Tag Archives: parenting tips and tricks

Organising a kids birthday party

It feels me with terrible fear, especially when ti comes to pleasing kids, and so if I can have help, it is always welcome.

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on Pexels.com

First of all,

Where to host it:

Who has a mansion? Not me, but do you need one? No. Just a space where they can play and a place they can eat.

Giving kids bubbles can be a very welcomed item and who does not like bubbles?

So check where you want to host it, to see if a bubble machine can be used or manual ones, that kids can blow to create bubbles of joy.

Check to see what decorations you can use and will they supply tables and chairs and food for the party. My niece had her party at one of the Ninja Warrior Adventure Parks in and the kids loved it. All had a good time.

My son’s last birthday party was a local gym where they can jump and climb, and one of my other nieces, who is now a teenager now, had a BBQ at home with friends and family.

Do they supply a cake or can you bring your own? Is there parking? and where are toilets and just case, fire exits.

Get your kids involved:

Ask what each child would like and plan ahead, as many places get booked up, and plan at the beginning of each year, to save money towards it.

Make sure they don’t go empty handed. If the child has siblings or friends even, to help out. If other parents offer, take them up on it too.

Have the kids make decorations for it, with drawings and setting the tables and the child who birthday is, decide who they want to invite.

Check the weather forecast:

The birthday child, have them write the invitations, and make sure you have suncream on hand and put it on all on before they get dressed and have fans too, and put out some suncream for other parents to use on their kids.

Supply water and ice. If it is an autumn or winter party then have blankets out and have the kids wrapped up, and make hot chocolates, or inside and have a movie night, or sleep over, if it is super cold outside.

Have the paddling pool out if it is good weather and put it in the invites that this will be out, so parents know to bring towels and swim wear.

Be aware of bouncy castles especially if it is super windy and have someone who knows how to put it up safely and it is secured to the ground, and you supervise your kids on them. Make sure kids don’t have sharp objects, their pockets are empty and they take their shoes off, and is enclosed because of the heat, and not too many children ln at once.

Have items out for parents

Like alcohol, teas and coffees, with soft drinks.

Games that the parents can get involved, like tug of war, a dancing contest, fancy dress and gifts for parents and family who have helped organize the party and helped out on the day.

I did a series last year on birthday parties and so check these out: Great experiences for kids/Gift and birthday idea series, Birthday and Christmas Series, Birthday Ideas for kids, What can you buy for kids at Christmas or even birthdays

If they have tea or coffee machine in the venue that can be used for parties. Leave out some change for your guests and a open bar where they can help themselves to drinks so you can spend time supervising and chatting with them and their parents.

Expect last minute guests and changes

Have extra items, as there are always those who reply last minute or are
late, and so if you are doing party bag, cake and food, have a bit extra for
those who turn up or turn up with no reply and feel bad because a child has
missed out.

Expect cancellations, and tell the child who birthday it is that they can’t come but, make separate arrangement with them, like doing a playdate later on in the year, and still have a party bag for them so they are still acknowledged and your child gets to spend time with them, for your child’s birthday.

Have a set date of when replies are got to be in and rather than using paper
RSVPs, set up a WhatsApp Group, event on Facebook, email or telephone number.

Do a maybe list of guests, to do extra gift bags, or food, but also if they have siblings coming or they ask if they can come, doing extra means you can cater to them too and be excluded.

Then at the end of the day if you get offered from parents and children to help clean up then accept, or you get offered to go to move on to somewhere else, then why not accept this invitation too.

If you have kids who birthday’s coming up then happy birthday, and have a lot of fun.

Thank you to those who have followed me, it really means a lot, honestly it means the world.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Going back to school

This week it has been half term, if you did’t know , its a yearly holiday that is a week in February. Check out latest day in a life video: https://youtu.be/Kx5LEyZCLqs

Photo by Yan Krukau on Pexels.com

We visited a few of our favourite places and yesterday spent time with my brothers family and my son when to a holiday club called Youngstars, so he could be with other children still and because he likes interacting with other children.

