Tag Archives: giving a newborn baby a bath

Becoming A Parent

Hello and welcome to a new parenting post. I am writing about becoming a parent, as it was 7 years ago that my son was bought home after spending his first month of him being in the world, in hospital.

Was I prepared? No! It was massive culture shock and I have created an Ebook to help you prepare for your baby who has come into the world.

When becoming a parent be aware that they can make a lot of noise especially at night as they are adjusting from being in your womb to being in the big wide world, and many babies when inside your tummy will be active mainly at night. The way to give your newborn baby reassurance as they do look for this, even when being a newborn baby, by swaddling them into a blanket or there are Swaddling blankets you can get.

Babies don’t have no sense of time, but they sleep mainly during the day. Henry at first didn’t like to be left in his Moses basket to sleep, so mainly slept when I was holding him, and they will even in the early years when you pick them up, become hungry because they associate you with food. This can be disheartening at first because you want them to associate you with love and effection.

They will do, but they can be super hungry when they are first born.

Never worry too much on breastfeeding, but do it if you can and if you want to. Formula is okay even at new born anda baby will still get the nutrients it needs.

9,092 Bottle Feeding Baby Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images -  iStock
Image from https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/mother-feeding-her-baby-picture-id1146850141?k=6&m=1146850141&s=612×612&w=0&h=ejHfwcHvUqQ4AJ-cS-UnXhWPKlm3ntsde3vALHPpGbA=

If you want to be shown how to properly bath your baby then speak to the midwives to show you, and practice with a doll first. I wish I had and been much more prepared in this area, as my sons first bath at home was diasterous because someone stripped him naked even before I got the bath ready.

The NHS method of safetly bathing a baby has changed, even from when Henry was born 7 years ago, here is a video they have created to show you, how to safetly give your baby a bath.

Don’t buy too many baby gros and nappies as once your baby is born they grow so quickly.

Getting organized for Christmas with a new born can be a lot of weight on your shoulders so delegate if you can, and doing a wish list online, such as on sites like Amazon, so they can see what you want to buy for family and friends and get your partners before baby is born so you don’t have to worry about this at all.

Don’t be put off in wanting items for yourself as being the mum of a new born, you can do with a treat or a splurge so do so, and no, do not feel guilty by doing this at all.

The main things you need to think about:

The other items are, take in a good book and put some music on your phone to listen too, as when I have another child this is exactly what I am going to do.

Having a baby is no easy task, and so if there are those that can lend a hand then take them up on it.

So I will be writing more and if you have just had a baby, then Congratulations.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie (X

P.S: I am raising money for the charity Tommy’s as they do a lot of work to support and raise awareness of Stillbirths and Premature births, so here is a link to my JustGiving page if you would like to make a donation. Many thanks in advance if you do so:
