Tag Archives: building good habits

Behaviour Issues and setting Boundaries

The mornings are challenging at the moment, because my son won’t get his school uniform on without a fight. He is obsessed with Kinder Eggs and takes ages to eat his breakfast. If any of you are nodding, and you are having these issues, then fear not, as you read, you are not alone.

I find it is someway, payback because I wasn’t always an easy child and it would take me ages to get up and get dressed too, for school. My son likes getting up, I hated it. And I never liked going to school, so I get him.

He has so much energy that I find hard to keep up with him, and now that he won’t get dressed or brush his teeth, without me and his dad getting cross, it has added to my anxiousness in the mornings, making sure he gets ready for school in plenty of time.

Setting boundaries helps and so if he doesn’t get dressed then I remove his tablet, until he gets ready for school, and he must eat his breakfast. When he comes home from school he has to get changed and not allowed to play in his uniform, so if needs washing we can do that, and helps not having to wash his uniform all the time and make sure that he puts any dirty clothes, in the washing machine. It is important to me that he has responsibilities and looks after his stuff otherwise, he won’t be given another toy or a bit of chocolate and that he is thankful for the things he has in his life and family who love him.

This is not to make kids feel guilty but know what is right and what is wrong and care about what he has and so if he doesn’t do as I ask then he needs to see that, he can’t get what he wants if he pushes a boundary that is set into place. At my sons school he has been learning about sharing as he finds it hard, but to form good relationships sharing is a must. This was something I picked up from my grandparents and parents. because it is how you learn to be respectful and be kind to others.

Whenever I have a pack of crisps I will always offer one and was how I built up friendships and it would be reciprocated, and my son can be kind hearted. If he sees someone with a dog, he will now ask of their name, and if the dog is friendly as at one time he would just go up to a dog and that can be okay, but dogs can attack and so it is good to install boundaries when approaching an animal or a person and not fuss if he can’t sit down on a bus, and if someone gives him something he will says thank you, and will always make sure, and it is effective, is praise and give a good reaction so it installs goodness in his mind, and being kind and sharing becomes a natural process, and like drinking water and eating, just does it without being prompted.

Kids play up and often because they want to test your boundaries, and my son thinks if he asks over and over again, of something he wants but can’t have, eventually we will give in, and it can be tough, because part of me feels guilty and question myself, but he needs to understand that, he can’t have everything he wants and he needs to be good, and listen and do as he is asked.

Please check out my Pinterest site which has a lot of my content, including videos that you can watch: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/thetypicalLondongal/the-parenting-adventures/

I also write books, check out amazon, under the names. Carrie Challoner and Carrie Holmes.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie X