The Truth About Parenting

Hello and welcome! So it is Saturday and I have got up early to start work and wanted to write this post which I think looking at the title I have written before, but that is fine. It is good to go back to prevous posts as life does change and so many things like my parenting skills have changed and grown too.

The Truth About Parenting I think is going to be a potential book idea, but want this to be a regular feature for my Parenting blog.

Here is a Youtube video I have done. The first one for a while on being a parent and is an intro video to this regular Parenting theme.

There are lots of things that you don’t get told when you become a parent and part of you thinks that it should come naturally but for some it does not.

Parenting is a life changing event and can turn your world up side down. I love my son, but a lot of it baffled me at times, and would say “How do I deal with this?” as my son has a meltdowns when I have taken him shopping and grabbed items of the shelves, making a load of tins and jars fall on the floor. It is an entire new world, one that I struggled with at times, but I have gotten through it, and I hope with my blog posts and videos I can help you too, if you have struggled being a parent for the first time.

So enjoy watching and many thanks for following me on this blog site, it does mean the world to me, and many thanks for reading,

Carrie (L.M) X

P.S: I do have a dedicated Pinterest board on my Parenting posts so go and check it out:

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