Monthly Archives: February 2020

5 Parental Strategies


Hi everyone and welcome to another blogpost. Today I m sharing some 5 Parental Strategies to help you with building your child’s growth and development and relationship:

  1. Allow them to make good choices in life
  2. Be calm and patient
  3. Be clear and precise
  4. Always reach their level to make eye contact
  5. Be honest but allow them to use their imagination

It is always good to set boundaries but  I am a great believer of learning through play and would often let Henry pretend now when plays football to do the commentary as it is good for words and communication.

When doing homework and chores, make it as fun as possible otherwise they will get bored.

Playing games like myself and my friends did, using the archers in the estate where we lived as houses, you could help the kids to build some Lego and do pretend play. It is all part of learning and a great for them to have interaction with you and their siblings.

Strategies help set boundaries for you and them. Please comment below of any further strategies you may have.

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Many thanks for reading,


Carrie X




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5 Half Term Hacks

image for Parental hacks categoryHi all so in today’s post I wanted to share some hacks. I love a good hack and in today’s post I am going to share 5 Half Term Hacks

  1. Have all activities laid out the night before, easy for them to reach like books and homework
  2. Have their clothes laid out and shoes by the door with coats, scarves and hats
  3. Lay out chore charts on the table which they can mark off with stickers. You can get some great chore charts from stores such as Poundland (please see link) or make your own 
  4. Use a kids bucket when not used in the summer as extra storage I use my son’s in the kitchen at the moment for my cleaning items in the kitchen
  5. Hang their dirty wellies on clothes hooks once cleaned and washed

Half term can be tricky, but fun too and I will post more about Half term in my next post, but until then many thanks for reading.

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Have a wonderful evening and rest of the week


Carrie X

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Half term tears and tantrums

Image I took driving around Richmond Park

Hi all yes it is half term and with the weather like it is, it is hard to know what to do.

We have had a few tears and tantrums whilst having a coffee in Richmond Park, which is one of Britain’s biggest parks and you can see some of London’s buildings from there too. Great place for kids to play some rugby or football or have a run around and get in touch with nature.

Don’t forget there are other national parks in and around London and farms, such Hobbledown and Bocketts Farm or even London Zoo.

Doing time out and getting Henry to sit down and think about his behaviour seems to be doing the trick at the moment when it comes to tears and tantrums, and the other thing we have been disciplined in doing is making sure he does his homework from school.

This is consisting of doing some reading, writing, activities like playing with Lego to get Henry to use his hands more and get in touch with his hand motor skills and playing games like hungry frogs.

I think keeping a routine during the school holidays to be tricky but for us routine works better and it is good to get out earlier in the day rather than later as they can become lethargic and fatigued later on, and this can lead to Henry kicking off.

The other great things to do during half term is to get them to do is to spend the time to grow their independence, for example if they can’t get dressed themselves yet start getting them to do it now, because there is no rush and gets them into a more of a routine when they go back to school or nursery.

I also like the Soft Play activity rooms for Henry we have a few near us in the Rainbow Leisure centre and Leatherhead Leisure Centre, There is the Soft Play in the Once Upon A Time Cafe but this is more for smaller kids.

So what kind of things do you do during half term I’d love to hear please get in touch by commenting below.

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Many thanks for reading,


Carrie X

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Teaching music to children

Image result for free cartoon images teaching kids music

The one thing myself, my son’s dad and our son loves is music and is a great way to teach children about sounds and words, along with rhythm and singing, using their voices and the sight and hearing.

I love that my son and I will often get up and dance and was one thing he found soothing, when he would have a tantrum or a meltdown.

I would encourage all parents to use music to help their children and spend some time bonding through music. Write a song together.

I loved my keyboard as a kid and do you remember your first record?

I do it was Mirror Mirror by Dollar. I even remember my first record player it was pink and I would spend hours playing my records.

I live my life through music and it good to look back on photos and help your child create their own play list or make a special family CD.

Musical instruments are not expensive and there are many kids ones out there on the market to encourage them to play and create sounds and practice making sounds and you can do this to help with vocabulary by playing to the beat of the word.

The one club I would encourage mums with smaller babies to go to is Monkey Music, as it teaches children about just that.

So lets kick our shoes off and hit those sounds out.

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Many thanks for reading,


Carrie X

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