Tag Archives: The parenting adventures

Packing for a School Trip

My son is off today on his first overnight stay with his school and I am pretty apprehensive. I wrote about it in my daily blog: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/2024/05/my-son-first-trip-away.html

I did almost pack the kitchen sink but had to remember he has to be able to carry it so downsized my originally idea of what to pack and what he’ll actually wear as he can be fussy when it comes to clothes.

He doesn’t like hoods so I found this waterproof tracksuit which comes in its own bag which is handy.

This is from Amazon by a company called Regatta Outdoors.

I have showed him and tried them on him and is a good purchase and bought him some wellies and showed a hack on Instagram and TikTok Putting his socks and pants into his welly boots and his toiletries in the other:


Packing for school trip and did this hack to pack toiletries, pants and socks #travelhack

♬ original sound – typicallondongal

Because he won’t wear a hood I am going to pack a baseball cap and have labelled all that he is taking as kids will leave things behind. So the more you can do to prevent this from happening the better they will remember to pick their belongings up.

I bought some miniature toiletries from Boots. There are Shower Gel, toothbrush, Flannel and sun cream, and labelled these aswell.

Depending on the weather make sure you apply sunscreen, and wear light cool clothing and a jacket and a sweater should the weather turn cold.

I bought him some thick socks from TU Sainsbury’s when I bought him knew wellies and have put in a pair of sunglasses and then there is water and snacks.

The school are providing lunch and then will have dinner at the place they are going to and so going to be a great adventure for him.

It is going to be hard and was getting a little upset as I am worried about it, but will be so good for his independence and is overnight so going to not show my emotions, as I want him to enjoy it and often it is best to keep your feelings and fears to yourself because, you don’t want your fears to pass on to them, but ask if they are okay and if they have fears and go through it their emotions, so they get as much out of the experience as much as possible.

I have prepared him for it as the school did a little leaflet about it to go through of the itinerary with my son and won’t be on his own when it comes to bed time so feel good in that, and so its just getting him dressed and ready.

If you have any advice or a comment about this blog, then please leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Weekly Cheat Sheet: Protecting our kids from sickness

Hello I have just posted a cheat sheet on my site Everyone Can Build a Castle. That Cheat sheet is all about Happiness and Wellbeing. This one I am posting on this site is about Protecting our kids from sickness.

These sheets are completely free to download and print, and please share. I post them every week, so please check this site out subscribe if you would like to be kept updated on my posts on this site.
Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Rewarding Your Children

So I have started to give my son pocket money. He has to do some reading each day, keep himself dry at night and help with errands, example he enjoys helping his Grandpa with the bins as he works in a school, and is saving up because he wants to buy a Chelsea T-Shirt.

Photo by Monstera Production on Pexels.com

Do you do the same? You can leave a comment below

That is how I learned about money and would save it for something I really wanted, but it doesn’t have to be money. You can do a different reward, like getting marbles and everytime they do something good, they get a marble in their jar, a method they use at my sons current school. Then can give an extra award once they have gotten a certain amount of marbles in their jar.

Or you can do it with lolly sticks, where you write on om them of chores and as they do this they can have a reward, like going out to eat at their favourite place or watch a film.

An Idea that I got from Jordan Page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwiWP41wLx0&list=PL23Z9xu_4WdggzSVNFafl6HWnuri7JVmZ&index=16

We humans are like animals that when we do something like a chore we do it again, when we reward ourselves, and the same with children.

It is good to have children be responsible as they grow so they can look after themselves and not be helped all the time. I want my son to know how to read and write, and do errands like setting them a budget when out shopping if they behave and help them with your shopping, and makes the shopping trip much more easier.

Have them have a morning routine by time. So when gets up around 6 to 6:30am, which is the time he wakes up, must make his bed, then have breakfast between 6:30 to 7am, and then must get dressed, the at 8:15am he is to put on his shoes and socks.

