Tag Archives: blog about the school run

School run how it has been better

I thought I would document this as I struggle and get very anxious over the school run and want to let you know about this because it can be a mission getting kids to school. Henry because of his previous school didn’t think he suited it when going up to the third year there, he was referred and now goes to another school he now has a taxi arranged by the local authority to pick him up to take him to and from school.

It did take a while for this to be sorted out, but now it has been done and I do feel a lot better. I hope you don’t see this as selfish but it was his previous school who made it clear they wanted him to change so we did, and had to contact an outside travel service and didn’t realise it was not straight forward when it came to the transport to his new school.

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I do feel that his previous school had let us down as they initially said that Henry would be helped and thrive in their open evening but not the case. For the first week and two days, I had to take him by local transport and called a taxi and turned up first time fine, but the other one didn’t turn up and so had to get two buses and a real mission.

Now we get help in getting our son to school has been a Godsend and thankful that Henry hasn’t had a meltdown about it and loves it.

So if you can get help in getting your kids to school then find out about it, especially if like my situation it means paying a lot on travel and it just another thing you don’t have to worry about and just being their for when he is picked up and then dropped back, helps take the pressure from it.

If you can get help then take it. I know I chose to be a parent, but that should not have anything to do with it and as parents getting a bit of support in whatever area you find a struggle then take them up on it, making sure it is safe to do so.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X