Monthly Archives: December 2022

Not Letting Your kids down

This week my son performed in his school Christmas show and I was really looking forward it, but he wasn’t in it and it did have a date in his message book but because the tickets were for Thursday I thought the date in his book was wrong, because even though he does the Year 1 curriculum he really is in Year 4. I was given the wrong ticket and missed his performance and my son was looking for me on the Monday when he was performing with Year 1. Yet as said was given the tickets for Thursday for years 3 and 4. which technically is his year and believed that he spends time in in that year aswell as year 1 , so yes went to the wrong performance.

Photo by cottonbro on

I am so disappointed and next time will check and make sure there is a better communication between us (my son’s dad and I) with his school when it comes to school events, as the teacher is going to see if it was filmed and if she can send it to me so I can see it.

I hate letting my son down and he did says something on Monday but thought he was confused and so said to him I will be seeing him on Thursday. So a miscommunication has now got me concerned because we aren’t sure of when our son is doing in terms of his mainstream classroom (which is in year 4) and with year 1.

When it comes to schools and Henry it has been a challenge because even the school he is in now may be changed as they are saying that they can’t long term still have him there and needs to be with a more specialised school and I talked about this in my Youtube channel, Typical London Gal Carrie Holmes, in my last week Sunday chat video.

I want to be there for all school events and it was so nice to see him get a award from when he has been having horse riding lessons and next year if he does stay at his current school, having swimming lessons and currently he has private lessons on a Saturday and loves it. Forgetting what happened this week, I really am not wanting him to go somewhere else to learn and make sure that any events I double check and email his teacher to keep track of what he will be doing in year 4 and when he has events with year 1 as at least I can make sure there is better communication on our part.

This has also made me see that I need to listen to my son more, as he takes in a lot of what is said, and knows more that what he lets on. I want to be part of his journey at school and see all of his shows and be there when he has his yearly reviews, and not miss a thing.

It is so important to me that I am part of his learning and help support him with his development. to grow our relationship. I know there are a lot of families struggling and parents worrying about letting their kids down, but what is important, is that it isn’t all about presents but showing love and compassion, and meeting family they don’t always get to see and friends.

Christmas is only once a year, but love continues throughout their life and telling them and showing them each day is for me most important and that I listen and learn as a parent and support him even more.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Typical London Gal

Childs first Christmas and sharing the love and creating wonderful memories

Hello and welcome! Thank you so much in your follows and likes.

Photo by cottonbro studio on

If this is the first Christmas for your child then they will not know what is going on but you can still celebrate and buy a Christmas Babygro and still decorate as babies love twinkling lights.

Play Christmas songs and dancing around the room whilst playing them, and it makes me think about those families who don’t have the luxury and not afford it, and there will be many find it a struggle and so it is the time to help make sure children from poor backgrounds can have a gift and give decorations to them, to put up.

This is the one of the reasons why I buy from Charity shops rather than chain stores all of the time and support small businesses, and local businesses. I am going to donate this year and if I see stalls for food banks i am going to donate. Now Tesco’s have begun to when you shop ask if you’d like donate to a charity and I do.

Sometimes there are scams and so you do need to be vigilant especially when buying online and that everyone can celebrate Christmas and not be struggling to put food on the table.

When it comes to Christmas and is your baby first everyone will want to hold them and have cuddles and a good way for you to unwind and have time to catch up with friends and family and having your family around you can make a huge difference, and again if you know a family that don’t then why not invite them round or choose another day around the festive season. If you are able to, and have a massive sleep over watching a Christmas movie and play family games, after dinner and finished by a lovely supper and time for some family pictures and like my brother did do a family photo of your baby on the Christmas cards, so they have something to remember and your child can see when they experienced their first Christmas.

It is all about giving love and sharing love, and have something for your child to remember forever.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Typical London Gal