Monthly Archives: October 2018

Finding a good school

As we are now coming into November, this is the time you should be looking at visiting schools and applying for your school of choice, before January 2019 for your child depending on their birth date.

This was my husband and I last year, and thankfully we go out second choice.

Image result for choosing the right school for my child

You want to visit during school hours if possible as you can see by the children’s expression and body language if they enjoy their school or not and can usually pick up a good or bad vibe.

You wanna go by the way the school has presented itself and what their Ofsted report is like. Luckily both of the schools we wanted for our son were both Outstanding, which I appreciate not everyone is that lucky, but nevertheless it is good to check out the Ofsted report, and if the school will get the best out of your child.

I know in the UK it all comes down to distance and if you live in the catchment area, but like my nieces they go to go a school further from their home because ones in their area to where they lived were really bad, and didn’t have good reputation at all.

Consider whether or not they Will be able to give your child the care and attention they need. I knew for Henry our son, he would need one to one support as he has slight development delay, and so it was important that the school could provide that for us.

How will they introduce your child to school? Do they do home visits? Going to school for any child can be daunting so you want to lower the stress of school as much as possible and have them look forward to it, rather than dreading it.

To find the schools in your area check out your local authority and how you can apply and what date you need to apply by.

Many thanks for reading,


Carrie X

What’s in my Baby Changing Bag/ You don’t need to use a fancy changing bag

Hi there, thank you for viewing my blog, here I share my experience of being parent for the first time, and I have written two books related to The Parenting Adventures aswell.

The Parenting Adventures Pregnancy to the first nine months and The Parenting Adventure, Baby to Toddler years. Available from Amazon in paperback and kindle.

In this blog I am adding my new video, which is showing what I carry in my baby changing bag. You can watch below:

Please comment below of what other topics or experience I have that you wish for me to share being a first time mum.

Parenting isn’t easy, but you learn as your child develops  learns. There is no one way to parent, but be true yourself and what will benefit you and your child.

Many thanks for reading,


Carrie X