Monthly Archives: May 2023

Can we be too hard on our kids worrying about eggs on the floor?

This morning it took me a while to start the day on a happy note, I was super grumpy which I think was because of my Menstrual Cycle, and Henry wanted to crack his own egg for breakfast and it went everywhere, but was cleaned up but then he began mucking about and I told him off and did raise my voice which I hate doing, and felt terrible. Kids test us and he did get upset, but I didn’t want egg everywhere and he nearly knocked his scrambled egg with toast off his plate.

I love my son out of this world but I feel often that I am still battling with the unknown, and finding certain situations tough. My son does have real ADHD, and so getting him to sit still can be a task, and eating his breakfast without watching his tablet.

I do give in to make life easier but is that wrong? Should I be a lot harder on him?

We have a lot of fun together and once I came alive everything was good again

Kids test your patience and I know I am not the only mum who almost had egg everywhere, it just cleaning up and I am not a fan of cleaning, but if he had yelled at me like I did to him, I would have told him off for that so not right that I do it and so I need to not get worked up but stay calm.

It takes me a lot to shout but still not an excuse and so I apologised and gave him a hug and a kiss and moved on.

I don’t like to be yelled because it makes me think, “Well I won’t talk to you anymore”, there is never a positive. If he did put his egg everywhere I would have wiped it up and made it again, so it wasn’t really now looking from the outside of this morning , a big deal.

He still ate his breakfast and enjoyed it, he still got dressed, I got his lunch ready for today along with his bag and I did my errands, and packing, as my husband is picking us up to stay in Epsom for a few days as it is my husband’s birthday, and tidied up.

At the moment he moans a lot and is challenging as he didn’t want to go to his holiday club this morning but when he didn’t go he would see the children playing and want to join in and it helps limit his time watching his tablet. Kids need fresh air, and do different activities, and be with other kids and play new and different games and so we go on walks, train journeys and buses, visiting different places local to us and exploring. I do allow him to choose what he’d like to do within reason, but being extra hard to stop the moaning because it can be too much. We play games like matching pairs, that he loved since a baby, snakes and ladders. bowls, tennis, cricket, football and darts, so quite a lot, and hide and seek, but he will tell me where he is, so still learning this one. Yet he will still moan.

I will stop and say “Ok then we won’t play on and his line at the moment, “I will get my own one” and I reply “That is your one so are we going to play or not?”.

I chat with him but not often sure if he is taking it in, but then surprises me. Like when we went out and his crossed the road on his own and safely so he is understanding about these important things, but then will be defiant, but all kids are and kids will put up their guard, and like time and space to understand why he needs to dress himself and go to the toilet without needing assistance, and chop his own food. He will often say “I don’t want to do it myself”, at which I say “Well your not a baby anymore” as he doesn’t like to being called Baba any more and so I will ask “Are you a big boy now?” and he will say yeah and with reductants will do it.

I see Henry’s moaning a phase, like biting his hand which he used to do when he was unhappy or feeling frustrated when he couldn’t properly communicate correctly, or bash his own head and putting his hand down the toilet and wetting, so know that the way my son feels at the moment will change and stop myself from moaning too.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Half term and bank holiday on the Horizon

Yes this is the last week before it is half term again and the last bank holiday of May and so it is time to get planning of what to do.

My son will be going to a holiday club for two days, and then it is planning for Thursday and Friday. It is only for a week and it is also my husbands (my sons dad) birthday along with my nieces as they share the same day. So do have things planned.

Photo by Yuliya Kosolapova on

I am not sure if I will film, I will let you know, and if you didn’t know I have three youtube channels, here are the links to check them out:

I will be blogging,.and I hope the weather is good. There are some train strikes planned and so it is looking at doing something local, or that you can get to without the train. If you drive and it is a place that offers parking then could be an option, like swimming. I take my son to Better Gyms as you don’t have to be a member and pay as you go.

You can’t book too far in advance for swimming but nearer the day and it is the Swim For All that I choose, so you don’t need a membership and is the Rainbow Leisure Centre Better Gym in Epsom. They have a soft play there too. The spaces can go quickly for swimming so check the start of the week to book and the same for soft play, as it can get fully booked.

