Category Archives: Parental Hacks

Packing for a School Trip

My son is off today on his first overnight stay with his school and I am pretty apprehensive. I wrote about it in my daily blog:

I did almost pack the kitchen sink but had to remember he has to be able to carry it so downsized my originally idea of what to pack and what he’ll actually wear as he can be fussy when it comes to clothes.

He doesn’t like hoods so I found this waterproof tracksuit which comes in its own bag which is handy.

This is from Amazon by a company called Regatta Outdoors.

I have showed him and tried them on him and is a good purchase and bought him some wellies and showed a hack on Instagram and TikTok Putting his socks and pants into his welly boots and his toiletries in the other:


Packing for school trip and did this hack to pack toiletries, pants and socks #travelhack

♬ original sound – typicallondongal

Because he won’t wear a hood I am going to pack a baseball cap and have labelled all that he is taking as kids will leave things behind. So the more you can do to prevent this from happening the better they will remember to pick their belongings up.

I bought some miniature toiletries from Boots. There are Shower Gel, toothbrush, Flannel and sun cream, and labelled these aswell.

Depending on the weather make sure you apply sunscreen, and wear light cool clothing and a jacket and a sweater should the weather turn cold.

I bought him some thick socks from TU Sainsbury’s when I bought him knew wellies and have put in a pair of sunglasses and then there is water and snacks.

The school are providing lunch and then will have dinner at the place they are going to and so going to be a great adventure for him.

It is going to be hard and was getting a little upset as I am worried about it, but will be so good for his independence and is overnight so going to not show my emotions, as I want him to enjoy it and often it is best to keep your feelings and fears to yourself because, you don’t want your fears to pass on to them, but ask if they are okay and if they have fears and go through it their emotions, so they get as much out of the experience as much as possible.

I have prepared him for it as the school did a little leaflet about it to go through of the itinerary with my son and won’t be on his own when it comes to bed time so feel good in that, and so its just getting him dressed and ready.

If you have any advice or a comment about this blog, then please leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

When kids get fussy over what they want to wear

The idea of this blog came about when watching this video by Emily Norris,

My son is very fussy when it comes to clothes. He won’t wear anything that has a hood. So because of that it can be hard to find a coat or a jacket, and bought a water proof jacket because we lost his coat on the train and was one that had a removable hood, and will not wear the one I bought, and didn’t think about when buying it. The nearest item to a jacket with no hood he will wear, is a body warmer which was from Trespass, via Amazon.

So when buying a coat, if they don’t like hoods then look for one with a removable hood or a bodywarmer making sure they have insulated tops, like a jumper and long sleeved tops, as he will often no matter what, even if it doesn’t have a hood, wear a coat or jacket.

He doesn’t like Polo shirts, and so will only wear his ones for school but non other, and we really have to convince him to wear them, and he looks so smart in them, and great for all year round, but he is not a fan.

I now let him choose what he wants to wear, and have his clothes laid out so he can grab them and put them on. The same with socks and pants.

Have some fun with clothes, as my youngest niece liked to wear pretend princess dresses and there was a little girl at a Swimming class my son goes too, was wearing a princess dress after swimming. I like to dress me and my son in the same thing. It really helps him get dressed and ready for the day. My son never really liked fancy dress, but not so bad now, as he loves dressing up for Halloween and World Book day, which is today as I write this blog, but his school he is at now, the children didn’t dress up, and if they don’t want to be in it all day, then put on underneath, other clothes or pack some spare clothes from them to change into.

I also like to go through his clothes so anything that he will like wearing, but not worn for while get them out of his wardrobe to wear, and won’t wear slippers, and he will tell us now if he wants to keep his socks on, and won’t wear sandals, so will make sure that he has pair of trainers and is wearing ankle socks so in the summer he feet doesn’t get too hot and be in barefoot if it is okay for him to do so and get his feet measured, and he likes to wear his school shoes daily if his trainers need cleaning or changing.

Kids choices will change as they grow, and so will buy clothes for the next age that I know he will wear and keep some polo shirts he has to see if he will change his mind and shop with them and let them choose clothes to buy, when you go shopping and give them a budget of how much they can spend, and will help with waste and get use out of their clothes, and going to keep his fleeces to see if another child they may fit will wear them, or sell or donate.

Thank you for those who follow this blog, it really means the world to me and welcome to those who are new, and I hope your kids are having fun with World Book day and there are more blogs to come.

I also have Youtube channels now so if you’d like to check them out then please click on these links:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Getting ready for school Holidays 2024

So it is half term here in the UK and my son has gone to his holiday club, and then we off to a cat cafe and book swimming, but there are other things you can do so check this weeks Cheat Sheet for inspiration.

Please let me know if you like these cheat sheets, and I enjoying putting then together to share ideas of having fun and stress free, and are completely free to download and print off.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie Challoner

My weekly Cheat Sheet: Ten Minute Habits

Welcome to my blog where I share tips as a parent to help you too. Each week I am posting Cheat Sheets to help you get ready for each day and week, and this one is ten minute habits:

Many thanks for reading, and do pass these on if you wish and to keep up to date with my blogs subscribe.