I have a week to myself this first week back to school, but usually I would be planning my days to be at my son’s home where he lives with his dad to wait for him to return from school and fit in some homework, play and make his dinner.

Check out these tips to help make life easier as our kids return to school:

Tip#1: if you are two parent family then see if you can swap or have a routine like me and my son’s dad has, so he waits with my son to be picked up to go to school and I wait at his house where his dad lives, to return from school, because of the distance. We make sure hand over when my son’s dad returns home from work, before I set off to go back to where I live in Wimbledon and plan weekends for my son to stay with me and spend time together then too.

Tip#2: If you have a bath and have one or more kids still in infant school, bath them together depending on age, of course if you have teenagers probably not, but if they are infants then this saves on water costs and time.

Tip#3: Have bags labelled with their names and do a list for each child and have a changing station,and have them help each other to get dressed and to wake them up why not do some dancing. My son loved it when we would do this, and really helps their mind and ready for the day. So this not really just after half term but this can help with the half term blues.

Tip#4: Anything you can get done the night before take advantage of this and have their lunches, if they have packed lunch, ready, along with spare clothing as some children can still have accidents along with their shoes and coats.

Tip#4: Have different bag, one for half term like a beach bag and one for the return of school as like me I carry less when my son returns to school, compared to when he is on holiday and I often do this at the weekends, and have a separate list of your own for when your kids return to school.

I really hope these tips help you and remember if you want to be kept up to date with my blogs then press follow and if you like this blog, click like, so I know that these blogs have helped you and made your life easier. That is what you need as a parent.

I also share content on my Pinterest check it out:

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X


Feeling Anxious When your baby arrives

It is a transformation and so the first tip, like my last blog, to take your time. Any concerns speak to your midwife and health visitor and never think you are being silly.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

You don’t know how you are going to feel no matter how many baby books you have read, but it can be a a joyous occasion, and so if I had to talk to myself when my son was born, is to be more relaxed and taken it in everything and don’t get upset if you get things on. When in the Special Care unit. every parent would put the nappy on the wrong way or baby would do a week or a pooh, whilst changing a nappy.

I remember sons first bath. We had talked whilst having a coffee, on one of our first trips out, after our son was born, and it the plan was forgotten as my son’s dad, stripped him off before I got the bath ready and the water wasn’t warm enough and Henry was crying we began to argue and felt relived it was over.

Thankfully we learned for the second time.

Babies when they are first born, can lose a bit of weight, and then as they feed will gain wait. However if you have concerns then of course tell your doctor or health visitor, and I for the first month kept note that he had poohed and that he is weeing.

Henry had reflux and so we had to give him infant Gaviscon for it and would put a sachet into his milk and kept note again whilst he was being given the Gaviscon because you can use it up to 6 sachets each day, and this did stop the reflux and was advised by the doctors and nurses on the Special Care unit who used it and advised us to use it whilst he was still in hospital as he was Premature, and when we took him home, and used it up to 6 months or so.

If you are having breastfeeding issues but anxious about your breast milk or not wanting to breastfeed, then get help. I wasn’t producing enough, and I did all what the nurses advised to encourage my breastmilk to come through and watched on Youtube for tips. and only got a little bit, and thought I did well, only for it to be given back because it wasn’t enough. I felt defeated, but kept on, but it was stressing me out.

Now you can get counselling for it and if I were to have another child, would definitely go down that road and get support. If you choose not to breastfeed, then I believe this is choice and should not be judged for it. As long as your baby is drinking milk and is healthy then, that is what is important.

Next is sleep. When Henry was going to be discharged, we were offered to use their family room before we took him home and spend the night to get used to caring for our son, and neither me or my son’s dad, didn’t get a lot of sleep and the routine completely changed when we took him home for the first time. His first night at home he made a lot of noise and again didn’t get a lot of sleep and would sleep when he did, both of us and after our son would sleep through the night, and I would worry and check to make sure he was breathing and of course he was fine.