When he returns from school around 3:45am, he is to take off his uniform, and can play, until dinner time between 16:30 to 17:30, have a bath or wash and then do some reading once his dad has gone to bed, and then watch something, or play some more before he has to wind down before bedtime.

He then before bed which is usually between 19:30 to 20:30, but is rewarded if he doesn’t moan with a bedtime story and if he eats his dinner he can have a sweat treat, and in the day at the weekends, he can play football or rugby, or go to his favourite park where we like to walk, or go on scooter around another local park where I allow him to scooter on his own and where I can easily see him.

If you didn’t know my Life Coaching programme, Summer Project 2024 begins tomorrow and already filmed a video talking about it, if you’d like to know and starts from May to August 2024, and help you have a better life and a better year: https://youtu.be/-E2LmAU0xBg

Thank you for following me on this site, and I usually film vlogs on my Channel Typical London Gal and so a new vlog will be up this week, tomorrow Wednesday and so please subscribe if you’d like to keep up with those videos and have a new Educational Youtube channel too: CarrieEducationalYoutube-ws4xp

I will be uploading each week as I start this years programme.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Helping children to concentrate

So not sure if you have read my other blogs but my son has ADHD and so he finds it hard to concentrate on one thing for very long. He has gotten better, but he gets so easily distracted, so here are some tips I have learned that you may find useful too.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com

Learning at home: If you do home schooling then set the scene so there is no easy distraction. I make sure the TV is off, the lighting is okay and then once they finish learning, like reading or writing, then they can play.

Travelling: Henry was pretty good when it came to travelling, only a few times have I have had problems but if they are restless then bring a toy with you, download some apps if they have a tablet or a book, just something that will help you and them enjoy the journey as you can wish you had stayed at home.

Eating: With learning set the scene. When Henry was a baby I would put on the tennis or Countdown. As my son got older we would have our son eat before we had our dinner, but in my experience if you are eating too with no distraction, then the chances are they will stay at the table or have them do an activity like drawing, especially if you are eating out.

Playing games: Just a few moments ago we were playing cricket for a bit, and this morning we played basket ball and table tennis in a local park, but soon after my son wanted to carry on scootering through the park to go to the supermarket, but with my mums help set a challenge to hit the ball across the table tennis table 5 times, and so setting challenges, can really help them want to continue. When my son finds something difficult he will tend to shy away from it, so keep it simple at first and try not to make it too competitive as learning the skill and getting the right technique, is more important and can increase the challenge, once they have got the basic understanding of doing the activity.

At first my son wasn’t interested in his scooter and he will lose interest for a bit, but then will shortly want to play it again, and give praise each time they have done some learning, been good travelling, eating nicely and playing activities and then they will think wow okay let me do that again, rather then be put off.

Please check out my books The Parenting Adventures pregnancy to the first 9 months and The Parenting Adventures Baby to Toddler years. They are available on Amazon under my name Carrie Challoner.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

When kids take over and their the boss

My son now turns off my alarm in the morning and when I haven’t gotten up when he has, he has pulled the covers off and pull my legs to the side of the bed, and gotten me up.

My son at the Cat Cafe in Westfields in Shepherds bush London

Now I have changed my morning habit I now get up before him and between 4:30 to 5am and it has changed me. I am getting stuff done like never before, and it just happened, check out my blog on everyonecanbuildacastle. com

When it comes to children they will start to be more responsible and they will start to do things for themselves and tell us that we’ve said something wrong. Like if I accidentally say take of your shorts please when he has to get changed, and he is wearing pants he will correct me and say “You got it wrong didn’t you?” and I reply “Yes that’s right sorry”, acting sheepish.

When we play football he will move me to the spot and places me of where he wants me to stand, when I am allowed to play that is and he has been watching a lot of Man City Football matches on his tablet and will turn my head for me to watch them too or tell me to “Watch the TV” or “Go back to the Kitchen” if I am making dinner.