Then there is the weather. Do check the forecast and take coats or umbrellas depending on the temperature outside.

Waterproofs and wellies may be needed depending where you are going, so check along with if they do food. Today Henry went to the Sealife Centre in Brighton. and the school offered a packed lunch, but I opted to make one for him.

Bring drinks and change of clothing. Henry is getting better at going to the toilet as he would leave it to the last minute, but like today bought a spare pair of pants with me just in case and suncream.

Today many of the kids had sun hats and recommended if it is hot, and visiting the Sealife centre today was good. I used to work for Merlin and would make bookings for that attraction, so was good to visit and would recommend. It is situated right by the sea and has a pebble beach. I would like to visit it again, so going to add this to my plans for the School Summer holidays in August.

I love the English coast and as a kid we would go to Clacton, where they had a holiday camp and had some brilliant holidays, and if you can drive then you can still go and avoid the train, and you can always get a coach. This is how we would go to Clacton, and it a long way, but I wasn’t very good on coaches as a kid as I got travel sickness.

Do what works for your family and if you are going to an Attraction such as Chessington World of Adventures, there are buses that go there from Kingston and from my memory booking tickets for Alton Towers, they too has buses that went there, but ask before you go. and you can drive there as there are parking, but you do have to pay for this on some attractions.

Many places like Wimbledon Park will have a funfair during school holidays in the UK, which is free to enter, but to go on the rides you have to buy tokens. They often do food too and toilets.

I hope this gives you some ideas and tips, and I really hope you have a good rest of this school week and then it is the last term for the school year. UK from September to July.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

When kids do amazing things

Well this blog I came up with because being a parent I often wonder how much my son takes in and I watch my actions because Kids can copy and so I stop myself from swearing, being cross and my fear.

Photo at Gravity in Wandsworth

Yet my son amazes me all the time watching him grow from a baby to a child, from being a child to one day being a man. I was going to write on my other blog about fashion ( but I had to write this blog first, because I often wonder because my son has ADHD and Autism, what he actually learning and yesterday we were off to his Swimming lesson and that he will have a different teacher, his usual teacher couldn’t do the lesson, and for him to listen because like me unfortunately can switch off, and he not being prompted said “Its not always about winning but having fun” and my mum and I were like, “Where did that come from?”. We weren’t saying him to win and wish I could remember the full conversati8on, but just amazed, and made us see that he is taking in a lot more than he allows us to see and at the beginning of the lesson he started do the breast stroke on his own and again didn’t realise he can do that. He did have a term during this year of swimming lessons, but because they have to let other kids have lessons he couldn’t continue the lessons on. He also missed a few classes, due to him being unwell and last week it was my nieces birthday party, so was a few weeks since he last had lessons. At the Ninja Warrior Adventure park, and I did write about this in my last blog, and he beat the wall and climbed and done it four times, when he was very worried about climbing frames. Not sure why, we are still working on that, but seeing him do this is rewarding and with the help from others, something has clicked in.

He can now cross the road on his own when at one time he would run off and once when were looking in a charity shop, he ran out towards the road and it was hard to take him out, because of that.

This is not to say I am wonder mum, and I have it all sussed out because trust me I don’t and has been the help and support of family, Including his dad, other mums/friends, but often I would do it solo and question my parenting skills. I have struggled, there are mums who may have had a different experience, but to help other parents it is important to be honest and I still make mistakes like yesterday I had my jeans on back to front. I took him swimming a few weeks ago and forgot to bring his towel, but thankfully they had paper towels, so I used them. We are human, but he still got dry and has made me make extra effort to remember his towel.

He will correct me when talking and he took a really photo with my phone. I know this isn’t climbing a mountain, but its the little bits for me that is rewarding to me as a parent.

My Niece did a long walk for her DV at her school, my other niece wrote a poem that was published and my youngest niece did a performance as she does Drama Classes, and has sung to me of songs she has created and seeing them bloom like this makes me see that children can do amazing things and I do doubt my son at times. I feel the guilt as I write that, and is an area I need to stop. My son can talk for himself and he can make decisions of his own, and so with the things I have seen from him and other kids I know, makes me see that kids should never be underestimated and I need to get out of the habit of doing so.

I am learning, and I remember a mum I worked with when I did finance, I worked within the finance of an Advertising Company, called Grey Advertising and she fell down the stairs and really hurt herself and it was her daughter who had phoned for an ambulance and she wasn’t an older child but of a young age and it makes my take a step back.

Kids know more than what they let on and can be responsible and can someone in a dangerous situation. I wish they would have an Amazing child week and celebrate the amazing things that kids do. My son if he sees another child cry often want to go over to them to see if they are okay, but can stick up for himself too. So lets celebrate our kids successes and praise ourselves as parents too, as we don’t give ourselves enough credit.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

When Kids get tired but don’t want to go to bed

Oh yes it is a tricky business. Now this is not to gloat as why would I do that? Henry when he was a baby would sleep well and we never had that many issues, and would sleep through the night, but he began to wake up super early, and I hoped this would change, but no.

When he would get sick he would often just want to sleep, and so he is pretty good but would need more comforting as when he would nap in the afternoon would wake up super grumpy and so would read to him which he found soothing or a song he liked at the time, Only You by The Flying Picketts and he would then be okay.

He would get overtired and so would begin to start fussing and chucking things, and when he was a lot younger would around 6pm be unsettled and want to be held, and so we created a ritual, so dimmed the lights, put the heating on, bath him and play lullaby music and blow bubbles but made it nice and peaceful, making sure he was well fed and was recommended this book, talking to a mum on the bus and worked like a treat.

We didn’t put him too early or too late, and weaning helped also, because we were able to cut down on milk and was a relief not doing a late feed, because he would be wide a week, so was good to just let him sleep.

Now he is 9 he will stay up a bit later, he goes to bed between 8:30 to 9:30, and so often I have to scrape him off from the sofa as he likes cuddles with me before bedtime , and he will go to the toilet, brush his teeth and then I will read a book and goes out like a light.

When they have so much energy kids they, which I didn’t know can have a energy spurt before bedtime and when you think they are tired they jump up and want to play with their balloon, play tennis or cricket, and I am like “No not now” so what I do to prevent this is make sure he has uses up all his energy by being super active and productive during the day and it is simply having a kick about as this helps me too to stay active or rugby, go for walks in the morning, do a bit of learning and do some activities in the day, like painting, gardening with my mum, last weekend we took him to the Ninja Warrior Adventure park in Guildford as it was my nieces birthday and Sunday we went to a local festive called Pub in the Park and so good, and I have filmed it so a weekend in a life coming soon on my Youtube channel:

We have cut down on Screen time as this can have an affect and today I listened to a good podcast, she talks about cutting down on screen time and it has made a difference because he would rely on it and he can sleep for a good 6 to 9 hours all through the night now so yes worth trying.

Blackout curtains can help along with double glazing windows, and a bright light if they can’t sleep in darkness, a cuddly toy to give comfort and fresh bedding.

Then there is bed wetting. This has been a challenge and we have had some recent bedwetting issues, and as they grow it can continue to be a hurdle when it comes to bedtime. I do limit how much my son drinks in the evenings as he still has the odd accident, but is getting better.

I never knew that toilet training could take so long and he went on his first residential trip last month, but couldn’t stay over because of using toilet and because of him finding his way back to the pods they were staying in. He is soon to be going to his third school because his first one couldn’t meet with his learning difficulties and so was given a place at the school he is now, but they think that he needs to be in an even more of a specialised school and I am nervous about it. With toilet issue it is important that he has easy access to these facilities and can easily go without fuss. We do pack spare pants just in case but like I say things have begun to improve and he will not wait until the last minute which is what he was initially doing.

I do hope it doesn’t affect his development, and he does dream, and this has been a challenging in terms of bedtime as he will wake up startled some nights, and he talks in his sleep and make sure that he has enough air and is properly tucked in. I avoid snacks in the evening and make sure he has a good fulfilling dinner and he will have a bath or shower, with the occasional wash and this does help him settle and he will in part of the evening sit with us and have quiet time.

So I hope this helps you, thank you for liking my blogs on this site and for subscribing, it really means a lot and if you have topics regarding parenting that you’d like me to talk about then please leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Great Things to do as a family and have fun

There is nothing better than spending time with family and with working, school and chores you don’t always get that time. The place to start is meals, choose a day to have a meal together and plan in advance and do like a buffet style or a sit down meal, with drinks non alcoholic drinks for kids of course and drinks for the adults and the one thing I am looking forward to in the summer is having a BBQ and sitting in the sun, have a good chat and catching up if your kids no longer live at home with you or they are grown up an living in their own place.

Photo by Dawn Sterry on

Take a day trip to the seaside. I have an aunty and uncle who live in Selsey and so when we can we will go down there to visit and I love being by the sea, it makes me feel peaceful and calm. Of course it means driving or catching a train, if you don’t want to go abroad but can get discount travel cards , and when I lived in the South coast I had one and it saved me a lot of money when I would travel from London to a place called Bognor Regis and back, then me and my son’s dad had a one as a couple, because when Henry was a baby he could travel for free, and we’d travel to Southampton and Lincoln, so it made sense to have a travel discount card.

If you are a Eurovision fan then why not make it into a last minute party if you haven’t planned already and do cheese on toast with some mugs of tea and get the blankets out depending on how big your sofa is and camp out. Why not make it fun by having a pen and paper of how many points you’d give for each country and where union jack hats and flags or if you from another country do the same but of the country colours and flags. I remember when they used to show Miss World and I was staying at a friends house and we had paper and pen to mark who we thought should win, and would do this with my grandparents when they were alive when watching a TV show called Countdown.

Workout together to get fit. When we had the pandemic the Body Coach Joe Wicks did PE lessons getting kids to exercise and today I did a indoor walking workout on Youtube and was really good fun and my son would often join in with me and my son and I will spend time when he comes home from school play football or dance as often I will have the radio on or music playing from Youtube.

Spend time visiting a national park and gardens. We have often done this and there are many national parks in England like Kew Gardens and you do have to pay but they often have events going on there in the summer and great places to celebrate birthdays or any occasion and I am looking forward to having a picnic and spending time around nature. It is such good fun and somewhere different to go.

Visiting a Zoo is good fun and there are places like Chessington World of Adventures, but there are other type of Zoos like London Zoo and Battersea Park zoo and if it is not busy you can just turn up but it is less expensive if you book in advance and check out newspapers and cereals as often they will do deals.

I hope this gives you ideas as another half term is coming up and then it is the Summer Holidays so worth thinking about these ideas and have some good family fun.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Building our kids lives

Thank you for following me on this blog and so pleased that you like my blogs and I hope they are helping you. There is no manual when it comes to kids, and it can be demanding but enjoyable too. My son has such a personality that I do find it hard to tell him of sometimes because he does make me laugh.

Photo by Yan Krukau on

With Henry he loves to make me laugh and he can get super hyperactive but just loves having fun and can be hard to get him to settle down. He does have ADHD and so it managing his concentration, and he can get over excited, but his laugh is infectious and is such a character.

I want to build his confidence in himself and encourage him to talk about where he has been and what we did and who we met, and it just helps with proper conversation.

I did write a blog a while ago talking about building kids social skills: Kids and Social skills

It is important because I don’t want Henry to feel self conscious about talking to others like I was, and encourage him to be able to have a good chat with someone, whether it be other children and adults.

Then there is playing games and sports. Today we for the first time this year played out in the garden, so tomorrow going to make sure I have better clothes on to play, as I had a jumper dress on and so need to wear something a bit more practical so if I get muddy I don’t care and helps to use up his energy. When a child still has loads of energy I find it is a lot trickier to have quiet time and settle in the evening, so being active in the morning, at school and early evening when it is still light outside can really help with that, and have a good sleep ready for the next day.

At the weekend my son made Lemon Drizzle cake with Grandpa and he had his apron and hat on that I bought him for Easter check out this picture that I posted on my Instagram:

I have written a blog about building kids skills: Spending time with my son and building his skills and if they are interested in what you are doing then show them as one day they will need to (an example) cook for themselves and make their own meals and like cooking it can really help them be healthy and making good choices, when it comes to food.