This changed when he began teething, but was able to sleep unaided and that is because we never made a fuss, the occasions when it was difficult was when he was unwell. Thankfully is a deep sleeper even now he is 8 years old. I know we aren’t all that lucky, but you adjust and if you get someone offering to look after your baby whilst you catch up on sleep accept the offer, as rest for new parents is a must.

I really hope this helps you and if you didn’t read my last blog then you can via this link Feeling Anxious when pregnant.

In the next blog I will be talking about Feeling anxious when they become a toddler and handling the terrible twos.

I have written books on parenting on amazon.com under the names of Carrie Challoner, Carrie Lee Holmes and Carrie Holmes.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Typical London Gal

Celebrating Mothers Day

It is near the end of the week and Sunday if you hadn’t put in your diary is mothers day and as a mum I like the fact that this is celebrated as we do a lot, not saying dads don’t, they have their day as dads and so it is only fair we have a day for ourselves too.

If you need tips on what to buy then check out my new March Newsletter which I put together for March 2022.

Some countries celebrate Mothers Day later in the year, and so these tips are for you too. I like simple gifts, like a scented candle, a mug which I received last year from my son, and also a plant and a handmade card. This makes it more personal.

Why not make homemade chocolates. I did this one year, all you need is good chocolate that you can melt, a saucepan that can fit a glass bowl and moulds.

  • You melt the chocolate in a glass bowl in saucepan that can fit a glass bowl
  • Make sure that the bottom of the glass bowl is not touching as it can burn the chocolate
  • When the chocolate has melted, spray a bit of oil in the moulds to stop the chocolate being stuck
  • Put the melted chocolate into the moulds
  • Then when the chocolate has cooled down in the moulds place in a freezer or fridge
  • Once chocolate has set, take the chocolates out of a mould and put into a nice gift bag

Mother’s day only comes once a year so it is good to keep such memories, and so why not create a collage of passed and present memories, like pictures taken when on holiday with your mum and get all your kids to write a message on it. Same with creating a scrapbook. I did this once and it just a really special gift that they can keep forever.

When it comes to Mothers Day I like to go for a coffee, have a cooked breakfast, having a nice dinner and have a bit of time to sit in the sun as it has been nice weather in the garden, reading a book.

So I hope you have a good mothers day and if you would like to check out more content I like to share check out these links:





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You can follow me on this blog and thank you if you already are.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Letting kids take charge

Hello and welcome! Thank you for following and supporting this site, it really means the world to me. I know I say this all of the time, but it is true.

In this blog I am talking about “Letting kids take charge”, is it a good thing or not?

Well the main aim is to make them independent, and so letting them manage the things in life is a must, in helping that. Example: Henry likes to use my bank card to get through the gates when we go through a train station, which I don’t mind as long as we both walk through and he gives it back to me.

When it comes to special occasions, like Mothers Day, let them be in charge of picking the gifts and cards, letting them fill in the card and give the gift, but when it comes to schooling and being in charge, if they start playing and not wanting go to school, it can make the morning time a nightmare.

Yet it is good for them to pack their own bags, and remember to take their coats and jackets, and snack they can have at school.

When it comes to toilet training, sometimes they need prompting, so I ask a lot when it comes to my son, because often he won’t go, but he knows that he needs to. Teaching them to do things on their own is essential, because you aren’t always going to be there to help them, so allow them control, and show them how to put on their clothes, when it comes to putting toys away and managing their stuff they have.

  • If they want to choose what to wear, let them
  • if they want to pick a meal to have the in week, before shopping day, let them and give them the shopping basket with list, and get them to pick items on the computer, if you shop online
  • If they want to help with the gardening, and help plant seeds and flowers, let them
  • When a child wants to help you take care of cleaning then yes let them

Independence comes with learning and so if they want to do something for themselves then encourage them to take charge and be there to support always but they discover many things on their own.