I wrote a blog post about if they want to help with chores then let them: If your child wants to help with the chores let them

My son will help his Grandpa, who is a caretaker of a school, to help with the bins. My son likes to help with cooking sometimes, but he gets a bit bored and his enthusiasm doesn’t last long, but the fact that he has helped a little bit means that he is ready to learn more and learn how to cook. That is a skill that should be taught to all children in my opinion, because if we want our kids to be independent, then cooking is essential to help with that.

My son at the moment is walking around the house with a duster. “YES” I feel, because the one thing we still need to work on is, clearing up after he has finished with something and making his bed. Kids need to learn how to respect the home and their bedrooms and keeping them clean.

Yes I was the one who, when my mum and dad would tell me to tidy my room shove everything in my wardrobe and draws, and become overloaded. I remember one time, as I would hoard, and my mum bought me a swatch watch. It was the latest watch at that time. This is the 80’s and kept on asking about it, and which I lied, saying it was on my desk, and asked me “Can you go and get it” and after 20mins or so, came into my room and said “Robert” my brother “Will help clear up your room”. It was my worst nightmare and it made me look after my belongings and room.

When I lost my first tooth I got really upset about it because I was scared of this tooth fairy that I didn’t want her coming into my room and waking me up, and this was when I didn’t sleep as I am often reminded of, and so they had to tell me the truth and they put the tooth under my brothers pillow and still got my 50p which was the rate back in those days, and made it clear I didn’t want the tooth fairy, but still have the money.

I would look after my own money. I like it when my son wants to pay for something. Like one weekend ago he wanted to use his money to buy a coffee at a coffee shop. It took me until I was at secondary to going into a shop and buy something for myself. I had such little confidence and would give money to a friend and she would get it for me. When a child wants to help with handing over money or use their parents bank card it is good, as they need to learn to pay for things themselves and be responsible when it comes to money. Check this blog I wrote that talks about teaching kids about saving money: Teaching kids about Saving money

Eventually our kids will have to go out into the big wide world, and create a life of their own and it is good to allow them to take charge, on different areas of life, as long as it is good and learn real skills. Lets share our lives as parents to support each other as parenting is a skill and so lets help one another to grow to help support our kids development, which helps us to develop and I am thankful for having my son, who brings me so much joy. I hope that this blog helps you, and thank you for visiting my site if you are new and you can subscribe which if you do, will be alerted when I upload a blog and I have a daily blog, check it out here: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/

I also post a newsletter each month on my site Everyonecanbuildacastle.com

I am also a author and so check out my Pinterest under My Books and this will lead you to my books, which I have written two parenting books, self help book and novels.

Have a good easter and there will be more blogs to come.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

New Cheat Sheet: When kids get sick

Hello! I hope you all had a good weekend. My son was unwell and sadly is today too, so will miss school, which I have tried to avoid but kids get sick and so was all systems go this morning and he is sitting on the sofa chilling. He has a tummy bug.

Each week I create a free cheat sheet on various topics and this weeks on is about When kids get sick.

I hope you do find these useful. They are completely free and if you want to share this post then please do, and remember to subscribe so you are alerted everytime I post on this site.

I hope you have a good week.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Learning from your kids

Being a mum has changed me, and my thoughts.. I see that he doesn’t multi task, but that it is good to focus on one thing at a time, and short spurts of changing areas in my life that leads to good results, is just as good as long spurts, and getting my life together.

Having a child with ADHD and on the Autism Spectrum, it is important to communicate better, as it doesn’t always sink in to them, and that I give him some control, when it comes to making decisions and that I am not saying no, but that we not going to it this minute, and if he is good, that he will be rewarded with the things he wants and making sure I make an effort to work on my behaviour too, like showing good manners and how to communicate correctly.

I know that sounds like what you’d do when training a pet, but given praise and rewards for when he does good, has a good impact, and that I teach him myself of good behaviour. I practice what I preach. I have to be careful of bad language and chatting, and allow someone speak first, as I have talked over someone and interrupted, and if you find it annoying, and your child sees this, they can copy and can influence other adults to follow the same habits and behaviour, too.