Carrie X

My First Cheat Sheet to help plan your week and get the kids ready to go back to school

Hi all! Happy new year! So this year I wanted to do a cheat sheet for each week to help kick start your week and get things done.

So here is my first one:

Please let me know if you’d like other printables. I will do these each week and have created one for my other blog:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Letting kids figure things out on their own

Kids need to figure things out by themselves when it comes to skills, like going down stairs with supervision, if they need a hand, and want go down them on their own, trying not to be anxious . When it came for my son, as he kept trying he found his own way of getting downstairs, and would slide down on his tummy, until he learned to walk down them.

Photo by Kampus Production on

He did have a walker and would whiz around the living room and when it came to walking if we noticed him he would sit down, and I swear that he was walking before we noticed, without us looking and the same with speech, which was limited at first but has improved lots. If he is reading and wants to hold the book I do and have him turn the pages, and if they want some time going through the pages of a book on their own, as long as they are safe, leave them to it. Of course if it is a book that is relevant for their age, and learning ability.

My son can be lazy, and still wants me to help him get dressed on some days, but I will put his clothes together, but will let him get on with it, and when he does it for himself, feels proud of himself, so some kids need prompting, but if they do it, give the praise. If your child demands that they want to do it by themselves then my tip, let them it means they want to be responsible and moving to the next step of their development. Check out a podcast by @melrobbins, who created the Let Them Theory, as you can use this method in many different ways:

I did write another blog about Letting them help with things like, making dinner and wanting to help wash up: If your child wants to help with the chores let them

When it comes to opening wrappers from sweets, if they pull away because they want to figure it out, then again leave them to it, and if you show them where to put it once they have taken off the wrapper, keep reminding them, because they will do this on their own naturally, and on their own.

If they want to put their own clothes and toys away, give them a place to put it and they will follow and make it into a fun game so it gives even more encouragement, and if they put it in the wrong draw then that is fine. Keep showing them where their stuff goes, then again they will follow, and becomes second nature.

If they want to help with gardening. this can be a really good fun task, and when I planted some flowers, my son loved putting in soil into the plant pot and on the flower beds. He helped my mum plant some carrot seeds and was eager to see if they had grown. It didn’t work well as the seed that were planted , appeared to have been taken by wildlife and birds. However, can be a great activity for kids.

The same with if they want to clean your car, or they want to vacuum or wash up. As long as your near by and it is safe to do so, let them do it and when they want to make their own breakfast, or their lunch, say yes, and studies have shown that if they have helped to make their meals, the more they will eat it, if they are fussy about food. Henry will now fill up his cup on his own with milk, and seeing my son develop gives me such comfort, and makes being a mum, well worth it, and thankful that I am a mum and a parent. It is rewarding and mind blowing too.

The more kids get to figure things out for themselves, the more their mind and body will develop and great for kids welfare.

I hope this helps you and just to let you know I have written books on parenting and can be found on amazon, under the names, Carrie Challoner, Carrie Lee Holmes and Carrie Holmes. I also add content on my Pinterest:

I also have three Youtube Channel to:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Organising a kids birthday party

It feels me with terrible fear, especially when ti comes to pleasing kids, and so if I can have help, it is always welcome.

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on

First of all,

Where to host it:

Who has a mansion? Not me, but do you need one? No. Just a space where they can play and a place they can eat.

Giving kids bubbles can be a very welcomed item and who does not like bubbles?

So check where you want to host it, to see if a bubble machine can be used or manual ones, that kids can blow to create bubbles of joy.

Check to see what decorations you can use and will they supply tables and chairs and food for the party. My niece had her party at one of the Ninja Warrior Adventure Parks in and the kids loved it. All had a good time.

My son’s last birthday party was a local gym where they can jump and climb, and one of my other nieces, who is now a teenager now, had a BBQ at home with friends and family.

Do they supply a cake or can you bring your own? Is there parking? and where are toilets and just case, fire exits.

Get your kids involved:

Ask what each child would like and plan ahead, as many places get booked up, and plan at the beginning of each year, to save money towards it.

Make sure they don’t go empty handed. If the child has siblings or friends even, to help out. If other parents offer, take them up on it too.

Have the kids make decorations for it, with drawings and setting the tables and the child who birthday is, decide who they want to invite.

Check the weather forecast:

The birthday child, have them write the invitations, and make sure you have suncream on hand and put it on all on before they get dressed and have fans too, and put out some suncream for other parents to use on their kids.

Supply water and ice. If it is an autumn or winter party then have blankets out and have the kids wrapped up, and make hot chocolates, or inside and have a movie night, or sleep over, if it is super cold outside.

Have the paddling pool out if it is good weather and put it in the invites that this will be out, so parents know to bring towels and swim wear.

Be aware of bouncy castles especially if it is super windy and have someone who knows how to put it up safely and it is secured to the ground, and you supervise your kids on them. Make sure kids don’t have sharp objects, their pockets are empty and they take their shoes off, and is enclosed because of the heat, and not too many children ln at once.

Have items out for parents

Like alcohol, teas and coffees, with soft drinks.