These things are a way to build their memories . It will help with their conversations at school and talk about what he did and inspire other kids to do the same. Kids can learn a lot from others children so if you can have playdates or join a club of some kind can really help with that. I remember my friend Hayley who would have a tidy bedroom unlike mine and it encouraged me to tidy it up and riding a bike came from learning from the kids I played out with on the housing estate I grew up on.

My son learned from his friend Nell on riding his bike and that is where their social skills improve and the more interaction they have the better.

They also like repetitive learning I call it, where you have a structure that they do each day to develop their habits, and become normality like reading each day at the same time on the same day. Each Sunday when my son is back to school on the Monday do his homework and in the morning, we will also go for a walk each morning on a Sunday except of when he is unwell which happened recently, but then we had cuddle time watching the TV to wind down for the evening and my son still loves a story before bed and make sure in the mornings he and I have breakfast.

By doing these things it helps them to continue these habits on and important teach them to wake up properly in the mornings and be refilled with a good amount of energy. My son has lots so we will travel somewhere and explore. Often when we travel back by train we will sit on the platform to watch the trains before we leave the station and so having fun is important as well as life skills for him to see different things and meet other children.

Getting kids involved with everyday living will help them build their life and experiences. Making the most of each day and be fearless. I hate now that I am scared of heights because there was a time I wasn’t and yes, going on a rollercoaster can be dangerous but it can also be fun too, and would like to go a plane again and go and visit a country abroad and be my sons first trip on a plane so going to save money to do that and go on more train rides, to visit different places in the UK.

So lets see if that happens. If you have any tips or there are topics about parenting you’d like me to write about then please leave a comment below.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Celebrating the Coronation with your kids

Yes it is 3 days until the Coronation and we officially have a King now in England and I will be watching as it may only happen once in my life time who knows and many schools will be celebrating beforehand at school. At my sons current school, as we have just found out that he will be going to a new school in September because he is behind at school and will save that dilemma we are having in a separate blog, but focusing on the Coronation my sons school are having a picnic for it. The school has asked to help by giving the kids a blanket for it.

Photo by Deeana Arts on

He has to wear something blue, white or red for the occasion and there are many street parties even though it looks like the weather won’t be so good, but still great to celebrate and so if you not going to not have a street party, you can still get some teas and cakes to celebrate indoors, with flags to decorate for it and today my son came home with a card he made for the coronation, so get your kids to make some decorations.

The Works have a good range of crafts and Hobby Craft if you live near one, and be as crazy as you like.

If you know how to face paint, why not face paint your kids faces if they want to and why not some bracelets and hair bands.

I want some memorabilia to keep and will be wearing the colours, and getting into the spirit of it, and yes gonna bring over my London mug with saucer to drink some tea and would like to get a bit of decoration to put on my windowsill in my room, so will be doing last minute shopping and it is good to see the city London decorated.

So I really hope the day goes well and you have a good celebration if you want to that is.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

Having Quiet time how to make it a good family routine

I am not a healthcare worker or have medical training but a mum who have to learn a lot and thought that being a mum would be a natural adjustment. Well looking back it was a massive change and I did try to prepare myself and be ready but then my son arrived early and became traumatic. However I naturally was in love and he is my world, that I want to share things that I have learned and still learning.

Photo by Annushka Ahuja on

The one thing I like is Quiet time. I like as soon as it is 6pm putting on my pyjamas and get my son showered and ready for bedtime and because he wasn’t well last week got a blanket and sat on the sofa watching a bit of TV and it really helped my son and I have a good sleep.

There are steps you can take. Choose a time where all your kids can wind down and everyone get ready for bed, or in the mornings too. I don’t do anything until I have had my first cup of tea and Henry has had his breakfast.

Set the tone and set the scene. I do this when creating a new book, but can help with everyday living too and do some reading or do a puzzle that all the family can do. Just having time away from their laptops and tablets, and just spend time just being with your kids and work together to tidy for the day to then have all settled down time to rest and recharge, and spending some as a family.

Have everyone in matching pyjamas. It doesn’t have to be at Christmas or Easter but a weekly or daily thing and plan the TV you going to watch so you can enjoy. Make hot chocolates and why not when it begins to get warmer sit out int he garden with candles and sharing what each person did that day and melting marshmallows over a fire, obviously in a safe place and tell each other stories.