When it comes to diet, if I am encouraging good eating and being healthy, it has to come from me, in order not to snack all the time, and I am working on this, as I need to sort out my diet, as it isn’t always good, so I am in the process of having fuller meals, and not to snack so much.

Now we are going into a new year it is time to restart and reboot. So going to set goals for me and Henry to do together, and progress our relationship, as there are areas in which could be better, such as be a little more stricter, as I need to teach him about everyone is given a chance to choose what to watch on TV to, by making sure I do the same and respect others people property. That he is to respect other peoples decision and that everyone gets a turn, and not to kick up a fuss if it is not what he wants, as you can’t please your kids all the time, and that I make sure I am respectful in that area too.

If you have anything to share, then please do. You can leave a comment below.

So it is New Years day, so happy new year and lets all raise our glasses to all us parents and children, and hope 2024 is a good year.

Just to let you know I write a daily blog, and so if you’d like to check this out then you can, here is the link: https://mydailythougthsandfeelings.blogspot.com/

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Creating Memories with your kids

The Christmas rush is here, and we can all feel that we haven’t got anything ready, and worry that the gifts we bought our kids may not be well received, and panicking a little.

Remember to take the price tag off and remember they won’t see the price, and even an empty box can still be fun and paint it to make it into a hide out, or into a Fort, and so, kids want fun and love anything that makes them laugh, sings a song or play imaginary play.

Party games always do well, including the old fashioned ones, like Pass the Parcel, musical Statues or musical chairs. Have your kids make presents. I love handmade gifts. I am going to get back into making handmade Christmas tags, greeting cards and food too.

I love Christmases as a kid, and yes there will be children that may not receive a gift so its not about how many presents you buy for your kids, and why not print off photos and have them make a scrap book, of the Christmas cards they received and something they can look back on, and if you have a foodbank donate a gift, and have your children do the same of their old toys they no longer use.

You can create photobooks on google with your google images, and these can make some gifts, and something they can look and keep forever.

If you have just lost someone, and you may feel sad about them, and your children feel sad too and not going to be there for Christmas. Have your children light a candle and do a display in their memory and have a toast to them. The first Christmas without my nan, who lived until she was 80, or around that age, was hard and then my parents got divorced, was tough and change can be hard. So the greatest gift is a hug, kiss and reassureance that things will be okay, and important to mend feuds so your kids have see all the people they love at Christmas, and don’t keep them in the dark, and be honest to them.

Yet I am installed with lots of good memories and that is what counts. I was lucky and it was good to see my cousins and aunty and uncles, and seeing friends. Coming together for our kids is whats important, and the greatest gifft to them, is you.

So I wish you a wonderful Christmas. I may blog over Christmas, and will be uploading on my Youtube channels and social media sites, see links below:




Link for my Pinterest:

Social media:



You will alerted if you follow me on this site, and not miss a blog, so remember to subscribe and then you won’t miss a blog. Many thanks to those who subscribe to me now, it really means the world, so lets celebrate and work together to share the love in the parent community.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

5 gifts to buy for Kids for Christmas

Yes it is now December and I have bought 4 gifts, and still got to get my son a few more. I don’t go over the top, and budget but still want to let Santa know of what my son wants and make note of what he will be getting, and as Henry has grown it has been many different things.

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

Musical instruments and musical audio equipment: My son has a CD that he has been wanting to play and he loves dancing to musical, like Blippi and Justin’s House, and so got him a portable CD player and also my brother some years back got me a record player and so given this to my son so going to buy a record to see if it will play and in my opinion always a winner, and great to pass down to other kids.

Bikes, cars and scooters: Great to help kids with their motor skills, and helps with mobility and having fun outdoors, and great for playdates in the park and if in good condition can be passed down, and great way to get exercise.