Games that the parents can get involved, like tug of war, a dancing contest, fancy dress and gifts for parents and family who have helped organize the party and helped out on the day.

I did a series last year on birthday parties and so check these out: Great experiences for kids/Gift and birthday idea series, Birthday and Christmas Series, Birthday Ideas for kids, What can you buy for kids at Christmas or even birthdays

If they have tea or coffee machine in the venue that can be used for parties. Leave out some change for your guests and a open bar where they can help themselves to drinks so you can spend time supervising and chatting with them and their parents.

Expect last minute guests and changes

Have extra items, as there are always those who reply last minute or are
late, and so if you are doing party bag, cake and food, have a bit extra for
those who turn up or turn up with no reply and feel bad because a child has
missed out.

Expect cancellations, and tell the child who birthday it is that they can’t come but, make separate arrangement with them, like doing a playdate later on in the year, and still have a party bag for them so they are still acknowledged and your child gets to spend time with them, for your child’s birthday.

Have a set date of when replies are got to be in and rather than using paper
RSVPs, set up a WhatsApp Group, event on Facebook, email or telephone number.

Do a maybe list of guests, to do extra gift bags, or food, but also if they have siblings coming or they ask if they can come, doing extra means you can cater to them too and be excluded.

Then at the end of the day if you get offered from parents and children to help clean up then accept, or you get offered to go to move on to somewhere else, then why not accept this invitation too.

If you have kids who birthday’s coming up then happy birthday, and have a lot of fun.

Thank you to those who have followed me, it really means a lot, honestly it means the world.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Going back to school

This week it has been half term, if you did’t know , its a yearly holiday that is a week in February. Check out latest day in a life video:

Photo by Yan Krukau on

We visited a few of our favourite places and yesterday spent time with my brothers family and my son when to a holiday club called Youngstars, so he could be with other children still and because he likes interacting with other children.

I have a week to myself this first week back to school, but usually I would be planning my days to be at my son’s home where he lives with his dad to wait for him to return from school and fit in some homework, play and make his dinner.

Check out these tips to help make life easier as our kids return to school:

Tip#1: if you are two parent family then see if you can swap or have a routine like me and my son’s dad has, so he waits with my son to be picked up to go to school and I wait at his house where his dad lives, to return from school, because of the distance. We make sure hand over when my son’s dad returns home from work, before I set off to go back to where I live in Wimbledon and plan weekends for my son to stay with me and spend time together then too.

Tip#2: If you have a bath and have one or more kids still in infant school, bath them together depending on age, of course if you have teenagers probably not, but if they are infants then this saves on water costs and time.

Tip#3: Have bags labelled with their names and do a list for each child and have a changing station,and have them help each other to get dressed and to wake them up why not do some dancing. My son loved it when we would do this, and really helps their mind and ready for the day. So this not really just after half term but this can help with the half term blues.

Tip#4: Anything you can get done the night before take advantage of this and have their lunches, if they have packed lunch, ready, along with spare clothing as some children can still have accidents along with their shoes and coats.

Tip#4: Have different bag, one for half term like a beach bag and one for the return of school as like me I carry less when my son returns to school, compared to when he is on holiday and I often do this at the weekends, and have a separate list of your own for when your kids return to school.

I really hope these tips help you and remember if you want to be kept up to date with my blogs then press follow and if you like this blog, click like, so I know that these blogs have helped you and made your life easier. That is what you need as a parent.

I also share content on my Pinterest check it out:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X


My Parent Gift Guide is ready

Hello and welcome. It is now the end of November and yes we are a day away from December.

I wish I could pause the time and slow it down a bit. I have bought some more gifts and so I have been ordering from Amazon, who I always go too, for some great deals and items. It’s all about sets for me this year and you can get some really good deals.

So you can buy craft sets and games. I have done a gift guide video: @typicallondongal and will be more coming as we get closer.

To help you I have created My Parent Gift guide printable and so here it is:

This has many ideas and I hope that you find them helpful.

For me it is budgeting and of gifts that have longevity and items that will definitely get used, and so find out as the child’s parents of what they are into and have a spending limit and give a child money or a gift card, and they can choose what they want.

So have a good Christmas time and there will be more blogs to come.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Typical London Gal

Birthday and Christmas Series

Hello, hello and hello. Do I say it, that we are approaching the Festive Season of joy , yet because the prices of things going up it can put strain on it rather than enjoying it, so if you have any toys your kids don’t use anymore then why not donate them so other kids can enjoy them too, and work together so we all can still smile and enjoy Christmas.

I filmed my first gift guide yesterday and so this will go up by next week and going to do a series of blog posts and videos of how you can create your own gifts and experiences for Christmas.

Christmas is spending time with family and friends. Forgetting all the hate and things that annoy you and having a good dinner and a good day.

Go second hand, it can really benefit but do you maths. I do buy items and going to find decor in charity shops but still keep a list and have a budget.

You can create your own Advent Calendar and I am going to look around and see the different ones and Poundland often do some brilliant Christmas decor so I will taking a look and my favourite online store Amazon for decor and presents and make them fun.

Photo by Nicole Michalou on