Have time pampering evening. I know this would not interest my son because he will protest that he doesn’t want a shower or a bath, but he does and actually once the moaning has finished, he actually likes it, and good to all freshen up and be ready to go to bed and one thing I liked as a kid was have tea later in the evening. We mainly did this on Sundays after it was a long after having a roast dinner and watch some good old fashioned TV or listen to music and have quiet music playing in the background whilst you read a book.

Bring your past life back that you enjoyed and enjoy with your kids. I like Sunday gatherings or Saturday with family and would love for him to have a sleep over when he is older because still having bed wetting a few times. I loved sleepovers as a kid and can be really good fun. We’d watch horror films. Now I know some may not want to do that, but just being with friends relaxing with everyone in their night gear, can be such fun and enjoy. Why not order or make pizzas and some ice cream, just building time to work towards bedtime and can prevent tantrums when it comes to getting your kids to bed.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

When our kids are sick

Today I had to go and pick my son up early from school as he is not very well and so means that I will have to change my plans, but that is okay kids get sick however much we try and avoid it and kids are our main priority. I am never going to put my blogs or writing first over my son, but around him.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Children will get sick however much we try to prevent our kids from being unwell and actually editing this blog was good to take a break from my laptop and took a notebook to make notes for my blogs and books. There is always a way to work around our kids, even if it is for 10 minutes. My son often wants my full attention so I will wait to bed time to write.

When our children get sick it can cause anxiety as a parent as often I fear the worst but that is not a bad thing, because it means you care and makes you to take action, and I did google, which many say you shouldn’t, and I try not to, but the more I was telling myself no, I had to, just to make sure.

I began this blog on the Wednesday and since then touch wood my son is a lot better. I’m not sure of what it was but there are when kids going to school bugs going around and it can be from someone in the street. Often you don’t ever know but get prepared should your kid get sick is the key to helping them to get better.

I do store Calpol and Calcough, with Vapor Rub, and don’t use straight away but have them on hand as they do help. Some may argue and I am never reckless when it comes to medicines but like on Saturday night he had a coughing fit and when Henry my son gets a cold he will instantly get a nasty cough. I also have a thermometer thanks to my mother as I often forget but is a must for me and since he was born I have had one.

I make sure he doesn’t touch any other child when sick and make sure he is fully better, like to day we went to home bargains and he saw a baby girl whilst we waited for my mum and step dad and wanted to touch her sweetly but pulled him away. You can’t cocoon them because my son still wants to be about to get out, but just play in the garden or in the playground we have near by when there is no other kids, but can be tricky especially when you have more than one child.

Do you best that is what I’d say and go by the guidelines like making sure each child when they go to the toilet wash their hands and before they touch food and sneeze using the inside of their elbow.

When it comes to kids being sick you aren’t allowed back to school for 48 hours and so Henry had the rest of the week off. We wondered if it was due to phlegm that he was sick but then he had a bad tummy so not so sure so it is good to take precautions and anything that had sick on do a high temperature wash on clothes or some if not may need to be thrown away and replaced.

Make sure items are washed like baby plates and if your child is under 6 months old and no I am not a doctor so I am not taking place of a medical person who is, but is from what have experienced, that all items like bottles, soothers and breast pumps are sterilised.

Do contact your doctor or health visitor if you are worried, as if there cough continues for more than a week, and they begin to bring up Mucus they may need antibiotics and have an infection of some sort and they not a energetic as they usually are and have a high temperature seek medical attention and do go to A and E, especially if they develop a rash that won’t fade or they have terrible diarrhea.

There are some good indoor activities you can do whilst they are sick. Like me and Henry played Bowls and he has this painting book. where all you need is water and a brush and it changes colour in the image they are painting. We cuddle up on the sofa with a blanket and watched the snooker which I haven’t watched for years and did some reading and learning at home, like my mum bought my son a maths book and did this, this morning.

I hope that I have not scared you, just supporting you because often we can feel if we are doing the right thing when it comes to our kids and are sick, but do what you feel right and chat with other mums, that has helped me a lot.

Thank you for the follows and that you have liked my content on this blog and with the warmer growing near it is time to get outdoors, and make sure you have suncream and stay hydrated.

So many thanks for reading,

Carrie X