Tag Archives: signs that your child is unwell

When Kids Get Sick and how to tell if your child is well or not

I have written this type of blog before When our kids are sick and will continue to do so and the one thing that I think should be free or inexpensive to do is first aid, so good for parents because kids will get sick or have accidents and often will be unsure as to what to do.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

My son was unwell this week and so not the start to the summer holidays we wanted and getting an appointment for him to see a doctor was not easy but did get seen and turns out his has swollen glands and she thinks it is tonsillitis and needed a doctor, and speaking the receptionist to get an appointment told us to go to A and E.

You can see why A and E departments are struggling and all it needed was for the GP to check him over and was prescribed penicillin and if we had gone to A and E could have been waiting for ages and being that he has ADHD and was a little scared of the appointment would have caused him such distress so advice don’t let the GP Surgeries fog you off keep calling until you can get an appointment.

The main indicator for us was that Henry (my son) appetite had gone and he loves food and had a fever, along with fatigue and was quite red in the cheeks or pale. So look at the colour of their skin.

He was getting upset saying his stomach was hurting and had a high temperature and used Calpol to help, but his temperature kept fluctuating between 37.1 to 39.5 and it is worrying and so it is important that you get medical help. Being a parent we aren’t all doctors or nurses and we rely on our GP surgeries and you can talk to the pharmacy too. who can help but can only give a certain amount of advice and shouldn’t be made to feel guilty in feeling you are wasting the doctor or nurses time.

If they begin to get a rash and they have purple around the lips seek medical help straight away and if they become dehydrated and not weeing get help straight away too, and the other indicator we had for Henry was not being able to pooh easily and so was constipated. Sorry for TMI but want to keep my blogs real and use it as a source to help, should you be unsure and is a real indicator the your child is unwell and needs help by your GP and if, like I say begin to get worse and still unwell after trying everything you can to help your children get better, go back to your doctor. As the Doctor who helped us said to us, if no better to contact her for further advice and help.

As parents we know our kids and if they start to become withdrawn and have lack of energy then it is us parents who should be the dictator of if their child needs medical help or not and shouldn’t have to have a battle when calling the doctors for an appointment, to seek medical help and support.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X