Monthly Archives: May 2022

Celebrate the Queens Jubilee with your kids

Yes it is! and I am so looking forward to the street parties because of this birthday to the Queen. She is an amazing lady and so would love to meet her in person to tell her, instead though my son wrote to her and received a reply.

I would encourage you to have your children write to her and I did as a kid when at Primary School, wrote to Prince William and called him, “Mr William” and I can’t remember if I did receive a reply, but glad I did that.

We Brits like a celebration, and so there will be many street parties, and so why not do one aswell even if you aren’t from the UK, as it will be a memory that will be great for them to tell to their children in years to come.

Have your kids create decorations for it and flags. I remember back when I was a kid celebrating the Royal Weddings, and celebrating the Queens I think 25th anniversary of being Queen and I appeared in a local paper, The Fulham Chronicle, and was dressed in a blue, white and red outfit, and then you had the Royal Weddings.

Tell the story of the Queen, and her life leading up to being the Queen. Have them write a story of the Queen and of the this Jubilee celebration. It will be a good memory and if you take photos for the celebrations, create some wall art, like a collage of this anniversary and with Henry we made a crown.

I wrote about this in my daily blog on google:

Have your children make their own invitation to invite people to your street party and have a seating plan.

Create some cup cakes and have them decorate them for the day.

Then there is Bunting, all you need is string and paper and cut them into triangles, and have them decorate plates for it and cups. Play some Jubilee games like parcel parcel, lucky dips and egg and spoon race. Just making it fun for them to cherish and look back to smile so if there are other celebrations in the future, then they can then tell their kids and lots of things can be passed down, like clothes and have a Platinum Jubilee jumble sale.

The ideas are endless but having fun is the key.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Kids and Mental Health #mentalhealthweek

This week it is #mentalhealth week and as a child I did have issues with my mental health and felt I was alone in that and so would keep it to myself. With my son I can see that he gets a bit of anxiety when I don’t go out with him and spends time with my mum (Nanny), and can have meltdowns because he finds it hard when he is told he can’t have something.

I want to get in touch with my son and if he has worries, my role as see it, is to help him go through them and for him to be able to talk to me on how he is feeling. I want to be his shelter and keep my door open to him.

When it comes to your mind as a parent, your mindset can change when you become a parent and can be tough to understand our children’s minds. They are human too and people with thoughts and feelings too.

I believe that kids should be allowed to express themselves, and so if for example my son gets upset I then listen and get to grips in helping him and I think how we respond can have an impact. I try to work it out with him rather than offering punishment. My son is very self aware now that I can see that he can’t always work out why we can’t have something, and confused but I will get to his eye level and explain rather than getting cross.

With children they often want to reach out and be indecisive, and this can lead to them becoming frustrated and feel unheard, when we should have our ears listening the whole time and listening is the key for me. We expect our kids to listen to us and so it works hand in hand.

With my son who has ADHD and slight Autism, he will jump from one thing to the next and it is challenging to get him to concentrate long on one thing, yet when he is concentrating and when we disrupt them, can be confusing to him ad so when he is quiet and is happy playing I let him and let him tell me what he wants to do next. This will help his mindset because he will see that he will be able to play when he’s not disrupting anyone else and gives a good message.

It is getting in touch with their thoughts and feelings, and teaching them about how to express themselves without anger and often if not, from experience, they can lash out. Ask how they are and if they are are concerned about something, and discuss it with them.

Thank you for those that are following my blog, it means the world and there will be more blogs to come. I am doing a Life Coaching programme “2022 Project” helping you to have a better life and a better year. Go over to my site: Everyonecanbuildacastle

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X