I do film parenting videos on my Youtube channel is you’d like to check these out, then you can via the link below:


Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Time Management As A Parent

woman in bed with alarm clock between her feet News Photo - Getty Images

This morning as I didn’t have to get up unsociable hours as Monday’s and Tuesday’s I have to get up at quarter passed five, I wanted to still get up at 8:30am setting my alarm for 7:30 but slept and got up after 9am, yet still got stuff done, for example finished the editing I was doing for a new book I am writing, booked a blood test, had a shower and so to manage my time I will set my alarm for later as I go to bed around 9pm but don’t actually get to sleep past 11pm.

Managing time as a parent is tricky as some days things happen like your child getting sick are unplanned but that is why managing time can help. I like flexibility and so I always have this in mind so if there is something I need to do next I get them done but being flexible and give myself time frames to complete tasks I need to do, is for me important, and not giving myself to much to do.

Sleep is very important as I do need a good 8 hour sleep to function properly and so I do make sure I can, not on all days because like when I get up early I will feel tired and this is natural but the days I don’t have to get up so early, make sure I do to get through the rest of the week, a good 8 hours.

Doing the school run can really be time consuming, especially when my son would want to look for squirrels and buses but can be fun by making this time to enjoy nature and greeting other parents on the way. Now my son gets a taxi to and from school due to being a fare distance it has helped lift the pressure of the school run.

I always find during the school days that time goes so quickly and before you know it is morning again, even with my son getting a taxi and be there in his home he lives with his dad goes fast, but glad I have the resources to do get bits done during the waiting on my son go come from school.

I live by using my notebooks, my google calendar, my Whismith’s diary and also use OneNote to stay on track with time and is how I manage my days as a parent.

I am so happy that you my followers and viewers of this blogsite have liked my blogs and I also have three Youtube channels, books on amazon.com under the names Carrie Challoner, Carrie Lee Holmes and Carrie Holmes.




Link for my Pinterest:




https://theparentingadventuresthebirthofmyson.wordpress.comI also have some online courses and this week finished my first newsletter and a free EBook on Creating a Vision for new and better year.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

What Not To Give To Your Kids at Christmas

It really is coming round so fast, but I bet you are sick of hearing that, but it has and I am feeling that inner panic, of “No slow down please rudolph, as if he can hear me and the one of the longest raindeer ever born, so he should bve retired by now, but that’s the magic and joy of Christmas.

I type this blog as I am watching BBC Children in need a fundraising phemonon that raises money over britain and it reminds me how life is so important and it is important that we keep our kids safe during the festive period and to give back to others.

Christmas should be all about creating dreams come true, and so here in this blog I share What not to give to your kids at Christmas.

So the first thing is Candles until they are old enough to not pull them down and as a parent we keep them out of reach and are on a very high surface.

The other items are electrical appliances. Now as a kid I did have my own hairdryer very younger, and many atime got my hair caught in it and they were plastic ones. I would says appliances can be good but teach kids how to use them safely, like not putting the plug in water.

Teach them for exampe how to safely use a hairdryer, and that is applies to all Electrical goods.

The other items are things like body lotions, and skincare in general. Buy items that are catered specifically to kids, and only apply a little just to test, and try buying more natural products like, I have used Simple body lotions and face washes since a kid as soon as they came out.

If they are babies and then a definate no unless again it is for the child’s age group and for babies. The other thing is to check the ingredients of the product.

Be careful of the mince pies and Christmas pudding, as they do often have a brandy or whisky in them, and so I would make a cake instead,, if it is Fruit cake check the ingredients, as it is safer, but cut up the fruit and then put them into the cake mix, and a good iidea I did for Christmas made a cake specifically for my son and was a plane sponge, see below a chocolate cake I mae below.

