Monthly Archives: May 2019

Preparing for a baby

Preparing for a baby can be mind boggling as there are so many different products out there, that it can be pretty overwhelming and lets face it expensive too.

Congratulations to Prince Harry and Meghan, on their new addition, their baby boy, Archie. It’s time for those sleepiness nights and nappy changing, and life does change from this point forward.

I wish I had been more prepared, and one piece of advice I would give to parents to be, is to set up a hospital bag as soon as possible. If I had realised and done my research beforehand, I would have made sure I had everything I needed, as my waters breaking at 31 weeks was a shock.

The items you will need are:

  • Baby wipes
  • Breast pads
  • Maternity pads
  • Cotton wool balls
  • Nappies
  • Couple of baby clothes, babygrows and couple of vests, of different sizes just in case

Please don’t spend money on a fancy changing bag, any bag will do as long as it got a few compartments and can fit in your items.

Make sure you have a cot, preferably one that can be leveled down, as your baby grows and you have a baby monitor in case baby is sleeping in another room.

You can also purchase a baby chair which rocks the baby back and forwards, but not necessarily needed to begin with, but is up to you.

Get as much sleep as you can, as when the baby comes sleep deprivation can be tough and for my husband and I this was a culture shock, and took a lot of time to adjust.

Remember to enjoy your baby, and that the time flies by so try to make the most of each day, as before you know it they are starting school.

I wish I had been more relaxed and I think if I had prepared myself a lot more I would have been.

I hope you find this blog useful and remember if you would like to be kept up to date with my posts then you can do by following me on

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Limiting screen time for kids

Limiting screen time for kids can be tricky, as wherever you look people are watching their phones, laptops, tablets and TV’s.

However I do think it is important, to do other activities aswell as watching TV or his tablet.

We will go for a walk to the park, take Henry on a train or bus, do some reading or he will play out in the garden.

Having no technology for a few hours or so a day, can help all round, as we can get lost in our phones, as parents we need to be on high alert a lot of the time, so limiting screen for ourselves is important too, and sets a good example.

Here are 12 tips on how to limit your child’s screen time:

  1. Set the example
  2. Remember your the parent so you can set boundaries in terms of screen time
  3. Set limited viewing times
  4. Encourage other activities
  5. Play with your kids
  6. Check to see what they are watching
  7. Set Parental control
  8. observe child’s change in behaviour
  9. If it is keeping them awake, limit screen time until 6pm
  10. Have some family time, at meal times and going out for the day
  11. No TV in bedrooms
  12. Listen to the radio instead of the TV on some days

So I hope this has helped you, and remember to like this post if you did below, and remember to follow me on WordPress if you would like to kept up to date on my blogs.

If there are any topic regarding parenting you would like me to cover then please get in touch, by filling in the form below.

Kind regards,

Carrie x

12 toddler plane activities

Soon we will heading into a another half term, and then the summer holidays, and if you are going on holiday and flying this year, then here are 12 toddler plane activities, how to entertain a child on a flight.

Soon we will taking Henry on his first ever flight and I will be honest I am pretty nervous about it, but something I feel I am ready to do.

Please watch this video below by The Hidden Gem.

It can be tricky but sitting Henry down for long period at a time, so we going to do a small short flight this year to see how he likes it.

Please if you liked this blog then please click below, and remember you can keep up to date with my posts by following me on

If you have any topics you would like me to cover then please let me know by filling in the contact form below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X