Experiences: I did a video about this, on my youtube channel my way of living. https://youtu.be/i–zbKpxuos I bought a couple of Christmases ago a London Bus tour to see the lights of Christmas via Groupon, and my niece was bought by her nan, Horrible Histories tours, and was unwell to do it, so I was given the tickets from my sister in law, and it was really good, and my niece still went to next day, which I was glad about, as it was worth it and so if your kids like boat tours, then I recommment them, and there are many you can do.

Join your kids to a club. As a kid I always had a hobby, and for me that was dancing and great way to help your kids form good skills and interact with other children, and a great gift. Henry goes swimming and goes to a holiday club, and following on, on Experiences, why not invest them into a kids, club. Many offer a trial and have a whole year of fun. and making more friends. So good to have a hobby, and I enjoyed it. My niece goes to drama classes, and my nieces have done hobbies, and one of my nieces works at a local stable, and horse riding is a really good to do. My son was having horse riding at school, and really helps build their skills, rather indoors looking at a tablet all day.

Games. These never run out of fashion and loved playing games during the Christmas period. We would play many card games, board games and last year we played Pictionary and always a winner. It reallly helps to wind down after having dinner and having good family fun.

So I hope this helps give you gift ideas, and will be blogging more and then will a break over Christmas but will be posting on my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/typicallondongal/and my Vlog channel: https://www.youtube.com/@typicallondongal

If you like a good book to read, then check out my book Mum&Me and will really make you laugh: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mum-Me-Gucci-Tits-Virtue-ebook/dp/B0BGSS7H9K/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3UIL0SMWJHEUM&keywords=mum+%26+me+carrie+holmes&qid=1701688294&sprefix=mum%26me+carrie+holme%2Caps%2C1163&sr=8-1

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie Challoner

The Strangest things kids do

Henry has a strange habit of putting a CD on the flour faced down, in the middle of the door leading to the kitchen and neither me or his dad can figure out why.

He has done this since he was able to walk and it is a CD with his name on it, and also wants to play it, so going to speak to Santa.

What stranges things do your kids do ? Please leave a comment below, about your kids?

My son also won’t wear a coat with a hood and often doesn’t like wearing a coat, and so got him a jacket where you can take the hood off.

I bought him a body warmer, and even that he is not sure of, but will wear jumper but won’t wear a fleece at all. He’s not sure about polo shirts, but has to wear one for his school, and has a pair of sandals for the summer, but takes us a lot of convincing for him to put them on, and loves walking making train noises, as he is mad about them. He wants to be a train, and fear this as he keeps saying he’d like to go on the train tracks, so little worried but of course will supervise him to make sure he doesn’t and will travel again up London by train, and if he wants to watch the trains for a little while, then we do.

As a baby he loved being winded, and this was from the very early days, and in hosptial as he was in there for a month, due to being premature, would when I was able to see him, as I development an Oral Virus, would wind him and he wouldn’t cry and enjoyed the sensation.

He wouldn’t sit in the bath at one point, but liked swimming , and only liked me to give him a bath, and once he built his confidence on his own, with supervision, started to out of the blue sit in the bath. He wouldn’t want to come out, and why often you have to repeat making him a bath, for example, for him to discover that it is okay.

Now as I write this blog he is dipping his cracker into his hot chocolate. I remember as a baby when he would wake up from a nap be really grumpy, and to calmed down when I put on the song, Only You by the Flying Pickets or if I read to him. I remember a little boy I knew as a baby, and was a kid myself still, loved the Eastenders song, and Henry would cry to You Spin right round, by Dead or Alive, and I think it was the video of it that freaked him out and not the actual song.

Not sure if he’d like it now, as not tried, so may experiment at some point.

He at first wouldn’t be excited about Christmas, and was not interested in opening up presents, but overtime this has changed, and loves it.

So I will be posting more as we get near to the festive season, and so have a good week ahead.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X