Monthly Archives: April 2018

Sometimes I find it a struggle

I was contemplating whether to write about this or not, but feel as a mum this wouldn’t be a truthful blog if I didn’t, and I know I am not alone when I say that I find parenting a struggle at times.

I don’t go out all the time on my own with just myself as my son has the tendency still at the age of four, to run off and I have had nightmares about Henry disappearing whilst on my own, so I am little nervous about going out with me and Henry now. I know I will have to get over this, but at the moment I am trying all my best efforts to avoid such situations.

On rainy days it can be tough to entertain Henry indoors all the time, and a game of hide and seek can only last so long, same with playing catch or playing with his cups.

I got to thank my husband and my mum, for helping out, as it can feel like a long day on my own, so I do try to brake it up as much as possible.

When Henry has a meltdown it can be tricky to try and calm him down, for example if he has a medical appointment, he doesn’t like to sit still and wait and wants to run off and explore. Figuring out what to do him for his dinner, as he won’t touch any vegetables now, even though he loved them as a baby.

Toilet training is still being done and he still won’t go on the toilet, as much as I try and so I still have to put him in a pull ’em up whilst out or when he has a nap.

We are trying to get him out of napping now, as he will be starting school in September so I don’t want it to be too much of a shock for when he begins school. I know these moments won’t last forever but at the time it feels like they will.

One thing parenting has taught is make the most of the every moment and live for today, not for tomorrow or next week, but for today, as who knows what could happen tomorrow.

Do you get days when you struggle? How do you deal with them? Do you have any toilet training advice to give ? I would love to hear your suggestions.

Many thanks for reading,


Carrie X



Breastfeeding support

When it came to breastfeeding I found it really tough and not easy at all. I did get quite stressed over it, making sure I expressed every 8 to 12 times a day when my son was first born, and kept trying to breastfeed my son directly, but he never latched on.

For me when it comes to breastfeeding I think it should come down to personal choice, and what works for you and your baby.

Check these videos talking about breastfeeding, and some tips and advice.

Check out Emily Morris channel as she does loads of parenting videos, aswell as other subjects, I found her videos really helpful.

This is Lulastic Hippyshake, this Youtuber does videos about living in a Yurt in New Zealand, she talks about why she has continued on to breastfeed her child.

The advice I got from my Health Advisor was not to stress over breastfeeding but it is important that I enjoyed my baby and if I wanted to stop it was my choice.

I continued for a whole month to express milk and breastfeed but then stopped. I know some will frown upon that, but it was my choice, and as long my son was getting the nutrients he needed that was important.

If I had known then what I know now, I would have gotten counselling and further support when it came to breastfeeding to help me as I took it for grunted before my son was born of how difficult it would be and would have prepared myself better.

I would love to hear other people’s stories and how hard it was for you, did you find it easy or hard? What did you do to get help? I would love to hear from you.

Many thanks for reading,


Carrie X