Monthly Archives: December 2021

Setting Good Intentions for your kids

Being a mum of a 8 year old boy I want to make sure I give my son the best example of who to be to be the reason why I love being a mum. I talk on this blog site about struggling as a parent, but for me that is part of getting to know my son, as he is forever changing and that is the same for all of us.

With motherhood I am learning everyday, and that it is learning what my son wants and what he needs to help him be happy to be alive and to thrive with each milestone.

I want to make sure I am there when he falls over and make mistakes and both me and him learn from those moments, and support him with a fully opened door.

With each step he takes I want him to be okay with the change and if not we work on why to help him as a unit and give him space to grow and to learn from life too.

I came about this blog of another succesful woman, Mel Robbins and watching MuchelleB on Youtube.

I have written some good intentions for myself to follow and wanted to share them with you on how to set intentiions for myself and as a mum.

I talked about goal setting, and Intentions can help you reach them by practicing them and what you want the outcome to be.

I want to make sure that my son has a life of happiness and deal with sad times too. I want him to be able to say how he feels and doesn’t get shot down.

For me I want him to be proud of me, like I am proud of him and be the rock he needs in his life.

My son came into my world unexpectendly but I don’t regret a thing with my son and love the fun we have and I proud of the little boy he his and continues to be.

So if you want to change the people and things in your life then setting intentions helps do that.

Thank you for all the feedback you have given about my blogs, it really makes me smile and enjoy sharing blogs about being a mum and helps me to help you in way I never thought.

I also do videcos on Youtube called The Truth About Parenting so check then out if you would like to see them.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Things to avoid/Safety for your kids at Christmas

It is 6 days yes I know, who else wants time to slow down?

However I am happily sitting with a Christmas jumper writing this blog and thinking about what to avoid for your kids:

1. Avoid glass baubles as I smashed one once in Marks and Spencers and will catch kids eyes and glass can when smashed go everywhere or If you do then make sure they are high up so they can’t reach, or help them put them on the tree

2. Lighting candles in kids rooms use the Led types instead or if using real candles place on high none wooden shelving

3. Chestnuts as kids can have an allergy and can cause choking. Put out snacks like breadsticks avoid dips because double dunking, this can spread germs if you do put these out use individual pots of dips instead

4. Flashing lights if there are kids with epilepsy can cause fitting. Use stable lights and not near candles

5. Keep bags that are cloth and paper keep away from candles and plastic bags away, use reusable because of landfill and plastic bags can kill a child via suffocation

6. rubber toys and sharp bits on toys, and cell batteries. These are deadly if a small child puts this in their mouths, and also spreads germs so anything put in their mouth make sure it is clean and that is food landing on the floor

7. Electrical toys depending on their age and development. If they want to use them then always do so under supervision and store them away safely too. Check for loose wires, and wire them if you can along the wall with a warning sign if they are able to read and be safe in using the appliance.

8. Real trees, make sure any loose trimmings are swept and when neaer it are supervised again, and have shoes on to protect their feet

9. Smoking. Make sure any guests that come over and yourselves do so outside away from kids and any real fireplaces with fire have a guard around it and have a Carbon Mixide monitor is put into place along with a fire alarm.

10. Don’t serve kids boiling hot food and I would always have the kids meals served first and so whilst getting others older kids or young adults are served so the smaller kids can cool down and no kid burns their hands if the plates are put in the oven to keep food hot

I hope these tips are not scaremongering anyone as I want everyone to have a good Christmas and many others write about the joy of Christmas but its’ not if a small child for exanple has to go to A and E so do still have fun, but avoid items that can end up spoiling it.

Many thanks for reading

Carrie X


How to set goals for your kids

This is the time of the year is where I plan for Christmas. but also set goals and I do this for myself and for my son too. This year is no different and already written them and one is to help Henry with his writing and listening goals. I want him and me write a story together.

I keep them in my A4 notebook but going to write them up on plain paper and stick them on the wall.

Write goals that you can do together and don’t put too many just enough that you can break down. My son has development delay so they won’t mean anything yet but doesn’t mean I can’t set them and then when the time comes, I will have him creating his own and have rewards laid out for when he completes the goals, and talk about them.

This is something i am still going to do, to see how much he understands, but do the what we have done, what we can do now and what we can do next.

The other method I would like to try is me choosing some goals and have him come up with some, and have him circle which ones he would like to do and mark them off as each one is complete.

I want to sit down and talk about what he loves at the moment and how we can make the things he likes in helping him with his learning and development.

The goal I want is to help him continue to experience new things in his life and because he love quizes, I want to make him his own quiz and got him some buttons like when I worked for a enertainments company had and before the shift they would have us play games to liven up all of us ready to take calls that come in, as it was a call centre, and want to use this idea to play a quiz show at home.

Set up challenges. So for Henry i want to help him do more exercise and to go on regularly walks and would like to do trial walking for myself too, and it be a mother and son thing.

It can be a simple as that when setting kids goals. I would like to set a few goals for myself too in terms of Henry and that is to do more reading of books with Henry and take him to the cinema, as he hasn’t been to one yet, but would like to take him to see a film at a cinemas, and take him on more trips up London and other places too.

So get some sheets of printing paper, I have some back at my old home and so going to pick some up, decorate with stickers and you can elaminate them use felt tips and have them all planned out for each child. So, lets get ready for Christmas and for another new year.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

When times are tough

Hello and welcome! This week my son had an annual review that he has each year at school and not going to say too much but that I found it tough and now unsettled as Henry changed schools this year and it looks like it was the school for him but others are not seeing that and looks like we may need to look for another school and it’s like where.

This blog is not going to give anyone a bad name by any means but that often when we think things are good it can go in the opposite direction and feels like “Who is going to help me here?”, and so how do you deal with the tough times.

I write a blog a while ago about when Sometimes I find it a struggle and for me that has happened. Please do not feel this is all doom and gloom as me and my son have fun times, its just when things are taken out of your hands, its like “Give me a break let things be good please”.

So one thing I would say is to find a way that you can spend time observing your children and what could make the biggest impact?

I don’t have the funds for private tutering so it is what the local authorities are going to give us in options. This means that he can become disorientated and unsettled again and he is starting to ask if he can go back to his previous school, but he can’t.

This morning he said he didn’t want to go to his new school as he did have peers at his first school, and it means him starting from scratch. How does this help?

I don’t mind him learning at home but we need the schools help with us and find what will suit him and part of his issue is not having any peers, but that happens when he can spend more time with the kids in his class which it looks like he doesn’t and goes into a different class, so it is tricky and I felt down yesterday as its feels that we are left in limbo.

So now I am going to do steps to help his learning at home and gonna go through different techniques to help his learning.

It is tough knowing that his routine is gonna change too, and kids that have ADHD love routine, thankfully I have people around me to help but they aren’t gonna be around forever too so I feel frustrated that his learning is gonna be effected even more when it comes to going to school. Where is the right place?

I reflect on things and when times are tough another tip I want to give and used to think this was overthinking and analysing but no it isnt its preparation so when my son goes to another school I have someway helped adjust myself and hoping that my son will feel the same. If he sees I am stressed about it so will he be and so as a parent we often feel we need to hide our feelings. and this is tough.

I find this also effects my home situation as I am looking to work on many professions aswell keep working on blogs and videos and that is going to be tough because school finish at different times and start at different times to.

My next tip,

Keep communitcating with the school he is currently at see what we can all do together that will help him should my son move to schools and I do feel that a postive can come out of this, not sure what but it is there, and is giving me hope.

So, lets all work together and it is Christmas and going to do more festive blogs and so more to come.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X