but let them know it is okay and they don’t have to watch it if they don’t want to, and their fears will change. My son for example as a toddler would cry when he watched You Spin me right round, by Dead of alive and so would turn it off and just play the song without the video, using Youtube.

Henry, my son is very friendly and loves seeing other kids and when he went swimming one of the little girls there got a bit fearful of Henry and another child who looks older than his age, and so the instructor took her in and made her see it is okay.

Never fuss too much about this as they will adjust, and Henry was scared himself when he first began swimming lessons, but through being persistent and not allowing his fear to not go, is now super confident and loves it.

If they see you worried then this can pass on to them, and so it is important as a parent to have peace of mind and I know the swimming instructor, would never allow any child to drown, and if they see you are okay then they will be too.

Its taking gradual steps and you supporting them whenever and wherever possible and let them know each day they are loved, will instantly make them feel safe and that what we want our kids to be.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X