Tag Archives: kids welfare

Letting kids figure things out on their own

Kids need to figure things out by themselves when it comes to skills, like going down stairs with supervision, if they need a hand, and want go down them on their own, trying not to be anxious . When it came for my son, as he kept trying he found his own way of getting downstairs, and would slide down on his tummy, until he learned to walk down them.

Photo by Kampus Production on Pexels.com

He did have a walker and would whiz around the living room and when it came to walking if we noticed him he would sit down, and I swear that he was walking before we noticed, without us looking and the same with speech, which was limited at first but has improved lots. If he is reading and wants to hold the book I do and have him turn the pages, and if they want some time going through the pages of a book on their own, as long as they are safe, leave them to it. Of course if it is a book that is relevant for their age, and learning ability.

My son can be lazy, and still wants me to help him get dressed on some days, but I will put his clothes together, but will let him get on with it, and when he does it for himself, feels proud of himself, so some kids need prompting, but if they do it, give the praise. If your child demands that they want to do it by themselves then my tip, let them it means they want to be responsible and moving to the next step of their development. Check out a podcast by @melrobbins, who created the Let Them Theory, as you can use this method in many different ways:


I did write another blog about Letting them help with things like, making dinner and wanting to help wash up: If your child wants to help with the chores let them

When it comes to opening wrappers from sweets, if they pull away because they want to figure it out, then again leave them to it, and if you show them where to put it once they have taken off the wrapper, keep reminding them, because they will do this on their own naturally, and on their own.

If they want to put their own clothes and toys away, give them a place to put it and they will follow and make it into a fun game so it gives even more encouragement, and if they put it in the wrong draw then that is fine. Keep showing them where their stuff goes, then again they will follow, and becomes second nature.

If they want to help with gardening. this can be a really good fun task, and when I planted some flowers, my son loved putting in soil into the plant pot and on the flower beds. He helped my mum plant some carrot seeds and was eager to see if they had grown. It didn’t work well as the seed that were planted , appeared to have been taken by wildlife and birds. However, can be a great activity for kids.

The same with if they want to clean your car, or they want to vacuum or wash up. As long as your near by and it is safe to do so, let them do it and when they want to make their own breakfast, or their lunch, say yes, and studies have shown that if they have helped to make their meals, the more they will eat it, if they are fussy about food. Henry will now fill up his cup on his own with milk, and seeing my son develop gives me such comfort, and makes being a mum, well worth it, and thankful that I am a mum and a parent. It is rewarding and mind blowing too.

The more kids get to figure things out for themselves, the more their mind and body will develop and great for kids welfare.

I hope this helps you and just to let you know I have written books on parenting and can be found on amazon, under the names, Carrie Challoner, Carrie Lee Holmes and Carrie Holmes. I also add content on my Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/thetypicalLondongal/the-parenting-adventures/

I also have three Youtube Channel to:




Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X