If you are hosting a kids Christmas party then do check diatery requirements to be written down and make cakes with no nuts and the same, for certain oils used to make cakes. There are kids who will have a gluten intolerance so have a gluten free food along with a cake or cakes, as I find cupcakes are easier than a whole cake.

When it comes to giving food as a present again check the kids who they are for what they can eat and what they can’t. Discuss this with other childrens parents. Keeping on the same thing about food, but giving chocolates and sweets, check with their parents first and make sure they are kept separate to chocolates and sweets that are for adults.

When it comes to clothes make sure they don’t have irritating collars that can cause itching, and check the fabric first.

Perfrume, I love receiving this as a kid but never by those selling in the streets as they can cause burning if they aren’t real perfumes, and so buy in a store and that they aren’t allergic to body sprays and perfume.

Nail kits until they older because of the chemicals used, and because kid have a tendancy to put things in their mouths, and so wait until they are old enough to apply nail products.

We want our kids to enjoy Christmas as it is a day I look forward to again, as I did lose the spark for it, but since I had my son Henry it is back and I love buying gifts but nothing that could cause harm.

So I hope these tips are helpful,

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Kids and associations

Kids are a lot more clicked on that we underestimate them at times, but kids now seem to be a lot more self aware of themselves now compared to when I was a kid. You can tell what era they were born in, and make associations about things they see, hear, taste and smell. So they begin as they grow to use all of these senses, along with touch.

86,573 Kids Learning Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from  Dreamstime

So for example, they will see that food because they see you eat it, they will see that food is for eating, but then early in their life a lot of things can end up in their mouths if not careful. When working in a nursery there were kids who would try eating a crayon or sand, as soon as your back was turned.

They don’t often realise, but they also follow regular patterns od each day, and not learning about time, know when it is time for their breakfast, when it it time to play and when it is leading up to bedtime.

They will begin to remember things, like where the park is from their home, when they see the pond they know they may see ducks and swans. They know what things are, like a funfair or know what a toyshop looks like. Kids at first when born and I didn’t know this until I became a parent, and that they associate you, mum mainly, food and drink, especially if they are breastfed. So as soon as I held Henry, my son he would cry for food and make the motion to feed, but I found breastfeeding a hard task because I wasn’t producing a enough and Henry it appeared to not know how to latch on, but I now wished I had kept with it, as from looking back he did, it was my milk that was the problem.

There is breastfeeding counselling now, which I would defintely do if there is a next time, because I will learn a bit more about and with Henry I was ignorate to it, thinking I’d produce milk like a tap, but that was not the case. From baby age, I found that with Henry he knew who people were instantly and it would be by the words they’d say and they do copy, and so yes watch the swearing, as I am guilty of swearing in front of my son, and so, I try my hardest not too. I don’t want reports from school saying he is rude and saying bad words. It can make them become isolated, and I found that making a song and dance out of it too, encouraged it a lot more. So I will says “Kind words Henry” and they can do it, to get a reaction from you, so by saying “Kind words” and ingnoring it, he will stop as he see’s he gets the wrong attention if he does.

As they grow they will associate things that soothes them, when they want a bit of stimulation, like a certain song, a sport, a TV programme and story telling and books. They will at first look at the pictures, but then begin to associate the image with the word.

They start to know different colours they see, unless they are Colour Blind, or they are unable to see at all, but they will have stronger senses, like touch, hear, see and taste. They will start to know more of what they like and don’t. They will start to associate relationships with people and other children and who they are and if they are a friend or not.

It is all about understanding what is what.

If you would like to read more of my content you can by following this blog, and visit my Pinterest:

I also film parenting chat videos, under the Truth about parenting, please check my content here:


Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Kick start to being a parent/Having time just you and them

First of all. Thank you to those who have followed me as I continue to write blogs on this site, honestly, you help me continue the skill I love and I glad that you like them. I would not be here still if it wasn’t for you supporting my blogs and so a BIG BIG THANK YOU!

