One year on

My son is now 14 months and I think to myself where has the time gone.

I still get amazed with how much he had grown, to those who have subscribed on my wordpress site, many thanks.

I will be using this form of blogging again, but I do have a blog website too where I also post blogs about my parenthood adventures on

It has been an amazing experience, challenging but I would not change it for the world.

We have had tears and tantrums when trying to wean him onto our food aswell as baby food. Thank the lord for Elle’s Kitchen, Aptamil, Heinz and Boots do a good range of their own baby food too, and do a great price on nappies.

However seeing him eat a Petit Filous yogurt, a bit of chocolate (I know not the best thing to give please don’t judge me just wanted to see if he liked it or not) and little pieces of bread, which he has liked has been indescribable same with seeing him smile, talk, hold his head up, crawl, sit up and now standing for the first time.

Being a mum has changed my life and also my views on things. I think as you get older your look on things changes and opinions as you do see things differently when you reach certain stages of your life. Example how I saw things when I was 20 is now different to how I see things now as I am now in my 30’s. Being a mum changes the way you see things too, like working and on things such as bullying how I see myself, because I know that if I am not careful my son will pick up on my insecurities.

Also I have to watch what I say, trying not to swear is hard. I know I need to do it we tried the swearing box but didn’t last as I would have had no money at all. However with practice and persistence my cursing has got a lot better.

I do have to do things out of my comfort zone, like at the moment I am looking for a Childminder and it is hard trying to find a good total stranger to look after my child. Obviously I will meet them first but as a mum I can’t help but worry and the prospect of having to call around and meet up with the person I do get very apprehensive as I find certain social situations difficult.

However I know it will get sorted and I am enjoying present at the moment with my son but also looking forward to the future too.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X

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