Mother Drinking Coffee Stock Illustrations – 140 Mother Drinking Coffee  Stock Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

So kick start being a parent. Life changing experience you’ll always remember, but not telling you how to parent but what will help you.

  1. A good cup of coffee or tea, with a good book to read when you get 10 minutes from your children who may cry, run in my case and you just need to take that time to enjoy such luxuries
  2. Get into a good TV or video series on Youtube. I always need my daily dosage and gives me time to rest and take some time away from everyday errands as a parent, like rushing on school days and afterschool clubs. Parenting is a busy business
  3. A playlist of music and dance to when you and your kids are doing chores or if they are napping and you can get the home together, even the tiniess of jobs. Its good to see ticks on a to do list rather than crossing outs
  4. Meeting the girls for drinks. We all need that time to see our friends without our kids at times. It does not mean we don’t care, but to have that time to chat, dance and catch up on your girlfriends and have a nice evening to yourself, just makes a nice change
  5. Take up a hobby. It is good to learn new skills and good for you and your kids and why not do a hobby that you all can do for a change of environment, being indoors especially as lockdown has started to move on, and it can be painting, playing football, going to football matches, running a family team and get other friends with kids involved too
  6. Have your meals prepped for the week. Something I miss doing and would like to have Henry helping me now in the kitchen preparing meals, great for them in being independent and how to make good nutrious meals
  7. Get your kids to shop with a list instead of you and have them meal plan along with washing up and doing their own laundry instead of you
  8. Have time with your kids making lists of when they do chores on what rewards they woudl like, but are doable and have a chart of what they have done for the reward, like have them strip their beds to be washed or made them. All of these skills will help as adults and its good grounding activities that you can do as a family unit, even if you are a single parent.
  9. Have kids writing a story and have the read them out to you. Writing is a must in skills and letter writing too. Just skills that will create memories and develop good relationships with other kids and other people
  10. Go for family walks and spend time visiting different places, but following the COVID socialising rules.

I do also do a Youtube series on my Youtube channel called Truth About Parenting check out my latest one.

Truth about parenting: Skills that kids should be learning.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Children and Being sick

Kid will get ill and i as a kid would be sick and anything going around like Tonsilitus I would get. In the hot weather we have had the more germs will spread.

7,519 Sick child Vector Images - Free & Royalty-free Sick child Vectors |  Depositphotos®

Childrens immune systems are still maturing and so their bodies take time in fighting off ilness and so here are some tips on keeping kids well:

  1. Carry round hand wipes and Sanitizer. Now I know they say that wipes are bad for the environment but carrying around flannels if you have more than one child is going to make things difficult. You could use one of all children but there can be more germs spread by flannels so wipes for me practical and less dangerous in passing diseases and viruses.
  2. Encourage kids to wash their hands. This is all throughout the day in the mornings when they begin school, when they have used the toilet through the day and when they get home from school.
  3. In heatwaves keep kids in the shade for part of the day as being out in the heat for too long can cause kids to overheat and so if you keep them safe in the shade in the afternoon when the weather can be at its hotest keep them cool and prevents over heating.
  4. Carry drinks or have your bank cards or money on you to get fresh cold water and wipe them down with a cool wipe can help keep their skin cool and body hydrated all of the time
  5. Invest in hats for your kids both for the summer and winter and light coloured clothing. Change them school clothes to fresh new clothes as you being surprised how much germs can be on school uniform and so keeps their school clothes clean for longer and have all unform washed altogether ready for school to be back as we get to the last week of term.
  6. Swimming gear should be removed after they have swam and be showered as clorine can effect kids skin and if clothes not rinsed out and wash can spread germs and smell after a while so take their swimming gear off ready to rinse, dry and washed for next time.

So I hope that these tips are helpful and remember #staysafe and #staycool.

Many thanks for reading

Carrie X